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Zaku Kuran/Junpei Shiratori

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Flint Jakobs
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Problematic Gunsmith

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:39 pm
Name: Zaku Kuran
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Appearance: Body, Weekday clothes, Saturday clothes, Sunday clothes but without the shoes and gloves. He's not exceptionally tall, about 5'8".
Winter Clothes: Main outfit, backup outfit. Main outfit has black pants with black boots.
Summer Clothes: Swimsuit. His summer outfit is his saturday clothes without the long-sleeved undershirt.

Personality: Zaku is very headstrong, wanting to be the best of the best at everything he does. However, he's not particularly exceptional at anything, and generally has to work hard to keep up with others. However, he is a hard worker, and is always willing to put in time and effort to get better. He's generally a friendly person, though he is accustomed to being alone, and at times he would much rather be by himself than with others. However, when Zaku doesn't specifically want to be alone, he is almost afraid to be alone, as though something bad will happen if he's left by himself. He may enjoy being alone every now and then, but for the most part he needs to know that there are people around. He doesn't need their attention, he just needs the comfort of knowing there are people there to help him should something go wrong. Zaku is oddly unaware of most things around him, it's not that he's self-centered, he just doesn't realize when things are happening every now and then. If people around him are fighting, he may not notice until he hears yelling or until there's a physical fight happening, and even then he might not notice. He has a tendency to zone out when he's focused on something, so that everything around him becomes blank to his mind. Sometimes it gets so bad that people have to actually physically push him to get him to focus on other things. He's also a little clumsy, not enough that he breaks expensive things, but he hurts himself regularly just from tripping or running into things because he didn't notice it was there. Zaku doesn't like fighting, and generally wishes it didn't happen at all, but when it comes to physical fights, he can hold his own. He learned how to fight properly just from wandering and seeing gang fights. Zaku is not particularly bright when it comes to sexual things, he rarely gets perverted jokes, and his mind doesn't generally think up things like that, even when it's being brought up directly to him. He doesn't pretend he knows anything about it, though, if someone brings it up with him, he'll admit to knowing nothing. He finds it an odd subject, not really caring too much about it, but taking what he hears about it in anyway.

Powers/Abilities: Zaku can control the winds with his hands and arms. He can also gather the wind in his hands and release them in a surge to either propel himself forward or repel something else back. However, he generally uses his ability to control the wind to keep himself amused or to make menial tasks easier. He tends to move the wind from one room to another so that he can hear what's going on in places around him. He learned to do that as a safeguard when he wasn't living in an orphanage. He also picked up the ability to tamper with sound waves and make them move either faster or slower to project any sound he wants to any random volume.
Weaknesses/Disabilities: As with his skills or lack thereof, Zaku isn't particularly strong, and his stamina is average. He tends to lose his control of the wind when his concentration is broken, so if he has the wind gathered in his hands and loses focus, the wind will release and knock him over. Because he is still new to controlling sound waves, he occasionally amplifies sounds unintentionally, sometimes so much that he hurts his own eardrums. Sometimes all it takes is for him to take a step for the sound to reverberate at a louder volume than normal. Also, Zaku has yet to find a productive use for his abilities, seeing that he rarely gets involved in fights and does menial labor voluntarily to get stronger. He mainly uses the sound ability while meditating to hear the nature around him instead of the people around him. That, and Zaku tends to overhear things he doesn't want to hear when he uses his abilities. Every now and then he'll catch the sound of someone getting hurt, and that will make him sad, and other times he'll hear...other noises, which will creep him out.

