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PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:45 pm
Here's the first chapter of my fanfic. Hope you like it, I worked my a** off on it! gonk Please post a review of it if you could. I really need some feedback on it to see how it is to other people. Not many people actually appreciated the game, so it's hard to get people to read it! crying

Chapter I: Veterans

Out in the countryside of the Iron Mine Downs, a caravan of six were slowly approaching the Marr Falls, beside which rested their crystal and their families. It was in the warmth of spring after a mild, but white winter and the plants were springing up around the Adre River, which flowed from the falls that came from the summits of the Kutliema Mountains that form the eastern border of the known realm. The caravan followed this river as a guide to find their way home from a long five month trek for myrrh in far-flung areas of the world. They had travelled so far abroad in order to keep the closer myrrh trees ready for the fledgling caravaners that were to replace half of them. Every village knew of different trees from which they could draw myrrh. Some of these were commonly known while still more of them were kept secret. This wasn't to hide them from other caravans out of greed, but out of the necesity to have a stock of exclusive trees that the different villages could count on likely having myrrh undisturbed. In this way the villages wouldn't become rivals and argue over who would go to which trees.

The returning caravan was composed by two Clavats, one Lilty, two Selkies, and one Yuke. The eldest of the group, an aged Clavat with a care-ridden face, was named Arthur. He had fair, green eyes that shone with a deep wisdom of the years. He was also tall, having grown so in his proud youth when he was a very imposing, stout fighter. He had short hair that was once dark brown, but lately had begun to heavily fade to a lighter shade, with graying hairs dispersed among his darker hair. He wore a cloak to warm himself from the chill of morning. This cloak also concealed from unfriendly eyes his gleaming set of armor plated with carved diamond with narrow seams in between the plates. He wore on his left hand an ornate ring with a crystal shard mounted onto the untarnished silver band. That crystal would project its own small miasma-warding aura around the bearer for a period of time outside the aura of a myrrh-enriched crystal, such as the one on a crystal chalice or one protecting a town. On his other hand he wore another ring, one with a small orb of green magicite with a white core. Such rings as made by the ancient Yukes would allow the wearer to cast the spell contained within the magicite. Normally a magicite orb would crumble into dust after several uses, but magicite used in the construction of these magic rings was treated with a long forgotten spell while being bound into the ring. Furthermore, runes of power were carved into the ring itself to enhance the potency of the magicite so that the smaller orbs used in the rings would work as effectively as the common magicite orbs which tended to be bigger, the size of a large marble. The only piece of combat armory he bore besides the armor was a shield of steel on his left arm, although at the time he wore it on his back as he did between moments of danger.

The other Clavat, a middle-aged woman with a cold demeanor, was named Manna. She wore the countenance of a fierce, perceptive creature with whom few would willingly reckon. She had dark brown eyes and long blonde hair that always fell to bottom of her back. She wore about her neck a necklace with a golden tag hanging from it. This tag bore what people commonly referred to as an angel's tear, a smooth, smoky-white stone that always is found to have formed into the shape of a teardrop. Angel's tear was said to have the virtue of granting all nearby resistance to the elements, whether it be fire or ice. Those who wore it were granted resiliency to most forms of magic, save for holy or curative magic. She bore no armor but wore a light mail of mythril chains. On her left hand she wore a magic ring with a fiery magicite bound to it, a yellow core within a red shell.

The Lilty, who bore himself with much visable esteem, was named Guss, head of the Stade household. His orange eyes meshed well with his yellow hair. He was stocky and filled out his clothing with muscle. He proudly wore a complete suit of mythril plate armor, into the breast of which was embedded a crystal fragment that, like Arthur's ring, would ward off miasma allowing him to venture out of the protective aura of the crystal chalice for periods of melee combat. He carried on his shoulder, never relenquishing it to be carried in the papaopamus-drawn wagon, the mighty lance Hydre, an heirloom of his sires. It had a magical gem encased in the large head of the lance, which was wrought of pure orichalcum. No lance was its equal in all of the Downs, and only in the hands of the high guards of Alfitarian royalty would any find lances of similar craft, that being of the greatest smiths in history of the former Liltian Empire before it dissolved.

The two Selkies were betrothed to marry soon after the next year, when they too would retire along with Arthur to leave the new caravan to fend for itself. The Selkie man, named Da Keh, wore a jovial expression most of the time when they weren't battling. This was to the credit of his fianceé Momo Zi, who played with him constantly. Da had short blue-green hair and bright red eyes, and was tall like Arthur in stature, only he still had youthful, strong legs for jumping around wuickly while fighting. Da wore a large mythril belt fringed with white fur, as the Selkies were wont to wear in place of heavy armor, and it protected his vital organs below his sternum from blows. The Selkies always wore very light protective garments because they relied mainly on their agility in battle, rather than their defenses and strength. This isn't to say that they are weak, Selkies being the only near rivals to Lilties in sheer strength of sinew. Da fought with a magic racket that harbored the ability to send forth great gust of wind that could send enemies sailing through the air. The racket also bore sharp points on the end for cutting deeply into an enemy. He also wore a talisman on his blue tunic that was made of the beak of the giant bird known as a zuu. The talisman was carved with runes that granted the wearer enhanced speed and agility.

His fianceé Momo wore no armor at all. She wore a yellow corset for abdminal support, much like a weightlifter's girdle, so as to help her with acrobatic manuvers. She also wore a pink skirt of Selkie fashion, but cut at an oblique angle. She had long red hair that she almost always kept in a ponytail, since it enticed her fianceé so when she let it down to its full length. Having it pulled back gave great emphasis to her light blue eyes. She was short, only about five feet in height, and she had tone legs and arms, although she would not be counted as skinny by today's standards, however this only served to give her a more curvy figure. Her clothes had been embued with the oil from a gigan toad's skin, which had the property of defending against binding spells that would stop time for the victim. She also wore a light belt with a pair of griffin feathers attached to it and with mythril studs embedded throughout the circumference. She wielded an elemental cudgel, made of bronze and tipped with three long cerberus fangs. She wore in each ear a silver earring smelted with pixie dust so as to lend partial resistance to the elements much like the angel's tear that Manna wore.

The Yuke, whose name was Dio, was of the race gifted with natural skills in magic. Even so, he hefted the hammer rod Mjollnir, forged by his father who was one of the few Yukish blacksmiths. It had the ability to grow very heavy in mid-swing in order to inflict grievous injury to all who fell under it. His age showed in his gray feathers. He was at least fifty years old, married to a wife only thirty-six years old, but his knowledge of magic made up for hsi age, as well as his hammer. He wore a red tunic enriched with gigan toad oil that covered a mail of mythril links. His helmet had a crest upon the top, within which resided a worm antenna. The antenna of the giant worms was said to hold the power to prevent the slowing of time.

The caravan walked now within a three day journey to their homes in Adriosc, the village at the base of the Marr falls. They came to the edge of the nearby forest as it grew nearer to the river when a small white moogle came drifting up to them from the woods. He came up to them and into their aura before he said anything.

"Kupo! I finally found you! It's good to see you all well and returning safely again, kupo! I was sent out here to keep watch for you and bring word of your return to Adriosc. Not to break with the pleasantries, but I'll be off to give word for you! I'm sure the villagers can hardly wait any longer for news of you. How long do you think you will be in getting home, kupo?" He was one of the mail carrier moogles for the nearby towns. Since moogles were impervious to the miasma, they were used frequently to ferry messages between villages through the miasma. This one seemed very giddy indeed at the return of the caravan since he was friends with the moogles of Adriosc.

In response, Arthur climbed up into the wagon and began to compose a letter to be delivered ahead of their arrival. The moogle stood by resting on the wagon for the time being while the letter was written. After finishing, Arthur folded it up and gave it to the moogle. "We should arrive home within the next three days. We expect things to be in order when we get home, for much hardship have we suffered this year and we wish nothing more than to relax and enjoy a good meal with friends. Tell them that along with this letter."

"I most certainly will, kupo!" With that, the moogle took the letter and sprung off of the wagon and sped away calling behind him, "KUPO KUPOOOOO!" as he faded away in the distance.

"They must be magical creatures, being able to not only keep aloft but also to fly so swiftly upon such small, featherless wings," remarked Guss. "It is funny to watch them go!"

After the incident, all seemed quiet and at peace with their journey home. The only one of the group who was the least bit troubled was Manna. As she walked along, her mind drifted back to a time before she came to Adriosc.

It was back when she and her husband and son lived in a village not far at all from Adriosc. The village was fair and the grounds were bountiful. Her husband was a merchant of odd items and tools in their shop in a small town about four days journey to the northwest from Adriosc. One year, however, their caravan fell to monsters and never returned. On top of the caravan failing, orcs from the mines to the north had come to raid the town, apparently following the scent of the offending caravan who dared to enter their lair. Their numbers were so large that the forces within the town weren't enough to drive them off. The orcs waited until the time when their crystal would go out for the time to attack. The crystal went out weeks after the caravan's projected time of return, just 8 days since the orc blockade was established. With no refuge from the miasma, Manna and her family fled to the southeast. Shortly after leaving the village, the family happened upon a travelling merchant with a crystal and a wagon. They told him of their town's demise and that they needed him to take them to Adriosc. The merchant decided to help them, but he feared that the crystal wouldn't last much longer since it was suppose to recharge within the aura of the now dormant crystal of Manna's village. After three days of travel, the aura on the crystal was finally exhausted.

The miasma closed in and they had to try and walk the remaining distance to Adriosc. Nearly five miles from town, the family and merchant were waylayed by a group of four goblins. The merchant was the first to be slain, and after valiantly felling three goblins Manna's husband was killed. Only she remained to fend off the last goblin, so she took the fire ring she now wields with such skill and used it to kill the last goblin, but the strain the spell put on her inexperienced mind put her to sleep. Her son was left to weep over her, thinking her dead.

Soon afterwards, a moogle came flapping up the road to find a young boy laying atop his mother, trying to wake her to no avail. He told the moogle of their plight and the moogle hurried back to town to fetch people who could carry Manna and her son back with him. After being taken into the care of the town's cleric, Manna awoke to find that her son had died while she slept. His exposure to miasma was irreparable and he died because of it. She then swore that she would take part in the caravan of Adriosc in order to do as much as she could to repay the town that couldn't save her son, but did save her. She didn't want her new home to fall to miasma, and the only thing she could do was to see to it herself that it wouldn't.

Seeing the very same moogle fly away so fast, but this time in glee, made her think about such a painful memory. The same moogle flew away as quickly as he could, but for a different reason. The others took no notice of her grief, save for Arthur who began to walk even closer to her, almost daring to put his arm around her to comfort her.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:57 pm
Here goes chapter two!!! Enjoy! blaugh

Chapter II: Adriosc

Mago the moogle flew as quickly as his little wings could take him until finally, after a five hour sprint, he arrived at Adriosc just at half past one o'clock. The city itself was quaint, with the river running beside it lined with water mills used for many things from grinding to pumping the water out of the river and around town to a watering hole for the people on the side opposite the river. People were going about their business as usual when he arrived. Farmers were cleaning their first quickly grown crops in front of their houses. Fishermen were selling their fish to others. A dull glow could be seen shining out from the forges. The travelling Selkie merchants were peddling their wares to passersby. Stonemasons were laying brick for the walls of a new house, and from the looks of it an expensive house considering the durable materials being used. Children were helping their parents with their workloads, basking in affection all the while.

Finally Mago reached the town's crystal and hovered above it, a height of ten meters, and proclaimed that the caravan had been spotted three days walk from home. At this announcement, all nearby froze, and then in joy rushed outward to tell everyone who was away. Afterwards, the town was bustling even more than before, for they now had a celebration to plan. Everyone began to organize what was to be served, on what they should serve it, and whether to serve it after or before the ceremony. So much bustle went on that the city was a hive of activity. After night had fallen, the people settled down greatly since everything was then in order. The plans had been laid and now they could go about them at their leisure. The town was restless that night in anticipation of the caravan's return with myrrh to light their crystal once more.

The next day, Matthew awoke with a start, his yukish friend Galen waiting outside and calling for him to join him in training. "Wake up and come down here so we can get an early start!" he called in a stern, yet quiet voice so as to not wake anyone else in the vacinity.

