"Ladies and gentlemen, wehave to recognize that Islam is not a religion. It is a world wide political movement meant on domination of the world and it is meant to subject all people under Islamic law."
--Pat Robertson

First, I've gotta ask: Couldn't you say the same thing and put Christianity in for Islam? Except for the not being religion part, since whatever Pat Robertson may think, both are religions.

Pat Robertson endorses Rudy Giuliani. this is weird. Giuliani has been divorced twice and is pro abortion. I'm sure these can't be good things according to Pat Robertson.

I would think that a freak like Pat Robertson, who agreed with Falwell about the US deserving the attack on September 11, 2001 and was for an assassination attempt on a foreign dictator, would be trouble to Giuliani. But, I guess giuliani needs all the evangelicals he can get and Robertson probably thinks Giuliani is the best of the Republicans to beat Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner.

Hey, didn't Churchill say he'd side with the devil to beat someone worse? That's why he allied with Russia against the Germans. Well it seems to be happening with giuliani and Robertson. I just don't know who's who.

I will probably copy this to my guild once I start working on it.