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PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:27 pm
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Forum SET-UP
1st Post; Forum Set-up
2nd Post; Basic Plotline & Setting
3rd Post; Rules
4th Post; Character Profiles
5th Post; Character Availability
6th Post; Events and Important Happenings Timeline
7th Post; Reserved

**Important Note; This role-play has not only been moved from an entirely different guild to this one before, but also, well known to many of our role-playing veterans, undergone a complete revamping, so there are some relationships and minor plotlines that have been continued from previous role-players to this site, however, anyone that isn’t familiar with these needs not be expected to know them. This is, in its entirety, a completely seperate role-play than the 3 before it going by the similiar name.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:33 pm

There is a group of Immortal thieves, they are famed throughout the land as an unbeatable force. Shut your windows, lock your doors, whatever these thieves want they'll have and there's no stopping them! Many have tried, armies sent after these thieves, and none could put an end to them, and that started back before they were all immortal.
That's right, they are no ordinary thieves, not only their impressive skills and strengths in several different ways, their incredible teamwork, but not an injury on the planet can affect these thieves. It simply is absorbed into their skin, melted into nothing instantly. However could one possibly hope to destroy these thieves with such a mystical power? No one knows.
Only within the leagues on the thieves is it known that some count this immortality as a curse, while others count it as a blessing, each for their own reason. Only one thing is sure, they've shown no signs of aging, no amount of physical damage will take them down, and, of course, they are unbeatable.
The only catch is, none of the thieves can remember how exactly they became immortal in the first place. There are many mysteries shadowing the story, a tale of a mysterious leader of their troop who holds all the cards, a fogged out memory of the times from before their immortal strength, and a question; "How did this happen?"


Mid evil Japan is where the story takes place, in a time of samurai armies and ninja assassins. I'm sure you can guess which of the two our thieves fit more into the categorey of. A time when Japan is diving into techonology, modern warfare is emerging, weapons from the west, many new advances. It is a time when the world is busting full, a full agenda of things to do for each and every person, and don't those thieves fit in perfectly. They take what they want, when they want, and, in a time such as this, it's a pretty good life. As far as most of our thieves are concerned, they're going to be here 'till the end of time.
The thieves made their headquarters in an abandoned theatre, beautiful in architecture, roomy enough for al of the occupants, and remote, practically unknown to the world outside of their leagues. A perfect spot for a group of immortal thieves, hidden in the trees, deep in the forest.
It is a place unlike any other, holding a spot in the hearts of al of the thieves. It is home, many have their own special places in the theatre itself. Shinobu rules the rafters high in the loft reaches of the theatre's ceiling, Aoki beds in a mezzanine all her own, Tao's converted a basement into a blacksmith for all his smithing needs. It's a place made their own by the thieves, their headquarters, their home.


The stage front area.
A great mezzamine, in the back, near the entrance.
A balcony.
The outside of the theatre, this one would be obscured by trees and bushes in the growth of a large forest.


