This is Down Town Hayashi Mizuumi Village. This is for role playing businesses such as Taverns, Inns, Clubs, etc. However, there are a few rules. Here they are:

1. This forum is for role playing businesses, if you must have customers pay you, the payment must be a role playing payment. Here is an example and I will use gold as the payment in this example, the owner says “you owe me 3 gold pieces as payment for that beer.” And the customer says “alright, here. *customer hands the owner 3 gold pieces*” without a real Gaian transaction.

2. Follow the rules set by the owner of the thread. They have the right to ask you to leave at any time and if they do, you must comply with their wishes.

3. Avoid fighting the best you can. There isn’t much that is more annoying then 2 people fighting and destroying the building while you are trying to have a conversation with someone. However, if the thread has a designated spot for fighting or sparring, then in those designated areas fighting is fine.

4. Don’t act tough and idiotic. It is a nuisance and an annoyance. No one likes a tough-guy who bullies everyone.

5. Follow the Gaian ToS. As I said in the Guild rules, that may seem like a no-brainer, but there are stupid people out there.

6. Follow the Guild rules. This should be a no-brainer.

7. Have fun.