"I'll be right down," replied Matthew as he bounded out of bed to get dressed. He threw on his usual clothes - an orange tunic stained and worn with toil, bound by a leather belt with a simple sword sheathed at the hip. His shaggy blonde hair was still a mess as he left to go downstairs. He stumbled down the steps rather noisily, still trying to rouse himself fully and manage with a body grown taller by a teenage growth spurt, and grabbed a piece of bannock , a striped apple, and a swig of water on his way out through the front door. Galen met him at the door and the two of them made their way to an open area just past some houses, but still within the aura of the town's crystal.

"Are you ready to try the spell again?" asked Galen. Since they had decided to join the caravan next year, the two had been waking up in the morning to train for combat before doing their chores. This was so they could learn their limits and know to stop before they became to tired to carry out their chores at home.

"Of course! I know I'll get it this time," said Matthew, resolve burning in his heterochromic eyes of blue and brown. He borrowed a thunder magicite from Galen, whose father had a good store of magicite in his keeping. Focusing on the power around him in the environment, he began to channel it into the magicite, and then gain control of it for his use. He would have to practice in order for it to come quickly enough to be effective in battle, but for the time he struggled to simply cast the spell. He summoned all of the inner control he could muster and finally bent the power to his will. He channeled it into his palm, and the magicite stuck firmly to his hand. He opened it towards a high pole and released it through his outstretched arm. A bolt of lightning descended and cleft the pole in two. Galen's red feathers stood on end beneath his green tunic while the charge lingered in the air around them.

"Well done! With a little more practice, you can try hitting something flat that won't subtly attract the attack. Then we'll see how accurate you can be."

Grateful for the advice, Matthew thanked him for his praise. "I really have quite a long way before I can channel magic as well as you, Galen," spoke Matthew with some effort recovering from the mental strain that the spell had caused him.

"True, I can channel it well, but it comes naturally to me. Also, my father taught me much on his time in between caravans. You know Mother hates it when he goes." Matthew agreed, having seen the distress Galen's mother exhibitted the last time Dio left for the quest for myrrh. "After you master the basics, you can learn how to enchant things for short periods of time. For instance, hold up your sword." Matthew obeyed after returning the magicite to Galen. Galen held the same magicite out and called down a small bolt to strike Matthew's sword, enshrouding it in an aura of electricity, only visible for fleeting moments. "Hit something with it now," instructed Galen. Matthew ran up and swung at the remaining base of the pole he had mostly detroyed. Upon contact, the base exploded into hundreds of splinters, the ones from the point of contacts having been scorched black by the heat of the electric attack.

"That's amazing!" cried Matthew. "I didn't know you could do that! You never showed me before!"

"That's what I'm going to be doing a lot of the time if we ever get into a battle together. I'll be strengthening your attacks so that you can better defend me while I carry out my magic. That's how it works when a mage and a warrior work together, or so I've been told." This seemed like the most logical strategy of fighting since Yukes aren't of much use as fighters.

After the commotion of the thunder magic, the Lilty brothers woke up. Michael and Johann got up and donned their chore attire, Johann in yellow and Michael in black, and began to make breakfast for their mother and themselves. Being accomplished cooks, under the tutilage of their mother, they created quite the breakfast indeed. They made some buttered toast with rainbow jam topping, grilled striped apple wedges with sugar glaze, some small steaks covered in sauteéd flat onion, and salad of sweet lettuce with sliced star carrot and steeple mushrooms. Their mother ambled out into the kitchen lazily and stretched, yawning and smiling at her two sons cooking breakfast for her. She sat at the table while her sons proudly served her the food they had made before taking their servings from it. None of it went to waste, as the two boys devoured the steaks eagerly for the protein needed to maintain their physical prowess. They also loved the glazed apples as one of their favorites (that's probably why they made them in the first place). By cooking themselves, they could eat whatever they wanted in this way. After finishing breakfast, they cleaned the dishes and placed them back into the cupboards of their well kept kitchen before each taking their mother's kiss to the tops of their red heads, grabbing their gear and heading out to join Matthew and Galen in the field.

"You're up early again I see," declared Michael, still wiping some sleep from his brown eyes. After news of the caravan's return, it was a matter of course that those next in line would try to get in as much training as possible before the caravan returned. This way, the caravanners wouldn't have as much to teach them in the short break between outings.

"I bet you have to get up early if you're going to study magic, otherwise you'll never keep up with our strength!" bellowed Johann. The two Lilties were fiercely proud of their race's strengths and loved to brag about such things, although they were still very good people.

"I think I'm pretty safe from you guys, even if you both came at me head on!" retorted Galen. At this, the two launched a mock attack on the Yuke. While these two Lilties held no personal grudge against Galen, the Yukes have always been uncomfortable allies with the Lilties, the Lilties treating magic with fear and sometimes disgust, favoring a more conventional method of battle. The Yukes, after all, were the only race who held it's own against the once great Liltian Empire of the olden days. Galen pulled two magicite from his pocket, one life and the thunder from earlier, and used them both to cast a fused spell. The skill needed to do one fused spell from multiple possible spells using the same magicite takes more than elementary skill, which Galen possessed in a pinch. The two brawlers slowed to a crawl while Galen dashed right between both of their spears. Only using the spell for as long as needed, Galen dispelled the effect after he was safely out of harm's way!

"Well, magic has it's uses, I suppose," conceded Johann," but what if I had been wearing armor that protected me from that sort of magic?"

"I could probably just paralyze you with the same thunder magicite I just used, but that would hurt you. Besides, you weren't wearing any such armor, so I used the appropriate spell for the time." Galen had a talent for analyzing the weaknesses in things that are succeptable to magic. He had gone over strategies in his head on how to confront many kinds of enemies. The Yukes are known for their tidbits of Yukish wisdom, often helping people to exploit the weaknesses of common monsters. Obviously, Galen was raised on such knowledge.

"How about we play nice and stick to our fortes. Galen and I will train with magic for a little while and you guys can train with weapons," proposed Matthew, being the peacekeeping Clavat he was. "Then, after a while we can swap partners and try fighting each other one-on-one." The Stade brothers agreed to this after some thought.

"It couldn't hurt to try out our skills on magicians such as yourselves. That would be great!" Matthew blushed at being counted as a magician, only being a novice in training.  



PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:59 pm
And chapter three! Hope you're still reading! domokun

Chapter III: Festivities

Late in the evening of the day the caravan was expected to return, the people waited anxiously in their homes. Soon news came that the caravan was near, and so everyone prepared for the feast. Food was prepared and flatware and dishes were laid out before every chair of every table placed in the town market. The area around the crystal was cleaned and debris removed from the streets. Soon more news of the caravan came, and it was that they were within view of the town. Everyone took their places that had been planned in advance. All patiently awaited the sight of their own caravan strolling back into town.

The papaopamus slowly pulled the wagon, knowing that soon he would be given a nice, soft bed of fresh grass in which to lay and sleep away all toil of the past few months. He carried his burden into town and halted before the stable where the other papaopamus sniffed the air lazily, catching the scent of a long unseen friend in front of the building.

Two lights issued from the wagon. One was Dio having conjured a steady flame that hovered before him a few feet illuminating his path. He unyoked the papaopamus and led him into the stable, leaving him in a well bedded stall with a large bag of fresh fruits and moist greens tossed together for his consumption. He resigned to eat slowly, laying down all the while to better enjoy his food. The second light, to which Dio came after putting up the papaopamus for the night, was the light shed by the crystal chalice as it had ceased casting an aura and instead was regaining its power through the aura of the town's massive crystal. Its glow lit the street up to thirty feet around, shining white upon all of the houses.

The caravan donned its finer appearance for the celebration. Arthur cast off his cloak so that his armor too shone in the darkness with a soothing sort of light of its own. So too did the crystal in the breast of Guss' plate armor. As the caravan continued down the street, they could see the faint glow of the town's crystal in the distance, which grew with every step they took. Soon they were upon it, standing in a large open square surrounding the crystal. Then from every path into the square townsfolk came marching solemnly inward. Every head of the house bore the family standard above their heads and few others carried torches to light their way through town. As all the lights converged they bounced off of the great crystal at the center of the square, reflected in many colors and hues different from the original lights that were reflected, causing a kaleidoscope of colors upon every face.

After all had congregated, in came the town elder carrying the book of rites and lore. After him came the most senior of retired caravanners, carrying the standard of Adriosc. Arthur, being the senior caravanner, carried the chalice to the pedestal before the crystal and set it down facing the crystal. Then he fell back to stand beside his fellow caravanners, who all stood side by side and looked solemnly upon the crystal. Months of work were about to prove their worth. The elder then approached the pedestal and opened the book of rites to one used for the Crystal Rejuvenation Ceremony. He cleared his throat and prepared to speak. The townspeople looked with admiration at the caravanners, and still others, mostly the children, stared up at the crystal waiting for the process to take its course. The elder began his speech in a loud, steady recitation of the rite.

Towards realm dark all mem'ries wend

From whence they come the minds of men

To where they downward spiralled rest

Upon reflective Mem'ry's Nest

O'er time sparce mem'ries will digress

'pon which could subsist the princess

But all forgotten things reflective

'pon which demon feeds collective

While former to myrrh transmutes

That latter not a morsel refuse

Thus mem'ries lost to monsters turn

And mem'ry weaving mortals yearn

For this survival's drive has done

From fall of night to setting sun

During the reading, the water contained in the chalice could be seen evaporating into a mist from which spawned hundreds of floating lights that drifted upwards and surrounded the crystal, clinging to its surface and causing it to shine even brighter. From the next word on to the end of the rite, all of the townsfolk spoke as one and joined the elder in the spell.

O keepers of the crystal

Thy mem'ries to the light shall flow

Forgotten jewels that lose their glow

In time they shall return anew

To be gathered like drops of dew

Journey forth, seek the water of life!

At the final word, the elder shot his hand up towards the crystal and with a flash, the crystal shone forth ever brighter than in the recent memories of the townspeople. After a brief silence as they adjusted to the new, wholesome light of their refreshed crystal, everyone cheered and shouted in delight at the tops of their lungs. Others still wept with joy at the return of their caravan. All now closed in on the caravan and rejoiced in their presence. In the midst of their revelling, some of the people stole away to bring out the feast they had prepared. Dishes of unusual dilectability were served at the tables in the agora while others danced around the crystal to joyous music played by minstrels and musicians of remarkable skill. Fond memories were made that night and it still had only begun!

After things had settled into a merry rhythm, the caravan took to the top of a table to give a speech to the town. Before any could speak, though, Selena Stade stood above the throng, and that's saying much with her Lilty stature.

"I know that we do this every year, but this year is of a kind that comes only once in my lifetime, for my dear husband is finally retiring from the caravan!" The people all applauded at this exclamation. "That being said, it still grieves me to send my two, beloved sons in his stead, who have been such help to me as to keep my own fingers from lifting save for in the care of their sister!" At this, laughter uproared from the people listening. "Although, I must say that the day they took up the cooking was a most agreeable day indeed, for those two have appetites the likes of which would give an ogre a stomach ache! All the same, I feel confident in their safe return when sending them off with such veteran caravanners as Arthur, who so graciously has consented to stay with the fledgling caravanners during their first year of service." Applause broke out even louder than before, and many admiring glances fell upon the worn Clavat of whom Selena spoke. He simply smiled in return, being ever humble as one should be. "May your blades stay sharp on your journey!"

After that, Selena seated, but as soon as she did Dio's wife Hilde arose, flashing a fiery gaze at her husband. Although no one but Dio could see it, her glare seared into his sallet like magic fire. "After another venture of five months, my husband has finally decided to retire for good this time, although there's no telling if this time he will hold to his promise. It would seem that he worries far more for his caravanners than he does for his wife!" At this, the villagers rolled their eyes and resigned themselves to a long verbal thrashing on Dio from his wife, but Dio retorted with more than his usually dejected mumbling.

"I worry for the caravan's safety because its of the utmost importance for the safety of the whole village, not to mention my wife's!" She seemed taken aback by this unforseen reply! She stared in amazement at him for what seemed like minutes, and then conceded that he had her in his heart every time that he snuck off with the caravan every year. No words were spoken of this, but those who saw knew without them. Hilde ran up to the table and embraced Dio, forgetting all of the grievances he had put her through over the last many years by remaining with the caravan for that one moment of joy. Everyone clapped their hands at the sight of such affection. Dio them left the stage to sit and dine with his wife for the remainder of the festival.

Next came the elder, slightly perturbed by the goings on, but still moved by all that had happened. "If its alright with everyone, may we proceed to what the caravan has to say of the world outside?" To this, most agreed. The elder sat and bid the caravanners tell their tales.