Tsubasa Reservoir


PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:34 pm

Also! It's first-come first-serve, character-wise! Please check the availability post before you pester me by asking me for a position that?s already taken. There are plenty left and I'm sorry if the only one poor ol' you will ever play is taken! There's nothing that can be done! So suck it up or pack it up.
Please stay in character, take your time choosing, there's plenty to go around, pick one that you will play properly according to the profile! There's a reason I numbed my fingertips writing those!!
If you are hoping to join in the roleplay, please choose a character and then private message me a preview of how you would roleplay as them. It doesn't have to be amazing, just convince me that you can roleplay this person. If you, for whatever reason, can't, then you can try again with another character if you please.
I don't think I have to say this in a literacy guild, but if you muck up my forum with illiterate posts I will be most angry and I will take out the stick. [The stick.] And don't ask me to join unless you do in a very literate way.
No godmoding.
Timmy picks up Joe, bashes him until Joe begins to throw up, watches Joe run for the door like a coward, listens to him beg for mercy and then finishes him off by choping off his head.
Do not get me started on how much of the stick I will be using on you.
Please use either OOC:, )'s, ))'s, ]'s, or any other apparent form of out of character speak when you want to do just that.
OOC: This roleplay is the sweet, eh guys?
((Yeah, and Edaniel is so awesome, I bet she can draw just as good, if not better than Hayou Miyazaki himself.))
[Why, thankyou.]
Violence is allowed. Well, actually, it's almost required in a roleplay like this. Bllood, guts, narsty stuff like that will be a frequent flyer here. So, I'm not going to say to take it easy on the gore, you can make us all puke if you really want, I do remind you to stay in character!
I don't mind viollence much, but, NO KILING OTHER CHARACTERS! Not only is that godmoding, but, HELLO! These guys are immortals!!!! That aint gonna work, sonny Jim.
Language!! A BIG issue for me! My computer has psychological problems, or moreso, problems with allowing me to view any page containing a little work be all know as duck with an 'f'. It?s not my fault! A net-nanny/cyber-sitter has it out for me, and if you post this word, or any other severe language words that have not yet been tested out by me, not only will I not be able to view the entire page that was on until someone suspends the blocker for me or until you delete your post with a warning. I HAVE kicked out people before for this and I WILL do it again if necessary!
Words like damn and hell are fine, if you must use severe ones like duck with an 'f', please misspell it drastically or blank out the vowels with *'s. If it's needed, I'm sure we can all fill in the blanks.
Romance is allowed [AND WANTED], for sure!! Romance makes every story better, I believe. Except for Monty Python, we all love him in a different sort of way. XD But, seriously, romance is the best! So touching, so good for the story! And if you don't mush it up I WILL!!!! So beware. ALSO!! Nothing past PG-13. And, I'm not going to say "take it to private messaging" because that is bull crap. All of MY roleplay will be before MY eyes and it will be PG-13! Got it? Good.
Advertisers will answers to my stick.
Please be active! Don't join if you're gonna post once and leave, or for a week and never return! We all take vacations, I understand! If it's gonna be a big break, let me known first and I'll keep your spot warm for you, or if you're leaving, let me know so I don't have to wait a year to put your slot back up for grabs!!
We need active members, if I notice that you're not posting, you'll get a warning and then you'll get the boot. Sorry.
I will not accept people using racist, seexual, hurtful, or unnecessarily rude comments to one another outside of character. It is allowed in character, if the character being played calls for such an attitude, but, not only do I remind you to stay in character, but none of my characters are racists, so keep those sorts of alienations out of my roleplay. Thankyou very much.
My co-owner is Tsubasa reservoir and they deserve the same amount of respect as I do! In fact, everyone in this guild deserves respect! Just, if you need to talk to somebody about the rp and you can't access me for whatever reason, mail one of them! They know me in real life so trust me, they'll get the message through.
I have a special request for the gaian avatars in this rp. Usually I despise baised opinion on people and apapearances but any avi with the 'cig' equipped will not be permitted to join. I'm sorry but I recently lost a loved one to cancer, completely because of tobacco from cigarettes, and I decided that not only would I, very soon I hope, make a petition to ban the cig, but make sure that none of my friends had the cig. You see, the cig isn't bad itself, it's a pixelated image, but what it stands for is wrong. And there shouldn't've been a cig in the first place, it represents smoking being cool and okay [not to mention in the description of the cig it mentions it as "making you look seexy"] on a site that is for teens. And that just isn't right.
DO NOT ask me for an update for on the roleplay so far if you're joining or you missed something. You've got eyes!! Read it! There's no secret info on this rp that you'll only get by talking to me, I mean, a little, but that's not supposed to be known yet.
[And for you oldcomers, trust me, the secret is waaaay different this time. I got creative on a day off and I will stump you all!!]
Read the roleplay thus far, it'll catch you up just fine, I'm sure. It'll take some time, but we?re not in a hurry!
I do perfer it when people don't make large quotes on eachother's roleplay posts, I suppose that in a chat forum that would be acceptable, but one will find that in a roelplay [espcially a literate one] the posts tend to get very long, and quoting can become very stretching, a waste of space, to be frank. It's not as if I don't wish for out roleplay to be a large as possible, but that's a cheap way to go about it, hunh? So, please, if it isn't needed please don't be quoting roleplay posts.
Lastly, HAVE FUN!!! This roleplay is all about having fun!! Don't be afraid to make yourself amused by it, silly is okay, as long as it's in character. Just get creative, this roleplay is for recreation! Make it your own!

