I thought I would introduce myself here so as to maybe encourage some roleplayers.

I love to roleplay. It is a great way to use one's imagination and it improves the quality of the nightly dreams one has at night. I personally dream in color.

It is in fact common where some people see only black or they dream in black and white.

People who have trained their minds to near perfection, or as close to perfection as they can get, they should be able to have more real life experiences in their dreams.

But, I found that by roleplaying it improves that, plus, if you seriously are a fan of sailor moon, I bet there are a million things you would rather see her and her friends do than what actually happened.

Or, if you are happy with what actually happened, then why not pick your favorite and have others join you? There you go, a simple way to roleplay. That's all there really is to it.

I thought everyone would love to roleplay, but perhaps today's stresses are just too much? Maybe a lot of people need to find out how to deal with stress. One great way I found is to be somewhere where you really like to be. And as long as you do not leave your homework for too terribly long, then life will become richer for you and you will be happier.

You do not have to believe me, but it would be worth a try right?

Anyway, I am here to introduce myself and kind of advertise my Sailor Separation RP.