Guss was the first to speak of the five remaining on the stage. "During our latest journey, we have observed a growing frequency of goblin encounters; usually they have been seen heading north past our lands. We cannot be certain, but we are almost sure that our village has not been discovered yet. It would seem that the goblins are migrating towards the Old Iron Mines in the northeast of the Downs. How they would expect to share quarters with the orcs of Cathuriges eludes our reason, but it seems to us that they aren't being met with resistence. Otherwise they would surely not be migrating with such frequency all in the same direction. What this portends to we dare not guess, but let us hope that that proves opposite to fact." Guss now stood silent and Manna began to speak. Murmuring could be heard among the crowd concerning the curious news.

"Not all news is serious, although. Be enlightened to know that the people of the Pass to the west, of Lake Shella to the far northwest, and of the Plains of Fum are all prospering in their own ways. The libraries of the Yukes are growing all the time, the fields Fum are still very abundant and have added a new crystal to their farmland thus increasing their potential for more crops next year! The Lilties of the North and of the West are still at odds, but in no such way that is aweful. They just lead different lives. We had taken it upon ourselves to seek out trees more remote than usual so that the new caravan will have less travel to endure on their first outing, so we can be grateful that that journey is over." Only the caravanners really appreciated that statement. The rest could understand, but not really grasp what the caravan had to go through in order to do what they had done. They had sought to make it easier on the fledgling caravanners as best they could as quickly as possible. Now Arthur spoke, his voice deep and wise in manner.

"If I may address our future caravanners, I would like to impress upon them the magnitude of their charge." All of the caravanners to be came to the front of the audience. "As a crystal caravan, the lives of all of the villagers are in your hands. For all the things that occur in this village, what happens elsewhere is what determines its fate. If there is a bad harvest, the village can scavenge or rely on import. If the weather is ill, or the Adre floods, destroying many houses, the village can be rebuilt. If the caravan falls to circumstances, however, the people cannot scavenge to survive. There can be no rebuilding. All of the ones that you love will perish with you!" With this statement, the caravanners looked at one another with concern. "This responsibility isn't something that is given to someone, it is taken upon oneself. I truly hope that each of you fully understands the implications of your choice. If you join for adventure and fame, then the caravan is not for you. If you come, you must come for the sakes of all whom you love, not for yourself. If you seek wealth or glory, be seated now, for the strength of a caravan comes from working together. For instance, if you Stade Brothers were to become poisoned or frozen in time, or even cursed or all together, who would save you?" The lilties looked to each other and pondered his words. "If you Galen are overwhelmed and the enemies come so close as to turn your magic against you, how will you survive? Working together is the only way that you will be able to complete this journey."

The whole caravan looked at each other and took his words to heart, but not one of them took a seat. They all knew what he was saying and they knew that he was right. "Keep in mind also, however, that not all is difficult. We have made a special effort to see to it that this next trip is far easier than the usual ones. We've taken care to leave several nearby trees untouched so as to ease the journey. Do not dwell on the danger overly so, for Da Keh, Momo Zi, and I will accompany you on your maiden voyage. We will see to it that you make it through and learn all that you will need to know along the way. So come now and do not brood over the dangers of the road, but also look forward to the new sights you will see, the fascinating people you will encounter, and as my Selkie companions like to keep in mind, the treasures you may find and bring back with you. Who knows? Maybe you will uncover a new fragment of crystal that could be used to expand our town, or one that can enlarge the aura within which you can fight on your way! Look forward to the journey ahead of you. Many people don't get the chance to go where you will go." With that final statement, everyone applauded Arthur as he took a seat.

After Authur had been seated, the town elder took the stage. "I have an announcement to make. It concerns retiree Manna. Everyone in the village already knows of this, so its really an announcement just for you, Manna." Everyone around her began to buzz with excitement. "You who have come from a doomed village and lost your family along the way, and yet have chosen to serve our city for so long in the crystal caravans, is deserving of much more than any sum of gold that we can muster. Therefore, in return for your dedication of twelve years to the city of Adriosc, the people of this town have seen to it that during your absence since the last departure, a very comfortable house has been constructed for your ownership." Immediately upon those words, tears began running from Manna's eyes. Those around her huddled closer and patted her gently on the back.

"It has already been furnished with your possesions as well as some of our local carpenters' finest handiwork. If there were anything we could do for you, it would be to try and give you a home of your own. No longer will you have need to stay with the Messa family. You have a house of your own. We hope that we weren't too presumptuous." She instantly shook her head.

"No, far be it from me to deny anyone who, who..." she paused to sob once," who wishes to give a home to me after already saving my life before! I truly thank you a million times over!" Now the caravanners as well as the whole audience took up the celebration once more. Many more memories were made that night, not least of which were the memorable speeches made by the caravanners and their families.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 8:13 pm
<< Chapter 1 Review >>

Wow, those character descriptions were intense. Very detailed. I loved em.
I've never actually read a FF:CC fic where the caravanners aren't in their teens. Way to be different man! Awesome

<< CHapter 2 Review >>

P: Now I'm hungry. I wonder what rainbow grapes taste like.
Your writing is so detailed, I'm jealous. I love your char descriptions and interactrions in this chapter. n_n  


Quaint Snowfriend


PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:52 pm
Thank you. We actually carried a product in the produce department at the Walmart I work at called rainbow grapes, although it was only concorde and niagara grapes (blue and green). We had some that were red, green, and black/purple a while back, though. I called them rainbow grapes! rofl I tried to spend a lot of time on character descriptions cause I usually don't in my other writings, fictions that I made up myself.
Here's chapter four! mrgreen

Chapter IV: Late Recruit

Arthur quickly descended the stairs to the kitchen, where he found his mother and younger sister already eating. "Good morning Mother, Jillian," he said as he sat and helped himself to a vine of rainbow grapes, toast, and a small steak.

"A very good morning with you here, my son," his mother began. "How was this year out there?"

"Well enough, I suppose," he replied.

"Have you still your secret love for Manna?" asked his sister.

Arthur hesitated before responding. "It would seem that after twelve years she still grieves for her late husband and only child. I should be considerate of her losses." His sister shot up at this statement, it seeming to be exactly what she was waiting to hear.

"So you deny yourself to protect a supposedly agrieved woman that you love? Brother, if she grieves she does so only in appearance, for I speak wth her often while you're on leave. I can assure you that your affections would only do her good and, moreover, be returned!"

"I couldn't possibly," he began, but he was interrupted.

"When will you ever do something for yourself? Why must you always bother with everyone else?" Her harsh words shocked Arthur as much as the look in her eyes. "Do you really think that she wants to die an old lonely lady? Do you think her husband would want that for her? I think that she knows what she wants, and that's to move on like she's begun to do. Your love and support could only help her to do that!" Her words hit hard and his thoughts turned to things not even considered before.

"What of my family? I won't be in the caravan after this last journey, so how am I to support you and a wife?"

"In case it has eluded you, Mother and I have been doing well in your absence, only dipping into the spoils you left for us in times of dire need. We can get by without it; in fact a good deal of it remains! Just as you can't take for yourself, we can't take from you, Brother." She let out a great sigh, having said what she meant to say and had waited to say since she couldn't remember when. Finally Arthur spoke after a long while.

"I will tell her, in time." Jillian almost started again, but her mother held onto her arm. "I will let her know at my own time. I will do all that I can to make her happy," he paused, "and myself. It must wait until next year, though, for I don't want her to worry while I'm away." He then got up and dashed to the door. "Now I'm off to instruct the next in line." With this, he left his family to themselves and didn't look back, settling to think only for the future caravan at the moment.

At the usual clearing, the new caravanners were hard at work training, trying to improve their skills more than before, driven by Arthur's strong words the night before. While sparring with Johann, Matthew's eye was caught by a bit of movement in the corner of his vision. It was Arthur walking slowly through town, breathing deeply of the cool, springtime morning air. Matthew barely deflected a vertical blow before dashing past Johann to pursue Arthur.

"Hey, where are you going?" shouted Johann, annoyed by a fleeing opponent.

"I don't know, just continue without me for a bit!" replied Matthew. Johann just shook his head and turned to the others.

Matthew dashed after Arthur, although walking would have caught him up easily enough. "Hail, caravanner!" he called, bringing Arthur to turn and come out of his own thoughts.

"Good morning, Matthew. How comes your training?" Arthur sounded distracted, as if he had said the first thing that came to mind.

"Very well! I can almost reliably cast simple spells, with Galen's instruction. Also, you may call me Matt if you want."

"So I shall then, Matt." he said with a forced smile.

"What are you doing today, your first day back home?" Matt asked as casually as he could. Arthur's mood lightened a little, his mind finally torn from thoughts of Manna.

"I'm off to bring the last members of the caravan to the training grounds. They take some... direction to get up in the mornings. Either they are both a bother to rouse, or they are engaged in love play and won't stand for interruption. They are the most obvious examples of mutual infatuation that you'll ever see, in my reckoning." At this, Arthur's mood went withdrawn once more. Matt noted the change carefully.

"I see, so they're perfect for each other then!" Both arrived at a small brick house with plants climbing up the outer walls, the yard having been unkept for the most fertile beginning of spring. Smoke puffed slowly from the chimney. Arthur walked forward to the door and pounded loudly at it so that Da and Momo were sure to hear him. Following the door pounding, someone could be heard within falling to the floor with a thud. It seemed to be a man judging from the voice that yelled in surprise. Matt stepped up out of concern, but Arthur stayed him with his arm.

"If I know them at all, Momo has kicked Da out of bed to answer the door. Momo always sleeps between him and the wall, claiming that it helps her to feel safer that way, but I think its so that she can always say that Da is closer to everything else!" Confirming Arthur's theory, Da opened the door still rubbing his head from the fall. Momo could be seen in the back of the one-room house, pulling the covers on the bed ever more tightly around her to counter the cool air coming in from the door.

"Morning, Art. To whom do I own the pleasure of being pushed from my bed by the feet of my fiancee?" Da asked while eyeing Matthew.

"This is Matt, but he only followed me here. I was actually wondering if you and the beauty attached to your hip would care to train with us today. Should I try another day?" Da groaned wearily.

"Well, with all due respect, we would really like to sleep for perhaps a week or two before anything else, as I'm sure the others are doing. Your dedication is respectable, as always, but we will politely decline. Sorry, old man." At this Arthur shook his head.

"No, it is I who needs pardoning. Apologize to Momo Zi for me when she comes around."

"Oh, its quite alright. I'm sure her reaction was as unconscious as she still seems to be. She was always the harder one to wake."

"That's true," replied Arthur with a laugh. "Well, I apologize again. I'll wait until you come of your own mind. Sleep well in the meantime."

"Thank you," was all that Da Keh said before shutting the door. Arthur turned first to go, with Matthew only noticing after a few seconds.

"He's a right to be grumpy after I wake him from sleep with his fiancee," explained Arthur, since Matthew clearly thought that Da Keh had acted a little rudely. After a while of walking still further into town, Matthew noticed that they weren't returning the way he had come from the training grounds.

"Where are we going now? asked Matthew. "Aren't we going to head back to the training ground?"

"There's still one more person in our caravan," Arthur replied with a smile on his face. "A late recruit, you could say, but with just as much skill as anyone."

"Who is it? I've not heard of this until now." Just as he said this, Matthew passed his own house. His little brother ran to the window when he saw his bigger brother.

"Coming home early today, are you? Did the seniors show you anything amazing?" yelled Ivan.

"No, we're not finished yet. I'll tell you later, though!" he yelled in reply. Suddenly, Arthur led Matthew down a road just past Matthew's home, a road that he had gazed down longingly so many times before. "Are we going to see Mr. Fletcher? He's not going with us, is he? He couldn't leave his daughter alone back at home. She'd miss him so." Arthur began to stifle a chuckle when he turned to Matthew.

"Actually, its his daughter who is to come with us!" The news hit him like a ton of bricks. He hadn't imagined Nora coming with them. Just the mere thought of her made him blush.

"When did she decide this? Why? Are you sure she's really up to the task?" Matthew rattled off questions as if he were worried sick for a lost puppy.

"I've mind to accept her because she was actually swayed to come by the words spoken last night. She has said that she felt compelled to join for the sake of those she cares for. As for her being capable, you will see for yourself." Arthur patted Matthew on the head before circling around the edge of the fence surrounding the Fletcher residence. After rounding the corner, Matthew caught a glimpse of someone in the window, next to the door, before he or she quickly let drop the curtains. As soon as they arrived at the door, it opened wide and out Nora came with her gear already prepared and slung on her shoulder.