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

NOTE; It's come to my attention lately, that people are leaving or will be away for a period of time, meaning missing some roleplay days, and aren't letting me know ahead of time, and quite frankly, both me and Tsubasa Reservoir, my co-owner, need to know these things! They are important! I'm having to kick out people all of the time because of inactivity, and you NEED to let me know or else you could be next.

Alright, I just went through the characters and re-hosted every one of them. Now we have links to the pictures instead of the pictures to keep things neater. I'd noticed lately some of the pictures wouldn't show up, for some of these links are really old, so I've got new ones now. It was a lot of work though.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:42 pm

Name: Hamani
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Bio: Recently showing up on the theatre premisis, she is still very unknown and mysterious to the Immortal Thieves. She claims to be their leader but little proof has been shown to back that up. Her attitude thus far is very calm, somewhat friendly, although very suspicious. And as for any weapons, she has proven to be formidable in both the ways of physical combat and magical expertise, the katana hung around her waist being her favoured weapon.
*not a playable character*


Name; Shinobu
Age; 17
Gender; Female
Bio; Shinobu has a younger sister named Aoki, who she is very protective of. She is also a very skilled fighter, a valuble asset to the group. She is not a big talker, and not much of a joker, but she is not cold. Simply a silent follower, a real team player. Shinobu gets along relatively well with all of the other members of the group. She has a katana (which she has mastered), her silent but deeadly matrial arts, and she's probably got some shuriken and throwing daggers stashed away somewhere.
She is the one with silver hair, Aoki is the one with brown hair.
Shinobu banner


Name; Aoki
Age; 15
Gender; Female
Bio; Aoki has an older sister named Shinobu who she is very fond of. Aoki is one of the youngest of the immortal theives. Her appearance may not be typical of a theif, but her attitude suits her occupation perfectly. She is crafty and clever, not one to get on the wrong side of. She is a rather optimistic and even though she can be prissy and self absorbed she is not a bad person. She has amazing magical powers in illusions such as conjuring up fake copies, and false objects and scenerios. She is also a great decoy and destraction. She and Shinobu have mastered the art of instant thought transmission. When one or the other wants to share information secretly they made read one another's minds, by a special sister's bond, but when one closes their mind to the other, it blocks out any other thoughts. Like the ulitimate 'walkie talkie'.
Appearance; Look abover in Shinobu's pic, she is the one with brown hair.
Aoki banner


Name; Tomoyo
Age; 17
Gender; Female
Bio; Tomoyo is the possibly most depressed person in the entire group. She has taken being immortal the hardest and if often very quiet and keeps to herself. Reminiscing about better times and what could be. She is not whiny, however, simply ruefull. She does not usually confide herself in others but she apparently is very intelligent and has mysterious powers she uses in battle along with her powerful blade.
Tomoyo banner


Name: Emiko
Age; 19
Gender: Female
Bio: Emiko is one of the oldest in the group. She is quite intelligent and very seductive. She is also skilled with the Bo (Chinese wooden stick) and thinks up many of the plans for the group of Immortal Theives. She is a strong offender in battle and, while she may act a little amourous and flirty off the battle field, when it's time for action she's serious.


Name: Saku
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Bio: Saku is a very serious person in the group of immortal thieves. She is not a grim, but always has her mind in the game. She uses serious magical arts, preferably fire, in her work and believes that it is her spiritual strength that energizes this ability. Saku doesn't give much thought to the immortality that she possesses, nor does she have much of an opinion on whether it is a curse of a blessing, she simply thinks and acts. Not much consideration.