Likes: Most foods with meat, being outside, staring at the moon, walking barefoot in the grass, meditating, and taking unnecessarily long baths. Zaku likes anything involving the outdoors, when given the option to study outside, he will take it in a heartbeat. He loves being outside so much that he will stand out in the rain regularly, even though he has no jacket or umbrella to use. He loves music of pretty much any sort, almost as much as being outside. He has a tendency to play his music at a regular volume, and then gradually turn it up until it's obnoxiously loud. When he does this, his ears adjust to the volume he's set the sound to, so he can't tell that it's too loud.
Dislikes: Tofu and hummus, being rushed, being stuck inside, exceptional heat, socks, shoes, and showers. Zaku doesn't like people who shoot him down or shoot down his ideas. He also has trouble putting up with people who give up on him when he's taking a while to figure things out. He hates when people get frustrated with him because he doesn't get things right off the bat, and he gets very defensive when people put him down. It is his natural reaction to wear his temper on his sleeve when people are being mean to him, and though he rarely gets involved in arguments or fights, he will retort if someone is putting him down. Zaku hates sitting in silence, he always needs some form of sound going on around him, anything from music to the scratching of a pencil as he writes is fine so long as it's not quiet. Most of the time if he can't make sound on his own, he'll drag sound from somewhere else just for the sake of having some form of sound to hear.

Background/History: Zaku had been to several orphanages before ending up at the Outcast Orphanage. His parents left him at an orphanage when he was six because he had unknowingly broken one of the main beams holding up the house. His parents didn't know how, but they called him a jinx and left him for others to take. He was left with very few things, just an oversized t-shirt, several pairs of shorts, a few sets of pants for him to grow into, and a green jacket. After several incidences of broken windows and door hinges, he was moved out of the first orphanage, and every year after, he was moved somewhere else, finally being left at the Outcast Orphanage. This had a very large effect on him, as after a while he became very aware of why it was that they kept moving him. He wasn't much of a troublemaker to anyone, but because he liked to play with the wind, he would unintentionally end up breaking things until he was moved somewhere else. He would test himself to see if he had control of the wind and would consistently find that he didn't. One of the times he was doing this, he had been alone in the room, and part of the bunk bed that he shared with another kid broke and collapsed on him. Ever since that incident, he's been afraid to be in a room by himself without knowing someone else was nearby. For a while, no orphanage would take him, and for several weeks he wandered to keep alive. He wouldn't steal, though, he felt bad for doing things like that, and instead went hungry until he found a homeless shelter where he could get something to eat. While wandering the streets, he would regularly be a target by gangs simply for the fact that he was just wandering the streets. He would generally try to just run away from them, but when that wasn't cutting it, he would eventually end up losing control and blowing them away with the wind. During this wandering time, he practiced with the wind and after a while realized that things worked better when he worked with the wind, instead of trying to command it. It was then that he started to get control of his powers, which drastically helped him, especially when he would run into gang members while wandering. After a while, he was taken back into one of the orphanages he had been in before. Unfortunately, he was having a dream one night and was rolling over quite a bit, which caused the wind in his room to move about and break both the window and his bed frame. It was after that incident that he was finally dropped off at the Outcast Orphanage, because none of the other orphanages in the area he had been in would take him back.

Other: Zaku has a tendency to sleep through his alarm no matter how early he goes to sleep or how late his alarm is set, making him late for pretty much everything. He is also frequently found wearing his signature t-shirt with the yin yang on it. It's a bit small on him, however, it's the only shirt that he has other than his school clothes. He cleans it each night before going to sleep, so it doesn't smell, though it is rather faded from the years of use.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:53 pm
Name: Junpei Shiratori
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Appearance: Body and weekday outfit, others to come later. sweatdrop Junpei is decently tall, around 6' 3".

Personality: Junpei is a very bright person, doing very well in most things that he puts effort into. He has a photographic memory, so he can give details for almost any moment of his life. This made schoolwork in particular rather easy on him, as he never struggled to remember facts or equations. Junpei is rather quiet, and isn't one to start conversations with people unless he knows them well. He is a bit on the shy side, though not so much so that he can't be around other people. He has a hard time talking with people, and most of the time he has to force himself to talk to others. He has a hard time becoming attached to other people, and as such, doesn't really know what it's like to have friends. Most of the time, he is just afraid that people won't like the person that he is inside. Most people just think of him as a quiet nerd, but he actually likes to play sports here and there, and loves music of all sorts. He has a very strange and slightly morbid sense of humor, though most don't know, as he rarely opens up enough for people to realize it. He finds dead baby jokes particularly amusing, though he does feel slightly guilty for laughing at them afterward. He acts very politely to everyone when he first meets them, though he is very shrewd and notices things quickly, like appearance and attitude. He tries not to pass judgement too quickly, though it is his first instinct to do so. He has a very good memory for names, faces, and happenings, so he is constantly alert as far as possible bad situations go. He is a bit obsessive compulsive as well, when he starts to work on something, he refuses to start something new until the old one is finished, and everything needs to be right before he'll even consider it done.