She was not what some would consider ravishing, without the seductive form of a Selkie, but Matthew looked upon her with eyes that also knew who she was on the inside. She was quite pretty as far as Clavat women go. She was still a maiden of seventeen years, being one year older than Matthew and with a face unmarred by adolescent acne. Her dark brown hair was longer that it seemed; being curly as it was, it only reached down to her shoulders. She was taller than most girls, about 5'8". She wore a mythril hauberk beneath her white Clavatian long shirt that went all the way to the knuckles in the arms, and down to her knees at the bottom. The hauberk could only be seen overlapping the collar of her long shirt and hanging down over her chest and shoulders. Otherwise it could be softly heard clinking underneath her clothes. She wore thick black stockings covering her legs. She wore the usual armguards over her elbows, but the sleeve on her left arm was hemmed back to accomodate a bracer. Over her shoulder she carried a quiver with a polished wooden bow unstrung and around fifteen arrows.

"Good morning Arthur, and thank you for this opportunity," Nora said, sounding very grateful. "And a good morning to you Matt. What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came along with Arthur when I saw him walking through town. Just on a whim, really. How are you?" Matthew was very nervous, but he had plenty of practice hiding it from her.

"I feel good today. Perhaps its the renewed crystal to credit for the good morning. Anyway, we should get along with our training. I'll need to catch up, I'm sure." Nora turned and closed the door behind her.

"Yes, we probably should," Matthew said, no longer feeling that having Nora there was such a bad idea.

They began to make their way back through town with Nora behind them. Matthew felt as though Nora were staring a hole in the back of his head, but she was really just sifting through her things looking for something she needed. After passing Matthew's house she found what she sought and handed a ring to Arthur.

"What can you tell me about this ring, Arthur?" Nora asked. "My father put it with my things, but doesn't know what it does." After turning it over in his hands, Arthur gave it back to her.

"Put it on," he said. "It is a magic ring, liken to my own. Its color of stone and the runes on the face tell that it holds the powers of clarity. It can be used to cure many ills. We shall need it before our journey is through." Nora looked over the ring, noticing the pure white of the magicite, before putting it on her right hand. It was too big for any usual fingers of hers, so she wore it on her thumb.

"Might I look at your ring?" she asked, wanting to compare the condition of hers to his.

"Of course you may," Arthur said as he slipped it from his right hand and gave it to her to see.

"Your ring appears to be less tarnished," she openly observed.

"I've cleaned it up and touched up the engraving," he explained. "It strengthens the ring to clarify the runes. Dio helped me since I had no prior knowledge of ancient Yukish runes." After noting the color of Arthur's ring, she returned it and resumed rumaging carefully through her small bag. She pulled forth a small box with a padded interior. Inside lay a pair of eyeglasses that she took out and put over her eyes.

"I didn't know that you wore glasses!" remarked Matthew. He had just turned around to see her putting them on. Nora's face turned away from is, showing her disapproval for the glasses.

"I don't really like them. They probably make me look like an old lady!" she said with disdain. Matthew playfully turned around and looked at her face, his own being awkwardly close to hers. She wanted to pulled away by reflex, but she held still allowing him to judge her; somehow she felt as though his opinion could change her own. His gaze made her nervous in her stomach, but she just stared back at him with a wide-eyed anxious expression.

Really Matthew didn't care how she looked in the glasses. As far as he could see, they only made her look cuter with er nervous expression and drew attention to her beautiful blue eyes. He just gazed at her eyes for what seemed like a suitable amount of time, and then said, "I think you look... alright," with a suddenly timid tone in his voice. He was taken off guard actually looking at her so closely. He had intended to tease her, but found that he couldn't when it came to it. What he found himself doing was very bold for him. Arthur simply stood by and admired Matthew's courage, smiling to himself.

What surprised Matthew even more than hsi own behavior was seeing Nora's eyes drop downward from his face and her cheeks turn red just before she said, "Thank you, Matt."

"Sure," Matt replied. Sensing the tension in the air, Arthur interrupted.

"You both know that time won't wait for you! Let's go."

"Right!" Nora and Matt replied simultaneously. Hearing each other say the same, they both laughed before resuming their trek.

Well, there's the fourth chapter, and they still aren't that much closer to getting out on the road. Sorry!!! I did at least give you some drama, right? And some cute stuff, too! Arthur and Manna, Da Keh and Momo Zi, and finally Matthew and Nora! Oh, the cuteness... IT FILLS ME!!! IT IS NEAT! Anyway, the next chapter is all about their training. Then maybe in a chapter or two after that, they will finally be hitting the road. Please be patient. I hope you find the inbetween stuff sufficient...  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:25 pm
Shortly into this fic, I realized what other writers such as Masami Tsuda had spoken of. After you formulate characters in your mind, they start to develope and do things all on their own without a whole lot of creativity on the writer's part. That's the way its been with this fic. I started out saying that by chapter five or so, I would get them out and into a dungeon, but now its chapter five and they're still in town and just begun to train. I actually have chapter six and seven already completed by hand in a notebook of mine that I take to work and write about three pages in it everyday. I just haven't gotten to typing them yet. Even at chapter seven they are only on their second week of training, but I have planned that they would stay in town for two months before leaving, so yeah... but its all good stuff that happens in those chapters!
Anyway, here's my next chapter! It's by far the longest one yet, over 700 words longer in fact! Enjoy, please review!!!

Chapter V: Promise

"I'm afraid I won't be any use as a weapons instructor. It has been so long since I last used one, therefore I will instruct you all in the use of magic." Johann and Michael cast each other concerned glances. After returning to the training grounds, everyone sat in a semicircle around Arthur. "Yes, I also will instruct you two. Before you say anything about not needing to know magic, I'll have you know that your own father became proficient enough to enchant his own lance with magic instead of relying on Dio to do everything. I especially want you to learn curative magic so that you can save yourselves if the need arises." After Arthur had finished, he asked Galen to stand up.

"I have this to say about magicians such as the Yukes. They do not need magicite to use magic; it is something that they can do and no one else. We all have heard of the wonders of Veo Lu, such as the vanishing bridge of Shella that only appears after one is deemed a friend of the city. The magic I wish to show you and that I want Galen to hone is defensive magic." At this point Galen felt kind of embarrassed for being singled out. "Galen, if you would stand right there, that would be helpful," Arthur said as he took twenty good steps away before turning around.

Galen didn't know what to do, so he just stood there watching Arthur from a distance. Arthur raised his right hand and a red light eminated from it. Then he lifted his left hand and a bright white light shone from it. Then Galen saw Arthur wink at him as if cueing him to do something. "Defensive magic!" Galen thought as he realized what Arthur was about to do. Arthur's hands came together in front of his and a bright red beam of light shone forth. It reached Galen and exploded the very ground upon which he stood. Fire and light shone and three more explosions followed before all ceased.

When the caravan looked again, a smoldering crater remained and Galen stood beside it unscathed. The Stades applauded and shouted, "Arthur, your aim was off!"

"No, my aim was sure." He turned to Galen. "Show them, please," he asked. Galen nodded and then disappeared completely. The others gasped in shock.

"Where did he go?" Matthew asked.

"No one knows. It is called phasing, and only Galen and most other Yukes can do it. They can alter their prescence in this world, making them disappear and protecting them from everything. Only yukes can do this." Galen reappeared and took a deep breath.

"Could you at least warn me before you almost kill me next time!' spat Galen.

"I'm sorry, but I thought that you knew what I was doing," Arthur apologized while patting Galen on the back. "You father would be proud of you, pulling it off on the first try. Well done!" Then Galen's focus changed from danger to learning.

"What was that spell anyway?" he asked.

"It was a flare spell. It requires a fire magicite and a light magicite. It's one of Manna's favorite weapons."

"Well that's all good for him, then! The Yuke can hide from danger, but what about the rest of us who can't disappear into thin air?" shouted Michael.

"You won't see anything like that this year. No one we'll encounter will be capable of such complex spells," Arthur assured him, seeing that he was frightened. "For the rest of you, you will have to learn to avoid magic, or to incapacitate the enemies who use it."

"We'll be alright," began Johann. "We Lilties will have to rely on our strength to see us through. There's no way that we're going to run from enemies or hide from them!" he half-yelled, directing the last comment towards Galen. Arthur could see that they were just scared, but he had had enough of their losing their heads.

"If I were you, I wouldn't speak so openly of Lilty pride or anything similar while outside of town. People will get offended by it if they don't understand you personally," he scolded deliberately and slowly. "Do you want to hear of the strength of you predescessors?" Neither of the Lilties spoke. "The Lilties of old believed themselves to be greater than all others in this world. Us peace loving Clavats have learned to forgive them for their pride and competative nature, but many others haven't. They use to say that Yukes were mad, that Selkies were nothing by wayward brigands, and that Clavats were only good for digging holes and calling them houses! During the height of the Liltian empire, the Yukes were assailed by the Lilties. They outnumbered the Yukes, so the Yukes built created the bridge of Shella to keep out enemies of the city. They managed to survive and hold off the Lilties by using their minds. There is no shame in hiding from merciless enemies greater than yourselves!"

All had fallen quiet, none of them daring to speak.

"Did you not listen to what I said before? Teamwork is essential!" Still no one spoke. "Answer me this. how would you go about defeating an Abbadon from Tida?" he asked Michael.

"What is it exactly?" he asked.

"It's a giant mantis that hovers just out of reach of weapons. It attacks with gust of wind, swooping strikes from its huge armored arms, and it can curse you, decimating you strength." Michael began to reach for some way that he could kill such a thing by himself.

"I suppose I could throw my spear at its wings." It was a feeble attempt and he knew it.

"Your lance isn't meant for throwing, but for close combat. Also its body is covered in a thick exoskeleton, so you would need all of your weight behind the spear before you could even hope of cracking its skin. In this case, your Lilty strength would be futile." The two Lilties kept their eyes averted, not wanting to face the fact that they couldn't do everything.

Seeing their distress, Arthur bega to reconcile with them. "You might wish that you were strong and capable, but wishing it so won't change your aptitudes. Try and think about it. How could we bring such an insect to your blades?" he asked, rewording the question so that they could understand. Michael wouldn't answer, but Johann finally offered an answer.

"Could we use magic to somehow stop it from flying?"

"Yes, there is a spell that temporarily makes things heavier. This spell must always be used on such beasts, making it impossible for them to fly and thus allowing you to defeat them. Do you see now? You two will be very helpful by providing your melee fighting. Your friends can help you by dealing with monsters such as the abbadon, helping you to do what you do best." Finally understanding what he meant, Michael looked to him.

"So, the Yuke will provide us with support so that we can fight agile monsters. The Clavats will also helpus to fight, right?" Arthur nodded, happy that he was finally getting through to his students. "And what if we get hurt?"

"You're Lilties after all, so how hurt can you get?" interrupted Nora. "You wear the strongest armor you have, and you have Arthur, Galen, and I behind you!" she exclaimed, helping to rebuild their morale. They both smiled, regaining their swagger.

"We'll be invincible!"

"Not invincible, Michael," Arthur said. "Not invulnerable, but if you fight with all that you have, every goblin will cower before you. Just trust in your friends and fight your hardest and you will be unstoppable!"

The Stade brothers had regained their confidence thanks to everyone playing to their egos. Finally, after a long time of silence, Matthew broke in.

"Well, it was Arthur who said it first and I say it now. The year won't wait for us, so let's try and learn something good today! My brother's counting on me!" Galen was the first to laugh, and the others followed suit shortly after.

"Oh course, we wouldn't want to disappoint your Ivan, would we? He looks up to you so!" chuckled Arthur. "Well, where was I?"

"I think that for the sake of Nora and the Lilties we should start with basic magic," proposed Galen.

"You are correct! Thank you," Arthur said. "Well, the most basic application of magic is using what is commonly referred to as a focused attack. Even Lilties frequently employ this power." The Lilties were relieved to hear that their own people use such an attack.

"Basically, magic is the art of channelling energy from around you and into a medium. By using magicite, you can give form to the energy. When using a focused attack, however, you concentrate the energy into one's body or into a weapon to make them stronger.

"For example, you could use the energy to make yourself jump very high into the air, coming down onto your enemies with more force. You could also use it to jump further and faster, building more momentum, so that you can cut through you foes. If your weapon has a crystal in its end, you could focus the energy into it and then fire it as a beam of energy. Most Selkie weapons utilize this without using crystals." Arthur stopped abruptly when Johann's hand flew up. "Yes, Johann?" he said in acknowledgement.

