Name: Rayne Hammond
Age: 16
Gender: female
Appearance: Body Dark blue eyes, black hair down to her waist, thin and about five foot four.
Normal clothes: School outfit A School outfit B Weekends A Weekends B (with black pants)
Summer clothes:Summer clothes A Summer clothes B (minus scythe) Swim suit (Minus boots)
Winter Clothes: Set 1 Set 2
Personality: Rayne is, maybe because of her pyrokinetic abilities, kind of hot tempered. It never takes much to set her off, and she often gets mad at people for small things. Most of the time, that means she yells at them, saying hurtful things, then runs off to sulk. Rayne is the queen of sulking, and brooding... she'll sit forever in an empty room and think if you let her.
Most of time, though, she prefers to be around people. She'd be the last person to say so, but she does. She likes people, she likes cooking for them and hanging out with them. She tries to be social. Sometimes she can easily converse with others... sometimes she gets defensive over the dumbest things and ends up getting mad. She always feels bad after flying off the handle, though. She's actually quite sensitive about all that. She's also stubborn, though, so sometimes she holds a grudge, unless somebody gets her to drop it, or apologizes.
Showing emotions is rather hard for her, what with her powers going haywire if she gets too emotional, not to mention how her father used to treat her when she showed emotions around him. Because of this, she tends to keep all 'weaker' emotions inside. Sadness, longing, jealousy, fear, she hides all of that as best she can. Rayne will never show others if she likes them very much. It takes a very intuitive person to realize she considers you anything more than an acquaintance. Sometimes, she'll treat those she considers to be 'best friends' with a cold disinterest, which pushes away many people. Rayne feels a need to seem tough, like many other orphans do, and often takes it so far as to shove away those that might care about her. She has rather conflicting emotions, but most of the time likes to just hang out with others and is rather calm and laid back. She keeps a lot inside, though, and a lot to herself.
Powers/Abilities: pyrokinetics. She can create fire, or just generate heat at will.
She also has the ability to charm and calm most domesticated animals, like birds, dogs, cats, horses, ect. They naturally come to her and, while she cannot hear their direct thoughts, she seems to know what they want, and they seem to understand what she says as well.
Weaknesses/Disabilities: Well, if Rayne’s emotions become too negative or out of control, things tend to start warming up a bit, then eventually catching fire. Luckily, since she has had this power since she was thirteen, she has gotten it relatively under control, with only a rare slip up every now and then.
She also gets cold very easily, like, cannot go outside in the winter... and for some reason, she can't be out in the rain. It makes her feel weak and sick, and if she's out in the rain too long, she even passes out.

This has very little to do with her powers, but Rayne is also deathly afraid of heights. She is fine being indoors, at a window or something, but she freezes up when on ladders, ledges, balconies, ect.

Likes: Cooking, baking, cleaning, listening to music, sleeping, drawing, reading, guys, Italian food, swimming, horses, cats, playing with animals, being outside, watching people, laying about in the grass under trees, going to the beach, sewing (though she thinks is a totally embarrassing activity, and so often only does so to fix her clothes), sitting in front of a warm fire and drinking hot cocoa.
Dislikes: People cooking for her or interfering with her attempts to cook, she likes to be left to her own devices in the kitchen, people cleaning up her things, and people offering to help. She hates the cold/anything below high sixties, winter in general (though she does like to watch the snow falling when she's sitting inside all bundled up and in front of a nice warm fire), large crowds, rain/ thunder storms, alcohol, fish, arrogant or biased people, law enforcement, and rap music
Background/History: When Rayne was 8, her mother, who was a cop, was killed in the line of duty. Up until that day, Rayne's life was completely normal. She had two great, loving parents, and the best older brother a kid could ask for... but her mother's death changed everything. Her father began to drink, her brother, who was fifteen, got involved with the wrong kind of people, and began to do drugs. Rayne's father was no longer a loving and kind person, but an angry drunk, and sometimes he took it out on Rayne and her brother. Her brother ran away when she was 10, and Rayne never saw him again. Meanwhile, at home, it only got worst for Rayne. Her father started to move them around the country, so nobody would ever pay attention long enough to see what was going on. Shortly after she turned thirteen, though, her fire powers finally manifested and lashed out at her father. She killed him, and burned down the house. She was placed in foster care, but her violent temper lead to numerous other fires before she realized what was going on, and had been moved to two other orphanages. After that, Rayne started to interact with people even less than she had been before, which wasn't much, and focused on controlling and suppressing her emotions. She would slip up sometimes, though, usually when she slept and had nightmares, and shortly after she turned sixteen, she was sent to the Outcast Orphanage.
Other: Rayne is afraid of heights so much because of something her father did to her when she was younger that pretty much terrified her for life. Basically everything she is afraid of now was because of something her dad did to her. She pretty much doesn't acknowledge her past any more, though, or edits it if other's ask.