Name: Nia
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Bio: Nia seems to have different outlook upon immortality than most of the others in the group, and ultimately, a different look upon life. She sees the immortality given to her as the darkest of curses. Most would call her inconsolably pessimistic and depressed. She seems cold at most times, and isn't very sociable. Her powers are mainly psychocological, powers in bringing out the worst or best in a circumstance of person, power over the swaying of minds, a strange power that not many can comprehend or deal with.
Nia banner


Name: Yue
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Bio: Yue is somewhat of a heartthrob. She seems to be the type of gurl to mystify and intrigue the males, while utterly unnoticed by the females. She isn't that serious, nor cheerful, where she is a calm, tranquil soul, a good peacekeeper for the immortal thieves. She's never one to lose her temper. Sometimes acting as a mother figure to the younger members of the group, Yue seems to draw her mystical powers from the moon, hence, the name Yue, meaning moon in Chinese. She fights with a quarter staff, which she can handle well, imbuing it with the powers she possesses as she battles.
Yue banner


Name: Kagami
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Bio: Kagami is a peaceful person. She is stoic and simple. Often quiet, and not extremely social. She isn't a depressed spirit, or cold in any way, she actually is very friendly to the others in the group. A good listener, they all would agree, she can seem sophisticated at times when she employs the use of her well-trained skills in hand-to-hand combat. She is well developed in the ways of martial arts, and can execute them flawlessly in most conditions.
Kagami banner


Name: Nadeshiko
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Bio: Nadeshiko is a rather omptimistic member of the immortal thieves. She's quote social and sometimes can seen a little over-dramatic and bratty at times, but with so many members of the group being so quiet and so serious, it's important to have a member with her attitude. Somewhat spoiled, but bright and cheery. Nadeshiko is a fighter with smaller ranged weapons such as shuriken and kunai.


Name: Kosho
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Bio: Kosho is a fearless fighter. She is tough in battle, her head always in the game, ready to do whatever it takes to win and do it in style. Kosho is never one to mess with, she's a winner, through and through and forceful in many ways. She isn't extremely social with the other members of the immortal thieves, for she doesn't have a lot of time to chat in between her frequent and serious missions, with her eyes always on a bigger prize than last time. Kosho fights with a spiral-bladed kunai and never misses.


Name: Mihoshi
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Bio: Mihoshi is a sweet little child, very quiet and seemingly innnocent. She thinks nothing of being part in a group of thieves, for she's far too interested in going off an playing with her pet turtle midori. No one can remember how someone so young would've come to be part of the group, but one can guess it has something to do with her relation to Fai, her bigger brother, whom is perhaps the one she gets her happy-go-lucky attitude from. If there's any sort of combatic skills Mihoshi employs, it would be her animal charming abilities. A fierce beast becomes a fuzzy critter in her hands.


Name: Taketo
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Bio: Taketo has a very serious personality. He is not cold or heartless but rather stiff and an introvert. He usually keeps to himself, and no one is really sure what goes on in his mind. He seems to be a deep person and does not open up to anyone. He has two katanas as his weapons.
Taketo banner


Name: Haru
Age: 18
Gender; Male
Bio; Haru has a very serious personality. He does not socialize often and seems to save all of his energy for his job. Which he seems very dedicated to. Sometimes he will open up to someone but it is not often. Haru fights with his martial arts and a heavy sword. Though few are sure what he thinks about, it's obvious that he is very interested to know the reason they were all cursed to immortality, although he seems to quite enjoy being immortal.
Haru banner


Name: Tao
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Bio; Tao is the oldest in the entire group of immortal thieves. He is skilled beyond compare in battle, but what is most likely the strongest feature about him is his obsession with weapons. He owns, and can operate and repair, just about any weapon, he has them stashed away somewhere. He is the group's weapon expert. Tao has a younger brother names Suki who he?s fond of and trying to train him just like himself.