"It's John, if you like. Anyway, if magic power comes from the world around us, then does that mean that Yukes harbor no strength of their own?" he asked, seemingly trying to assert that Lilty possess true strength and that Yukes take their power from somewhere else. Arthur's face went stern again.

"Just as you command great strength from your body, Yukes do so with the energy around then. What strength you have is great if you can control it. The same goes for the Yukes. While less strength they have, they also possess greater control over the power of magic. We all have our talents. Your's is strength. Yuke's is magic, Clavat's is endurance, and Selkie's is speed. All talents we each possess in different amounts, therefore we are all equal!" Arthur said, his frustration showing in his voice.

"I am sorry," said Johann with a bow of his head. "Please continue with the instruction. I will wait and see the skills of each tribe for myself." He said this humbled, and Arthur began again.

"As I said, a focused attack is the same as magic, but the medium is different. When power is focused into magicite instead, it gives the energy a malevolent or benevolent form." This time Arthur was interrupted by Galen.

"So, if energy is from the environment, where does it come from? We don't take it from other living things, do we?" he asked with concern.

"No we don't. I may have mislead you. Some scholars of legends and myth believe that the energy comes from a world referred to as the Nest of Memories in the old stories. This realm is devoid of light save for the moemories lost over time. This world is parallel to our own, meaning that its like a world that we can't see, but overlaps ours so the energy is actually all around us, but we can't see it. Everyone forgets things, and these things are turned into myrrh in this other world. The power of this realm is also open to those in this world to use. People forget most of their everyday lives eventually, and every memory lost is power that one can use later. Your own lost memories power your magic!"

"Has anyone ever run out of magic?"

"If your memories are always being lost, save for the strongest ones that you keep, then its unforseeable that anyone could run out. Besides, the power of memories is immense. One mundane memory could power a great spell." After finishing, Arthur changed his train of thought. " I think that you all know enough of the basics, so now I want to see some practice. Everyone take a magicite," he said as he passed around a sack of magicite. Each person took one, save for Galen, and after that Arthur took the bag back.

"First you should know that magicite only works so many times. As you use it, it starts to wear until it finally crumbles into dust. There are ten different types of magicite known of today. Fire, ice, lightning, wind, water, poison, light, cure, life, and clear. Each has its own distinctive color. Fire is red, ice is white within blue, lightning is violet within blue, wind is green, indigo, poison is black within green, light is pink, cure is sky blue, life is yellow, and clear is pure white. You all must learn to recognize magicite before we leave for the journey. You must also learn spell fusions needed to make higher spells like gravity, slow, stop, haste, barrier, flare, and holy, as well as higher elemental spells." The new caravanners stared at him as if overwhelmed. "Don't worry, we'll start slowly. Just basic spells for now." They still wore nervous faces, but all took a deep breath.

"Who wants to go first?" Arthur asked while scanning the faces. For a few seconds all stood silent until Matthew stepped forward.

"I'll try," Matthew said. He held up his blizzard magiciteand began to delve inside his mind to find the hole through which his memories seeped from his mind. From this entrance to the parallel world, he drew his power. He then imagined an invisable path from his mind and into the magicite. Then he focused on a point a few feet away from everyone. Then he released the energy and the stone flashed in his hand. The air grew cold and in a flash the moisture in the air froze and shimmered away, the grass below being frozen stiff. The whole process took Matthew ten seconds to accomplish.

A clatter arose as the Stades began clapping in awe. "That was brilliant!" Michael yelled as Galen patted Matthew on the back.

"Good job! Now you just have to become faster and then you'll be almost as good as I," remarked Galen, very proud of Matthew as his teacher. Arthur praised him as well.

"Good job indeed. Galen taught you, correct?" he asked. Matthew nodded eagerly. "Then this reflects well on him as well. Well done, Galen!"

"Quite impressive, Matt," Nora added. "I will need to work very hard in order to become as skilled as you!" Matthew blushed at her words and humbly shook his head.

"No, it will take no time at all, I'm sure. You're a smart woman," he refuted. Nora smiled very joyfully for hs confidence.

"Yes, very good. Now I'll have the Lilties give it a try," Arthur began again. Johann reluctantly came forward, looking defeated already. "Now all you have to do is look inside yourself. Delve into your mind and find a place where your memories go." Johann looked quite unconvinced, but he closed his eyes and tried as he was told.

For ten minutes he stood, eyes closed and breathing slowly. The others were watching him intently the entire time, hoping that he could find his magic. After ten more minutes, Arthur put his hand on Johann's shoulder, causing his eyes to snap open and his hands to loosen; they had been balled tightly in thought.

"Perhaps you should sleep on it. It's difficult the first time." Even as Arthur spoke, Johann's eyes became misty.

"No! I can do it. I know I can!" he cried, his mouth quivering with shame and sadness.

"I know you can, but not today. We can keep trying. Why don't you let your brother try? You'll get it; I know you will," Arthur said, trying to let him know that his initial failure was understandable.

"I will get it!" Johann sobbed as he slowly returned to the others. Michael took him in his arms, their armor clinking against each other's.

"Don't worry, John. I took two days of long meditation to find my power. You just might find it tomorrow," said Matthew.

"Thank you, Matt," said Michael, his brother crying still. After seating his brother, Machael came to Arthur. "Okay, I'm ready to try," he said before taking a couple of deep breathes and closing his eyes. He had either been very lucky or had discovered a secret that others hadn't before, because he only stood before the others for five minutes before he had found his magic. Instead of channeling it into the red magicite in his hand, he pulled it into his own body. He couldn't figure out how to influence the flow of energy. Arthur became concerned when he saw Michael begin to glow with visable streams of energy shooting around him.

"You must release the energy!" he shouted. Michael grimaced as his body began to feel as if it would overload. "Quickly, jump!" Michael crouched slightly and launched himself fifteen feet into the air. Not being prepared for such a high jump, he turned onto his back. Arthur blew a steady gust of wind below Michael, slowing his descent until he gently landed on his back.

Johann dashed past Arthur to see his brother. "Are you alright, Brother?" he yelled as he came upon him.

"I'm sorry," Michael said weakly. "I couldn't control it." Johann shook his head and smiled.

"At least you found it! I couldn't even do that! You know, jumping very high could come in handy!" Michael laughed as he stood up.

"I suppose, if I could keep upright, that is!" He dusted himself off and say the others coming over. "Sorry Arthur. I couldn''t figure out how to control it."

"That's quite alright," Arthur replied. You'll learn soon enough, now that you know how to find it. How do you feel?" Michael rubbed his head.

"I felt like I was too strong, like I couldn't hold it all in. I'm fine now, but my head still hurts a little from my short flight. I'm sorry Arthur."

"It's fine. You actually did very well for a Lilty, finding it on your first try. Well done!" He slapped him hard on the back. "Your welcome for the rescue, by the way."

"Sorry, thanks for helping me," Michael shot out, having forgotten to thank him.

"Nora, it's your turn now," Arthur said, turning to her this time.

"Yes, okay," she said, feeling intimidated by the task at hand. She stayed where she was as everyone else stood back. She looked over to see Matthew watching her with a big smile on his face. She faked a half-smile, being nervous in reality. She closed her eyes and tried to shut it out so that she could focus on searching her mind, but try as she might she couldn't push Matthew from her mind. She lingered on an old memory from their childhood, when they use to play together on Matthew's father's farm. Nora use to come over and watch his mother and wonder why she didnt have a mother of her own. Her father waited until she was twelve before he told her of how her mother had died of a severe illness when she was only two years old. She tried to remember her mother's face, but just couldn't picture it. Suddenly Nora discovered her power. She had found that trying to think of her mother led her right to it. She then drew on the power and coerced it into the life magicite in her hand. It shone so brightly that her hand glowed orange. She then opened her eyes and chose to release the spell a few feet away. A wholesome ray of sunlight came down and white, phantasmal feathers came drifting down over the spot. All of the grass there sprung up an inch in length and grew greener than before.

"Wow," Nora whispered as she witnessed the spell she had cast. When she held up her hand the magicite crumbled and blew away in the wind. "Perhaps we should have saved that one," she told Arthur as he walked before her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and smiled.

"Very good. You've just shown much promise." He then turned her around and she saw everyone smiling.

"Very well done!" they all said in so many words, her being the only one that day to not only call forth her power, but to channel it as well, all on her first try.

"I will now leave you to spar for the rest of your time. We'll continue next week after you've practiced and become faster." Everyone then lined up and simultaneously bowed to him as he left toward town.  



PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 9:52 am
Chapter six is finally typed after staying up late last night, intermittenly watching clips from the KH stupid files on youtube!^_^ Anyway, enjoy!!! Got a heaping helping of Arthur/Manna sexiness and stuff!

Chapter VI: Reflection

After leaving the future caravan to spar, Arthur made his way over to the Stade residence. He arrived to catch Guss returning home with a box on his shoulder. It was large chest, upon closer inspection, that he had left in the wagon the night before.

"You finally found a moment to steal away and retrieve your secret gifts, eh?" Arthur said. Guss turned around dropping the chest, startled by his friend's words. Recognizing Arthur, he shook his head.

"Yes, I have to do it while they're out sparring. I just finished some house repairs and thought there was time left to get them." Guss then stooped over and picked up the chest again and made for the door. "Shall you come in?" he asked as he opened the door.

"Of course, that's why I'm here to visit," Arthur replied as he entered the large, spacious three bedroom house of the Stades.

"Good, then. You can have a snack with me. I'm famished and still it is morning." Guss set the chest in the living room, something most people in Adriosc didn't have, and led Arthur into the pantry. "What would you like? The carrots are fresh from Kurt's farm, or if you'd like I could go downstairs for some meat for a sandwich. My wife baked the bread this morning." Just as he mentioned her, Mrs. Stade came downstairs and smiled cheerfully at Arthur as she passed the door to the pantry.

"Carrots will be fine, thank you. No doubt that Matthew helped his father, so I'd like to sample the fruits of his hard work," Arthur said.

"Certainly. Here you go," Guss said as he handed Arthur three star carrots and took a handful of rainbow grapes for himself. They then went to the kitchen to sit at the table to eat. After being situated, Guss began. "So how were they?" he asked with a mouthful of grapes.

"They definitely are proud of their tribe," Arthur began.

"Sorry about that. It's hard to tell them not to be so proud of themselves, you know. I'm sure you set them straight, though, and I'm grateful for that."

"Yes. You'll be proud to hear that Michael found his magic today on his first try. Johann was upset when he couldn't, but I'm sure that he will get it soon."

"I hope so. How about the others? And our late recruit?"

"They all show much promise. They all are capable of casting simple spells, but still too slowly do the Clavats use magic. Galen is the most prepared for the trip. Dio did much in his free time with his son."

"Yes, he is quite a father! I wish I would have taken as much time with my boys, but I also have smithing work and a new daughter." Athur and Guss carried on talking of news within town as well as speaking more of the caravanners until just past noon.

"Your sons should be arriving home any time now, so I should probably leave be leaving," inturrupted Arthur.

"Yes, thanks for stopping by, old friend. I'll try to make it to the next lesson a week from now," assured Guss.

"Thanks. Your sons could use some formal instruction in combat. They seem to think that the only defense is a good offense."

"I'll be sure to make it there next time," Guss said as he followed Arthur to the door. "Take care."

Arthur looked up and squinted at the midday sun, reckoning it to be noon. Then he slowly made his way through town, people greeting him and bowing their heads as he passed. He made his way eventually to the newest house in town and the home of his love interest. He was nervous when he approached the door. He felt as though everyone was watching and could tell his feelings from a distance. His heart quickened as he knocked at the door. He stood for a couple of tense minutes at that door, knocking again every so often. Sure that she wasn't home, he turned to leave, but as soon as he passed the edge of the street and turned to go home, he saw her.

She was carrying a woven basket full of fresh striped apples and cherry clusters, as well as a pound or so of meat wrapped in waxed parchment and string. She wore a cloak loosely over her shoulders, suggesting that she had been out since the cool early morning hours shopping at the agora, perhaps visiting with people in town as well. Arthur kicked himself inside to think that he hadn't once bumped into her that morning when she was out and about and with fewer people around to see him. He tried to turn and leave, feeling the situation was inopportune. Manna saw him, however, as he was walking away. "Arthur!" she called to him gently. He stopped and turned around to look at her. She quickly walked up to him and tossed her loose hair back from her face, one hand holding the basket and the other holding her bag from swaying as she walked. "What brings you here?" she asked.

