So...This will be the forum for your own personal shops. What you are good at you can sell here. This includes: avi art, custom sigs, wish lists, and other things that you can think of. Just a few rules. ^^

1. Shop owners, please don't try to cheat costomers. This goes double if they are your guild-mates, treat them with respect.

2. I encourage haggling. If a costomer can get the shop owner to lower the price, good for the costomer. If the costomer agrees to a more expensive price, good for shop owner.

3. This is a place of commerce, not of smut so keep everything PG, and I don't mean your interpretation.

4. Don't make trouble for the shop owner and fallow the rules of their shop and what they say.

5. Follow the Gaian ToS. As I said in the Guild rules, that may seem like a no-brainer, but there are stupid people out there.

6. Follow the Guild rules. This should be a no-brainer.

7. Have fun.