Powers/Abilities: Junpei can create lightning with his hands and can also tamper with electronics as they're being used. So long as electricity is running to an object, he can mess with it, be it wiring or data. He can also sense electricity moving through areas that are close to him, so if there's a surge, he can tell where the power's heading.
Weaknesses/Disabilities: He can shock himself with his own lightning, never doing enough damage to take himself out, but enough that it could do some damage to him. Also, he doesn't have complete control over his powers, so he will occasionally electrocute himself, as well as turn off the electronics he's using without realizing it. This drawback in particular aggravates him, seeing as every now and then he'll shut his own computer off without meaning to. He has to be careful when drinking liquids and taking showers as well, seeing as the water can make him shock himself. When he's checking the movement of electricity, he occasionally stops it without meaning to.

Likes: Megatokyo, enchiladas, death jokes, video games. He considers his computer to be an extension of his life, which is why he always has it on him.
Dislikes: Rain and snow, moving water, stagnant water, other liquids, clothes that were just pulled out of the dryer. Really, any form of water is cause for concern for Junpei, so he tends to try to avoid them as often as he can. He still needs water to live, obviously, so he has to deal with that problem. He also dislikes being dirty or messy, so he forces himself to shower regularly, even though it puts himself at risk of shock.

Background/History: Junpei was born in Okinawa to abusive parents. He was supposed to have been born as one of a set of twins, but the first child died in the womb, leaving him. His parents believed that to have twins would be a blessing, but as one died and the other lived, they considered Junpei to be a curse and a demon who would bring them terrible luck. They spent time regularly to make it clear that he was a total failure in their eyes, no matter how hard he worked to show them that he wasn't. He worked hard to be a straight A student, and even though he was at the top of his class, they still beat him regularly for being a failure at one thing or another. He worked hard at school to impress them and to try and get them to like him, but they would then criticize his lack of cooking ability, his "bad" cleaning, and anything and everything else they could think of. Because of their constant yelling at him, he became very inconfident, and could rarely bring himself to talk to other students. He was quickly outcast by his classmates for both being smart and not talking to anyone, though they thought he was being smug. His school life coupled with his life at home was so frustrating to him that he finally decided he was going to make a change about it. He showed up to school one day with his hair dyed and streaked, which surprised the entire school. He had always been quiet and clean cut before then, so the fact that he showed up with his hair dyed black and green really surprised people. When they found out what he had done, his parents were infuriated. They beat him furiously that night, then felt that he was shaming them so much that they decided to "move to the US" to get him away from people they knew. Without a word to him otherwise, they kicked him out of the car at the orphanage while "on the way to their new house". They made it very clear to him that they weren't coming back to get him and that they never wanted to see him again. Oddly, Junpei was rather hurt by this, even though he was sick and tired of the abuse. He just wanted them to love him like a regular parent would, and for them to get rid of him like that meant that he stood no chance of ever proving to them that he was a good son. He was crushed by this and sat outside of the orphanage for several hours trying to recover from it before entering. He didn't want to set a bad impression of himself to the other people living there by breaking down in front of them.

Other: Junpei dyed his hair himself, which was the reason his parents finally decided to just get rid of him. His hair is naturally brown. Also, Junpei is a computer geek. He is a master hacker and spends more of his time in front of a computer screen than he does sleeping. Junpei, strangely enough, loves to go shopping, even though he's really good about not spending his money. He likes to shop for anything from music to books to clothes to accessories. He takes electronics shopping far more seriously than shopping for other things, though. If he's going into an electronics shop, it's for a very specific item and nothing else. He never browses through electronics shops, mainly because he already knows most everything about the stuff he'd be buying from them.

((Still editing...))  

Flint Jakobs
Vice Captain

Problematic Gunsmith

31,800 Points
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