"Nothing, I was just leaving. I tried the door, but you weren't at home, so I was going home." His voice betrayed him and his anxiety shone through.

"Well, I'm home now, so would you be a dear and carry my basket so that I can open the door?" Arthur's heart waivered.

"Of course." With that, Arthur took the basket and came into Manna's new house.After a minute or so, Manna had put up her cloak and had put the food away. They then say together at the kitchen table with tea and Manna was eating a sandwich with cheese and beef. After a short, uncomfortable silence Arthur spoke.

"How's the house?" he began. Manna finished chewing and took a sip of tea.

"It's much bigger than my old home. I use to live in a small one-room house with my late husband and son. We all use to share the same bed." Arthur now regretted his question. "I'm sure that the townsfolk simply meant to help me and to show their appreciation for my twelve years of service, but this house feels so big and empty while I'm all alone. At least at the Midds I had things to do," she said whistfully.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have stirred your memories. I thought that you would be happy," Arthur said sadly.

"No, it's alright. I am happy! As terrible as it may sound, I've seldom thought of my late husband and son as of late. I think," she said thoughtfully. "I think that my family would want me to waste away dwelling only on thoughts of them. I'd already spent ten years doing so, and the more I thought about it the more I believe that its time to move on." Arthur's breath had stopped. "I still love them and miss them, but they surely would want me to be happy!"

Arthur's fist clenched below the table. He was angry that his sister was correct about him and Manna, but also overjoyed to hear how she felt concerning her late family.

"I'm glad to know that you are content here. I've worried for so long that you still grieved for your family. I've long pondered how to best help to relieve your loss in any way I could, but it seems that you are okay." Arthur tried to restrain himself from going further. He still wished to stay by his word and not have her worry for him wen he would be away.

"It pleases me to know that I've occupied so much of your thoughts," Manna remarked, saying something that could be taken in multiple ways.

"It is what friends do," Arthur said, hoping to counter any other meanings implied by her last statement.

"You are the best of my friends here in Adriosc," she said as she slowly reached for her sandwich, which she had forgotten of until just then. "How are thenew members?" she asked before taking a bite while keeping her eyes on Arthur the whole time.

"They should excel quickly. They show promise such as you did when I started to teach you. As far as magic, they all have accomplished it today save for Johann Stade."

"His brother Michael used magic?" she asked surprised.

"He found his power, but he can't channel it yet. Focus attacks could get them far enough, I suppose, but I at least want them to be capable of basic spells." Manna nodded, her mouth full. "I'll need the rest of us to come and help me so that they can learn to use weapons. I can't teach them that."

"Why not?" she asked in an outside voice. "You were fairly skilled with a sword, to put it modestly, when I first met you! You couldn't have completely forgotten such skill after six years!" Manna was shocked to hear that he couldn't teach them.

"I've need of serious practice and instruction before I try that." As he said this Manna stood and left the room. Arthur sighed, thinking he had angered her.

She returned, however and drew her sword from its scabbard. Then she ran at him, sword raised, and brought it down towards his head. He shielded himself with a barrier of wind and drew another sword of Manna's into his hand from near the mantle, backing away from the table as he did so.

"No magic!" Manna yelled as she swung at him again. Arthur ducked away from the blow before launching his own offensive. While he himself didn't remember how to fight, his body seemed to remember very well. Within a minute of struggle he had her pinned to the table. Her sword had fallen to the floor, her hair was spread across the table, and she was panting heavily. Her face was red; Arthur assumed it was from the effort.

"He released her shoulder and she stared at him. "Don't try and belittle yourself before me! I know you better!" He returned her sword that he had used to the beside the mantle before facing her again.

"I'm sorry. I really had forgotten, but it seems that my arms haven't. "His breathing had gone back to normal. "I suppose I've something to teach Matthew after all!" he said with a laugh.

"That you do," Manna said, trying to return the same sense of humor. She needed to conceal that her face was still blushing behind her smile. "Out of practice, you say? I didn't see any need for practice if you could beat me!"

"Yes," he replied. "I think I should be going," he said, making Manna look a little disappointed.

"Do you have something pressing?" she asked.

"Yes, actually," he lied, but he wouldn't tell her something, hoping that she wouldn't ask.

"Well," she began sadly, "if you must go, then thank you for the company."

"Yes, it was fun," he said, being honest. "I'll see you later."

"Yes, and don't forget what I said."

"I won't," he said as he shut the front door behind him. "Not a word," he said as soon as she couldn't hear him anymore. He feared that things had already been set into motion, so he had to leave before they went any further.

Later that day the Stades sat around their table to eat dinner. A visable difference could be seen between the two brothers; Johann hadn't eaten half of his food while Michael was already on his second helping. Guss noticed this and turned the conversation from his daughter's faces that make his wife laugh.

"Arthur tells me that much progress has been made today! One day and he's already gotten most of you to do magic. I'm proud of you both." Johann dropped his spoon.

"I didn't make any progress," he muttered, frustrated by the subject of magic.

"That's not what I meant. You both have learned something today, that it is difficult to do the things that others can do so easily. I'm sure that you, John, will find your magic soon." Johann sighed, having heard his father's words before.

"How often do you use magic, Father?" Johann asked.

"Quite often, actually. I know that many Lilties are against the use of magic, but it's really a useful tool. For instance, if I enchant my lance with lightning I can paralyze my enemies with it, allowing me to finish them off without a struggle.: He stopped to watch his sons stare at him in wonder and pride. "I could also enchant it with ice so that the initial strike freezes them, and the follow up swing shatters them into pieces!"

"Wow!" Michael exclaimed. "You're amazing, Father!" Guss shook his head at this.

"No, I'm really not. If I had told you half as many stories of the times when I'd cut it close and needed rescuing from the others in the caravan, I think that you wouldn't be so proud of your old father! Why, one time I thought that I could handle a behemoth all by myself. 'He doesn't look that big to me' I told myself, but that was before I knew what it took to defeat one. It takes a constant stream of thundaga spells just to restrain it! Otherwise it can paralyze you with its electric horns, set fire to anything within ten feet of it, and it can tear you apart with its enormous claws, regardless of your armor. If you keep in mind that the arms behind the claws are bigger than you are, then you can see just how dangerous it is before you even contemplate its magic!"

Guss carried on like that long into the night until the brothers both reconsidered their choice, but then reaffirmed it as well. Regardless of what he said, they still admired their father.

At Kurt's farm Matthew lay in his bed after dinner. he contemplated what he had yet to learn, and how to cast spells even faster. Mostly, though, his thoughts were of what had transpired between him and Nora. Had things gone alright? By all outward appearances things had gone well, but he still worried, as would anyone in love. Suddenly he shot to arttention as his bedroom door shot open and his brother sprang in. Ivan had been finishing his dinner while Matthew had been thinking.

"So, what happened today? Anything remarkable?" he asked excitedly.

"Well, let's see... John and Mike got scolded."

"What was it this time?" Ivan inquired, acting as if it were something that happened everyday.

"They were being offensive with their pride." Matthew replied. Ivan cocked his head at this, not quite understanding his brother's words. "I meant that they were acting as though Lilties were capable of anything that Yukes can do. They were acting as though Galen's power and skill wasn't as great as their's."

"But they are stronger than him. They're Lilties and he's a Yuke."

"True, Lilties are stronger physically, but Yukes are better with magic. You should've seen Arthur! He used this flare spell that could kill just about anything. It looked like a beam of sunlight, but whatever if shone upon quickly exploded! He shot it at Galen and he vanished into thin air!"

"What?" Ivan asked thinking that Galen had died.


"Why did Arthur do such a thing?"

"He was showing us how Yukes can make themselves disappear completely, protecting them from everything."

"Awesome! So you can't see or touch him at all? When do you learn to do that?"

"I can't, only Yukes can do that."

"Ah man! I bet Arthur could do it!"

"No, but he can do an aweful lot. He doesn't use a weapon, you know. He fights only with magic." Ivan didn't know that yet, apparently.

"He must be really powerful."

"He's strong, but magic doesn't come from your body. It comes from your memories. Every memory you forget can be used as magic later, so you have to have lots of fun while I'm gone so that maybe you can learn to use magic when you get older."

"You'll teach me magic?" Ivan said extatically.

"I'm still learning, myself, but perhaps when you get older I will."

"Yea! That's awesome!" Ivan yelled as he ran downstairs to tell his father.

At the Fletcher's house, Nora's father was making a fine set of arrows for his daughter's trip out of the town. They would be durable, light, and aerodynamic. Fletcher, as his profession, usually made arrows for the townsfolk to use for hunting, but he also helped Matthew's father on his farm.

"I was the only person among the new members to cast a proper spell on the first try, with Galen as the only exception," Nora told her father.

"My, that's great!" Fletcher said as he bent an arrow over his knee to test its strength and memory. "I'm proud of you. I wouldn't have a clue when it came to magic."

"It's not as tough as some people think, but John couldn't find his. He seemed really upset with himself."

"I'm sure he'll find it if it's as easy as you say. I just haven't been instructed in such things. What kind of spell did you use?" he asked.

"A life spell," she said. "I found my magic by thinking of mother." Fletcher stopped what he was doing and gave Nora his complete attention. "I tried to remember her face, but I couldn't."

"You were too young. You couldn't remember it no matter how hard you try. It's okay," he said, seeing that his daughter felt badly.

"I know, but I still feel badly."

"Don't, you don't need a face to love someone. I'm sure that she would be proud of you today."

"Thanks Dad."

"You look more and more like her everyday. If you need an idea of how beautiful she was, just look to your reflection."

"Matthew said I looked good in my glasses today, but then he smiled like a fool right in my face!" Fletcher laughed out loud at this.

"That's because he likes you! I hope you've realized that by now!"

"If you say so," Nora said before getting up. "I'm going to bed early so I can get to training before anyone else."

"Okay, good night, Nora."

"Good night, Father," Nora said as she went to bed in the adjacent room.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:17 pm
Chapter seven now and some progress with Matthew and Nora finally!!! Hope you like it!!! mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen

Chapter VII: Teamwork

"I wonder what we'll learn this week? Perhaps we'll learn how to fight from the other veterans." Matthew was very eager to learn more, having mastered basic magic during the past week.

"That would be nice. My father said that he was going to come, too. He wasn't at home this morning before I left, so perhaps he's already there!" Galen said excitedly. "My father has taught me much of magic, but not as much of fighting. Maybe he'll let me take his hammer Mjollnir along with me when we leave!"

When Matthew and Galen reached the grounds they saw a large target facing perpendicular to them. It had three arrows protruding from it already, all of which we within half way from the center. When they looked to the end of the field from where the arrows had come they saw the Dio, Arthur, and Guss standing behind Nora. She had drawn another arrow and was fitting it to her bowstring.

When she raised her longbow and drew the string back she inhaled deeply. She failed to notice Galen and Matthew standing near the target. She was only focused on the center of the target. Her glasses were clean, her arms were steady, and her gaze was sure. She released her bolt and Matthew and Galen followed it across the field as it arched gracefully to the target, sticking itself just on the outer edge of the bull's eye. She seemed happy with her shot until she saw her friends standing closely beside the target.

"What are you doing? I might have shot you!" she bellowed. Brushing off her concern, Matthew just waved at her.

"Nice shot!" he shouted, laughing loudly.

"Never mind that! Get back here!" she shouted back. Matthew and Galen started towards her after collecting her arrows from the target.

"Fantastic aim, Nora," Galen complemented.

"It could be better," she replied. "I still need to be able to do that while moving in a hurry," she said pointing to the target. Matthew handed Nora her arrows. "Thanks, Matt."

"Yes, no problem at all. I was over there after all," he said laughing still.

"I could've shot you, you know." Nora repeated.

"I know, but you didn't so it's okay." Just as he said that Matthew noticed a sword hanging at Arthur's hip. "What's the sword for, Arthur?" he asked.

"I found that I still remember how to use it," he said nonchalantly.

"I thought you didn't use a weapon." Arthur shrugged.

"Why don't you use a weapon, Arthur?" Galen asked. Arthur went quiet and so did the other veterans.

"Well, six years ago our caravan came to the swamps of Conall Curach. We had almost reached the tree when we encountered three behemoths at once." Matthew and Galen held their breaths in awe, but Nora was worried. "We tried to keep them from getting the upperhand, but our efforts were futile. All save myself fell to the behemoths, but before they could finish with me a man appeared." The audience was even more enthralled, even the veterans who had heard the tale before.

"He walked through the miasma without a crystal, but he was definitely human. I couldn't see much through the miasma and the sweat in my eyes, but I could make out his bracers. He wore one over each forearm, and each had twenty magicite running the length of the bracer in five rows of four. He fought back the behemoths by himself until they had abandoned our caravan. He then held up his right arm and one whole row of magicite shone yellow. With those four life magicite he summoned a creature the likes of which I have yet to see again. It was a huge flaming raptor, a phoenix, which engulfed and disintegrated the behemoths in white fire. Then it spread its feathers over our fallen, resurrecting our caravan before it vanished."

Everyone was awestruck by the description of what had happened.

"His name was De Nam, and he wielded no weapon. Since then, I have forsaken my sword so that I could train my mind to one day be as disciplined as his."

"So he was a Selkie? And he could summon a phoenix? Amazing!" Galen shouted, his uncharacteristic volume startling everyone.

"Yes. He told us after we defeated the Zombie Dragon that he use to live in Shella, where he recieved his education. He told us that he had lived in the swamps for a year, drinking the toxic waters in order to build a resistance to miasma. He said that it was a long and painful process, but in the end he was finally able to live without a crystal. His eyes were black from the miasma in his body, but he still lived!"

"Wow! He's so brave!" remarked Matthew.

"I feel so sorry for him," mused Nora. Just then the familiar clatter of Liltian armor was heard rushing towards them.

"Arthur, I did it!" Johann shouted as he ran towards the caravanners. "I figured out how to use magic! Watch this," he said as he stopped fifteen paces from them and drew a fire magicite. He stood for only ten seconds before a fireball exploded before him, knocking him off of his feet.

"You must take the time to properly aim the spell first!" Excaimed Dio. Johann groaned as he stirred to get up, but he still fell back to the ground. A blue light appeared over him, however, and refreshed him, soothing his body. Momo Zi appeared above him by the time he had opened his eyes.

"I hope your eyebrows regrow quickly, because you look awefully queer without them!" she jested before smiling at him and heading over to the others. Johann got up and followed her.

"So, you found your magic, then?" Arthur asked.

"Yes! Michael said that he had found his by trying to recall what he had eaten for dinner three nights past. He couldn't remember, but that question led him to his magic. I tried it and also found my magic!"

"You are twins, after all!" added Guss.

"Good for you," said his friends almost at once.

"Well, that's some trick! I'll have to remember that," Dio said.

"I know that this time was too hasty and I hurt myself, but I'm sure that I can become better!" defended Johann.

"Of course you will," Guss said. "If you're a true Lilty you'll plod along stubbornly until you master it!"

"Thanks, Father," Johann said humbly. "So, we're going to learn to fight today?" he asked, in a hurry to begin already.

"Yes, but first I've something for you and your brother. I've taken much time during the last few months at every one of my friends' forges along our path last year to work on crafting girts for both of you." Michael and Johann's faces lit up when they heard this, that their father himself had created equipment for their journey.

"With these things, you will always have my protection with you. To John I shall give my lance, Hydre, an heirloom of the Stade family. Its blades are tipped with diamond, giving it the hardest edges possible. This also means that you can shoot bolts of magic from afar, giving you a head start against your enemies. The item that I've made for you is a suit of gilded plate armor with a shard of crystal embedded within. It will protect you from being turned to stone, one of the most damgerous afflictions."To Michael, I shall give my suit of mythril armor, with a crystal shard that can ward off miasma for a time on its own. Thsi will give you more room to use your new weapon that I and Dio have made. Its name is Leo, and it has two heads, one at either end. Dio has given it the ability to grow heavier at the wielder's bidding, just like his hammer wand Mjollnir."

The brothers couldn't stand it any longer. They burst with gratitude and joy and tackled their father, hugging him far too tightly. "Are you trying to injure me before I can spar with you?" he exclaimed.

"No, we're just so happy! Thank you Father!" said Michael.

"Well, stop it or else I won't be able to show you!" Guss shouted. His boys finally released their father and helped him up. After dusting off his armor, Guss began again. "Alright, now I want you two to try on your new armor. I'll help you to fit it." In turn Guss assembled Michael and Johann's armor suits and sized the straps and whatnot so that they both fit perfectly.

"Now, I want you to try your weapons." He turned around and hefted his own lance and gave it to Johann, who held it with much care. "Trust me, it won't break. Swing it around a bit!" he ordered his son. Johann turned around and swung it a few times, becoming accustomed to its weight and length. He then focused his magic into it and fired a jet of energy at a nearby boulder. A large chunk of rock split off from the boulder.

"Amazing!" Johann said in wonder. The others agreed.

After that attention was turned to Michael as he recieved his shining, new polearm Leo. When he focused his energy into it, the change in weight made him drop it to the ground, the lance sinking a couple of inches into the hard soil.

"That will take some coordination," instructed Dio. "You have to use the energy to first jump above the enemy, then make it heavy and keep it so all the way down."

"That's okay. I'm sure I'll figure it out! Besides I have Father's armor, so I can move outside of the aura!" Michael said anxiously.

"Yes, that power is very useful, especially if you need to activate widespread puzzles that are spread throughout certain dungeons. The enemies try to keep people out like that sometimes," Da Keh added.

"So, Da Keh, you came to training this week?" Matthew asked.

"Well, I can't let Arthur show up every week without us and make Momo Zi and I look irresponsible!"

"Now that we're all here and gifts have been given, we should probably begin instruction," Arthur stated.

"Yes, I was wanting to make the most of this time," agreed Dio. "They're leaving in only two months. That's only six weeks after this, so we need to hurry!"

"I suppose," Guss said. "Well, why don't you help me, Da? We can pair up with my boys."

"Sure," Da consented.

"I'll work with you, Matt," Arthur said.

"Okay," agreed Matthew with a big nod.

"I guess I'll help you, Nora," Momo said.

"Sure. I'll need it," replied Nora. Galen paired with Dio and everyone began to spar.

After sparring for the entire morning, the caravanners calmed dowm and Arthur addressed them again.

"Now, before we go home, I want to show everyone how to fuse magic spells with each other. This you will need to know when you use magic to restrain larger, more resilient monsters. I said before that in order to paralyze a behemoth, it would take a steady stream of thundaga spells since anything weaker wouldn't work. In order to cast higher spells quickly, you must organize yourselves. Unite your powers and you can cast a thundaga spell as quickly as a thunder spell." Everyone was interested in learning how to cast such a spell so quickly.

"You must feel each other mentally and pool your energies onto the same spot. this takes teamwork to pull off. I'll have Matthew and Nora try this first." Matthew looked to Nora and she looked to him.

"Feel each other..." Matthew whispered to himself.

"Let's try to cast a gravity spell," Nora suggested.

"Okay," replied Matthew while pulling out a fire magicite. "Oops," he said as he saw that Nora too had chosen a fire magicite. He fumbled to find an ice magicite in his pocket. "Ready?" he asked.

"Of course," she said confidently. they both closed their eyes and felt for each other. Matthew struggled until Nora found him. Then he found his magic and drew on it, sending it into the ice magicite. Then Nora led his consciousness to a spot a few feet away as he opened his eyes to see. They released the energy and the two different energies mingled, creating a black explosion which formed a large orb of darkness that collapsed in on itself, tripling the weight of everything nearby for a short time until the spell disappated.

"Brilliant! You two really work well together to cast a fusion spell on the first try. It must've not taken long to find each other," Arthur said, not knowing that his praise was making the two teens blush with embarrassment.

"Now it's your turn, boys," Guss said, referring to his sons. When he looked, though, he saw that they were already fusing their powers together. Within seconds, Michael had sent the energy of his lightning magicite into Hydre and the ray that issued forth was made of electricity. "Now those are my boys!" Guss shouted proudly.

"Out of turn, but very impressive none the less," commented Galen. "Good job!"

"Yes, you've all done well today!" said Arthur. "As one more thing to keep in mind, I would have you all eat well until we set out. Your health and strength must peak before we head out, and starting now will help you all to build your physical strength and stamina. If ever you are short on meat or other foods, just tell me and I will help. A strong start leaves more time to enjoy the trip!"

With those final words and a bow from the students, everyone left the grounds. The Stades went home with their father, the Selkies went to the agora for lunch, and Arthur went with Dio and Galen to their house to visit. Matthew and Nora walked together towards the farm where Fletcher was helping Kurt with his farm work.

"That was so much fun today!" exclaimed Matthew. "Arthur taught me so much about swordplay. Most of it was defensive manuvers, but he also showed me how to parry and counterattack. I really didn't know that much about swords from sparring with the Stades." He noticed that Nora wasn't responding at all. "How did it go with Momo?" he asked, hoping to break her silence.

"She's awefully pretty, isn't she?" Nora finally said. "I wish I were pretty like her." Matthew wasn't sure what to say to this.

"I suppose she is pretty; that's probably one of the reasons that Da loves her so much. But, y'know, you're just as pretty," he said, trying to keep his head having said what he had to cheer her up while also panicking about what she might do in response. Would she thing it was a lie?

"I only wish I were," she said unconvinced, not noticing slightly that a boy just compared her to a Selkie. "I guess they're all like that, huh? Selkie women are all so beautiful. It's a wonder that we all aren't half Selkie by now." Matthew couldn't be worried anymore, not with his loved one abusing herself.

"You're far more beautiful!" he said with conviction before faltering. "To me, anyway." Nora awoke from her thoughts with his strong words that shook her heart. she needed to understand.

"What is so beautiful about me? Next to a Selkie..." she began, but Matthew interrupted her.

"Stop thinking relatively! Next to a fully mature Selkie women any Clavat would fall short, especially one such as Momo Zi, but you are beautiful! Among other Clavat women you outshine all others, and no matter who stands beside you, Selkie or not, I would still deem you as more desireable... I mean favorable." His face instantly burned as a fever, and he stopped walking. Nora's face burned as well at hearing herself described as "desireable".

"I mean to say, um," Matthew stammered. He couldn't take back what he had said, nor hope to change her mind.

"Do you love me?" Nora asked in a voice quieter than a whisper. Although it was comically obvious, she still needed the assurance of words. She looked up from the ground before her feet to Matthew, who too was looking at the ground and visably embarrassed.

"Yes... I do." their eyes both looked to each other's and they froze in place, not sure of what to do. Matthew, not thinking of anything better to do, came close to Nora and looked into her eyes. She didn't know what was happening, but Matthew had pulled her close and embraced her. He stood there holding her nervously until he felt her arms encircling him. That simple gesture almost drew tears from his eyes, his feelings finally being returned.

"I love you, too," Nora said finally. They stood there holding each other for a moment, not heeding any who could see them.

"How long have you?" he asked.

"Ever since you started showing some maturity a few months ago. What about you?" she asked in return.

"Since the first time you came to the farm seven years ago."

"You've waited to long," she said sadly.

"The time never seemed right. If you hadn't asked me I might still have kept it from you." They both looked across the street to see Matthew's aunt standing outside her husband's house and smiling at them.

"I'm so happy for you!" she called as she hugged herself. The two separated to simply holding each other's hand and began again on their way to the farm, looking to each other and laughing about his aunt.

When they arrived, Ivan was the first to see them. He knew that something had happened because they were both smiling and walking hand in hand, so he just smiled and didn't say anything to disrupt their mood.

"Come to get me, have you?" asked Fletcher. "Well, I guess I'll go home now and eat lunch with my daughter," he said to Kurt.

"No, why don't you eat with us?" Kurt proposed. "You work so hard for us; you deserve my wife's cooking!" Fletcher and the young couple smiled at the idea.

"Well, if you want to pay me with a meal and company, then why shouldn't I accept?" he said. "Is that okay, Nora?" She'd have smiled even more if it were possible.

"Yes, that would be perfect!" she said, still holding Matthew's hand. Their father's saw this and both were enlightened by the sight.

"Good, then let's get back to the house!" he chuckled as they all turned towards Kurt's house. Matthew's home was much the same as many people's in town; it was made of stone and cement, with the two bedrooms on the second story and the kitchen and adjoining dining room as the first floor. They had a larger basement, though, for storing surplus crops until they could be sold.

Seven sat at the table and dined on beef and vegetable stew with flour noodles, fresh bannock with butter and needleberry jam, and cherry crumble for dessert. Even Matthew's eldest sibling, Beatrix, had come from her home to visit for the afternoon. Her comings and going with she and her husband dominated the conversation, but talk also turned to Matthew and Nora's training after a while. The two derived much pleasure by sitting beside each other.

After finishing dinner and chatting with family for a while, Matthew excused himself to go to his room. Shortly after, Nora also discreetly left the table. Matthew was surprised when Nora came into his room, but she just sat down onto Ivan's bed.

"Your family is still as entertaining as ever. With your brother stuffing his face and your sister's portrayal of her husband and neighbors, there couldn't be a straight face at the table!"

"Yeah, I guess they are unique," Matthew said meekly.

"You're the unique member of your family! You're not very eccentric at all anymore."

"I've grown out of my old habits, it seems. I know that I use to be very quiet and selfish when I was younger." Matthew's eyes locked to his hands in his lap.

"The changes that you have had are admirable, but I especially like how bold you've become when it comes to me." Matthew looked up and saw Nora standing before him. Surprised by her vacinity he stood as well, face to face with her. She first looked into his eyes, but then her gaze dropped to his lips, and then back up again. Noting her eyes, Matthew put his hands onto Nora's hips and she nervously brought her arms up to Matthew's shoulders. He drew her close and kissed her. It wasn't the perfect time or place and their lips didn't meet quite right at first, but it was perfect for them.

Although he had stayed when Nora left the table, Ivan had followed her upstairs and had eavesdropped on the conversation. He chose to burst into the room after they had had time to kiss for a few seconds. they instantly pushed each other away, but their expressions gave them away.

"You two were kissing just now, weren't you?" he asked. The two of them silently nodded to this. "Hah! I thought so!"

"Please don't tell anyone!" Matthew begged.

"Alright! I don't care anyway. Carry on if you want," he said as he left back downstairs. Nora laughed, calling Matthew's attention back to her. She got back up from Ivan's bed and quickly kissed Matthew once more before following Ivan downstairs.  



PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 10:41 pm
Chapter eight for your literary pleasure. Because this chapter has what many fan fic authors refer to as a "lemon"(graphicly described sexual encounter/s redface ), and Gaia Online doesn't really allow that sort of stuff, I have omitted said lemon and marked where it would be with a pair of Domokuns. For the full, uneditted version, go to http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3619806/8/New_Beginnings for all of the original lemony goodness which, btw, I only chose to include in the fic to illustrate Manna and Arthur's passion for each other. Anyway, here you go!!! mrgreen

Chapter VIII: Understanding

Three weeks passed so quickly, and as the caravanners excelled in their skills with weapons and magic, so too did Nora and Matthew's feelings for each other grow. The Lilties barely made it by with magic, but grew in strength and lethality. Matthew's skills in magic were almost equal to Galen's; were it not for the difference in their tribes he might have caught up with him. All were capable of casting second level spells, such as gravity, and elementals like fira, blizzara, and thundara. Once again they gathered to the training grounds for their fifth lesson.

"Today you shall learn how to survive outside of this town," Dio began. "Things like water and food will be dangerous if you don't understand the way miasma works." Everyone listened carefully since their survival depended on this knowledge. "Outside of a stationary crystal, miasma permiates everything. First of all I shall discuss water. We all know that the town reservoir is filled everyday at noon, but why is no water to be used after it is filled and until the morning?" Dio ignored his son's hand, since he himself had taught him such things and knew that he already knew it. Matthew raised his hand. "Yes, Matthew."

"My mother told me that water taken straight from a river is toxic with miasma and that it needs to be purified by staying within the crystal's aura for most of a day to make it safe for drinking and use. Otherwise people would become sick. It's why the reservoir is filled at noon, after everyone has already gotten water, and its left overnight untouched."

That's correct!" Dio said happily. "I would expect someone who grows foods to know this. The same rule applies to anything grown outside of the aura. It all must be left for at least one whole day within the aura, or two to be sure. Fish also need to be stored inside. Outside in the wild, you must always keep this in mind. Use blizzard magic to keep meats cold and only drink from natural springs. Spring water is from underground, where it is protected from the miasma. Otherwise, always keep drinking water in a barrel on the wagon, and dip the wagon's crystal into the myrrh whenever you get some, so you may leave the wagon and not worry about supplies being tainted. It's also better for the papaopamus." After finishing, Guss stood to speak.

"The Lilties established villages every so many days apart, for the convenience of travellers needing rations and assurance that their crystals would remain fairly charged, thus reducing the time they would need to spend in towns waiting and allow faster travel. However, since many of these towns have fallen to miasma, creating large gaps inbetween, the time spent travelling from one to another may be much longer than intended. We will have to spend much time resting within towns and getting out supplies in order every chance we get. Faster we can travel, the sooner we can get home. The journey usually takes half of a year. This year took extra long since we had to travel so far. If this journey works out the way we planned it, you should have a nice five to six month break afterward to recover and reflect." After finishing, Guss sat and Arthur stood.

"Since we could be travelling for up to three weeks at a time, finding wild game and plants to eat is essential. Because many caravans plant seeds from their food along the roadside, much food can be derived from that, however we can't take all off the food that we find. Much of it is stolen by thieves and goblins, so we must leave some for the other caravans that might come along after us. We really need to ration our food out there, so its a good idea that we fatten up while we're here."

"So to review, everyone answer together. What water is safe to drink?" inquired Dio.

"Spring water," the students all said simultaneously.

"What must be done after retrieving myrrh?" asked Guss.

"Dip the wagon crystal into it," they all said is so many words.

"How long should food be kept before eating it?" asked Arthur.

"At least one whole day," they all answered.

"Good! Now let's spar!" said Guss. They then split up into their usual pairs and began to spar for the rest of the morning, being quizzed once more before being dismissed.

That same morning, while the caravanners trained, Manna was out walking in a green one-piece dress, covered by her cloak. She went slowly through the agora to the great crystal shard at the center of town, and from there to Arthur's house. Jillian welcomed her in.

"It's been a couple of weeks since you last visited us. What brings you here?" she asked, always enjoying company when it came.

"Curiosity... actually, more like anxiety.I've something to discuss with you, but first have you had breakfast?" Manna asked, trying not to come into someone else's house with a troubling air.

"No, we haven't," Jillian said.

"Good. I've brought something for you." It was the polite Clavat thing to do to bring something for everyone when one visits unannounced with plans to eat some else's food. Manna handed Jillian a block of cheese still wrapped in the cloth in which she had bought it.

"Thank you. What would you like?" Jillian asked.

"I don't mind. Whatever you usually have."

"Pancakes and needleberry syrup with gourd hash browns, then," Jillian declared.

"Thanks," Manna said gratefully. After they were well into preparation and Manna had lit the fire with her ring, they began to each cook something; Manna made the hash browns and Jillian made the pancakes.

"So," Jillian said loudly," what's the matter?" Manna hesitated to find the words.

"Arthur has been avoiding me recently. I don't understand at all. First he comes by my house before I'm even settled, and then I can have sight, much less word from him for three weeks!"

"I had no idea!" said Jillian. "He has been home much more as of late, rarely leaving except for his lessons in the morning every week. It never occurred to me that he's not been about much." Manna was troubled to hear that Arthur wasn't doing much else besides teaching the caravanners.

"Jillian stopped focusing on cooking and thought hard. It looked as though she'd have to betray her brother's trust and tell Manna of his plans. "You know that Arthur and I lost our father when Arthur was only fifteen, correct?" Manna nodded. "Since then he has done his best to care for our mother and I, doing nothing for himself and giving everything for us. As he grew older, he began to care for everyone this way. Therefore, he joined the caravan, basically caring for the entire town and over time, the other members of the caravan as well. He still thinks only for the townsfolk and takes nothing for himself. He's left us a fortune from his exploits, from which we have rarely drawn. He mostly thinks of you anymore, seeking to give you space to grieve for your family while staying close to you as well." Manna was really nervous and Jillian could see this.

"He loves you," Jillian's mother said as she emerged from upstairs. Manna's eyes fluttered with surprise and her arms dropped to her sides.

"He doesn't was you to worry while he's gone this next year, so he's probably avoiding you to keep you from getting too close to him," Jillian stated bluntly.

"It's all because of what happened before," Manna said sadly.

"What happened before?" Jillian asked, perplexed.

"Three weeks ago, he came to visit me after lessons. He was trying to leave when I wasn't home, but I caught him and insisted that he come inside. Then I became upset with him when he belittled his swordsmanship, so I fought him to show that he still was skilled." Jillian and her mother were hanging on every word. "He bested me and pinned me to the table. He could've taken me right there, but he didn't. Then he said that he had to go, but wouldn't offer an explanation other than that he had to be somewhere." Manna started to sob. "I was so sad when he left me like that!" Manna put her spatula down and held her eyes, which had begun to cry. The others covered their mouths in empathy.

"It seems my brother is too late to try and stay your love. I'm sorry," Jillian said as she took Manna in her arms. After allowing Manna to regain some composure, she began again. "What will you do now that you know of this?" Manna hesitated and thought long.

"I love him, and he loves me! I must make that known to him, but without implicating you. I will not stand for his ignorance any longer! If he won't take me..." she said almost angrily before stopping.

"You may just wait a little longer. Surely he can't avoid you for two more weeks!" Jillian suggested.

"Oh, he won't. He can't!" Just as Manna was picking up speed, the hash browns began to smoke.

After six days had passed, Arthur went to visit Dio and his family. On his way home, he failed to see his sister pass behind him halfway home near the the Stade residence. He found his mother alone when he arrived at home. "Hello, Mother. Where's Jill?" he asked.

"She's gone to visit a friend, but I forgot to ask her to get something from the market."

"What is it? I can get it for you," offered Arthur.

"Cheese," she said. "You'll recall that we ran out the day before last."

"Of course. I'll go get some right now. I'll return shortly!" he said as he dashed out of the door.

He quickly made his way back to the crystal and then to the market beyond. He walked over to the home of Kurt's son-in-law, the bottom floor of which was a shop selling the surplus crop of Kurt's farm. His daughter Beatrix also helped there. As he reached the store he saw Manna stooping over to lift a large, perhaps forty pound crate of striped apples. Although he was trying to avoid her, he couldn't just pass her by when she could use the help.

"Do you need help with that?" he asked. Manna spun around with a start hardly believing that he hadn't avoided her that time. It was just as she thought.

"That would be wonderful!" she exclaimed.

"Okay. I'll just be a minute. I have to buy something also."

"What is it?" she asked. This question struck Arthur as suspicious. "Why would she need to know that?" he asked himself.

"My mother asked me to come and buy some cheese for her." Manna interrupted him suddenly, as if the whole conversation had been rehearsed before.

"I actually have some cheese at home. If you could help me with the apples, I'll give you some as payment. No sense in wasting your money, right?" she asked cheerfully.

"Alright," he said, not reading too much into her behavior. They both started towards Manna's house, each hefting on side of the crate by its rope handles. "So, why have you bought so many apples?" Arthur asked.

"They're my favorite! I also like to give some to the papaopamuses."

"I see. I'll bet they like that!" he said, trying to be friendly.

"Yes." They were almost silent the rest of the way to Manna's house. Fortunately, it wasn't far from the markey at all, right next door really. She opened the door and Arthur carried the apples inside. "You can set them in the kitchen," Manna said. "I'll fetch the cheese for you." Arthur did as she told, but after setting the crate down, taking extra care not to bruise any of the fruit, he turned and noticed that Manna hadn't followed him to the kitchen. Also, the cheese in question was sitting on the counter.

"Manna," he called as he returned to the living room. He saw her leaning against the door, which had been locked. She gazed at him with a longing stare. Arthur's heart jumped into his throat when he saw the emotion in her hazel eyes, one of sadness and desire for acceptance. Her beautiful eyes held his gaze and wrenched his attention from his control.

No words were said, and none were needed. She stepped slowly towards him, and he made no effort to avoid her. she still knew how to enchant a man with her eyes, and he knew only her as she reached her arms up and around his neck, and then pulled him into a passionate kiss. All at once, ten years of suppressed desires came flooding into his mind.

He laid down beside her, so she rolled over and lay with her head on his shoulder and her arm draped across his chest.

"I love you, and always have for the last quarter of my life," Arthur finally said, tears overtaking him. Manna softly scratched his side and sighed deeply.

"I love you more!" she said playfully.

"No, you don't!" Arthur laughed, snapping out of his serious state. They laid ther for some time just smiling at each other, savoring the love they had for each other until they fell asleep.  

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