Name; Koh
Age; 16
Gender; Male
Bio; Koh is a very spiritual fighter, he is sneaky and an ideal thief for covert operations. When he is with his fellow team members he is rather friendly and can chat openly with them forming good friendships. He is an easy to get along with guy, and, even though he is one of the younger members, he gets plenty respect.
Koh banner


Name; Izumo
Age; 17
Gender; Male
Bio; Izumo has a rather competitive personality. He is very violent in battle and is very energetic. For instance, he cannot sit still for 5 seconds. He always has to be off doing something, and he doesn't mind doing it alone. He loves nothing more than a good fight, and he seems to consider himself invincible. Some might call him c*cky, but he is definitely a helpful member of the team. No one can match his enthusiasm, not even Rikku, he has unlimited energy. Don't get in his way!
Izumo banner


Name: Yuki
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: Yuki is one of the calmer members of the group of immortal thieves. He is quiet, not very talkative at all, a simple and plain sort of guy. On the topic of immortality, he seems to be very interested in the matter. He can't quite seem to make up his mind about whether it is a blessing or a curse. Yuki is a very thoughtful person, one to think things through before he acts. He fights with a katana which he has mastered and swift ninja-like skills.


Name: Fai
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Bio: Fai is a very snappy sort of fighter. He doesn't show much consideration in a situation that would call for deep thought, while everything he does seems to have been carefully planned out. Many would call him sophisticated, and he loves nothing more than to smirk about a successful mission or a victory. His weapons are razor sharp ninja hand claws and foot spikes which can easily be concealed and are very handy.


Name: Tomi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: Tomi isn't a very talkative member of the group, and it's a rather good thing he isn't, for when he does talk, it can be rather unfriendly and somewhat disturbing to the other members of the group. No one really knows what goes on in his mind, but what he shows in his actions, and what he speaks to others, when he rarely does, is that he gets no greater pleasure than from taking lives. On the matter of immortality, it really doesn't matter what his opinion is, he's happy as long as he's killling things. He doesn't kill aggressively, just to satisfy some strange craving of his. His weapon is a katana, often stained with bllood.


Tomi banner


Name: Suki
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Bio: Suki is a quiet and thoughtful little guy. He's very introverted and shy at many times. He won't even open up to some of the members of his group, and he's known them as long as he can remember. He holds a peculiar fascination with the stars and constellations, many would call him an astronomer-in-training. His powers lie in his in-depth abilities with knownledge and planning. Not to mention how well-educated he seems to be for someone his age. He has an older brother named Tao who he wants to impress but doesn't seem to have the skills.


Name: Yul
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Bio: Yul is a master in the cosmic arts, he draws a magical energy from the stars and the sun and the moon and can use them his own way in battle. He enjoys any sort of excitement and adventure and, without being coccky, always seems to come off very confident and proud. Stealing doesn't bother him, in fact, it's more of a game to him than anything. He loves it.


Name: Juromaru
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Bio: Juromaru is a pyro, or, quite simply, his element is fire, and he endorses it to no end. His sword, the kiba [or fang], is imbued with the powers of fire, as well as his flame protector armour, and, of course, Juromaru is skilled in several of the strongest fire magics that are possible to one of his skill level. He doesn't mind thieving much, but he adores missions, any chance to use his skills in combat is a holiday for Juromaru.


Melora is a young gurl who seems to be an ungreatful member of the immortal thieves, be unwillingly changed into an immortal in a chance encounter with Shinobu, she know lives to seek her revenge on the woman for stealing away her chance to 'be freed'. Along with this, Melora has strong feelings against all of the thieves, preferabbly Shinobu, Izumo and, Nia, who once stole her precious rabbit voodoodoll, and Melora is the person to originally bring up the concept of a 'bearer', one who takes responsiblity for all of the injuries that the Thieves take, like a transferrance, the ultimate scapegoat. She is currently in the care [somewhat] of Hamani, the supposed 'leader' of the thieves, who doesn't know what to do with the newest pup.
*Played by me*

To see if characters are taken, look to next post down.


User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.= This character has been previously played by another gaian that had either quit or being booted from the role-play. There is chance that other characters that are presently in the roleplay may have had experiences and interactions with these characters before their players were terminated. This role-play will try to refrain from pushing those unfair assumptions unto people who weren't playing the characters before so that everyone has a fair chance and doesn't need to worry about what 'some other player' has done in the character, however, there is always a chance that it may be a burden, hopefully not too much of a problem.

Tsubasa Reservoir


PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:45 pm

NOTE: Characters that are not listed are already being played by on taken care of by people like me or my co-owner.

Shinobu: Edaniel
Aoki: Taubasa Reservoir
Tomoyo: Lirdianc
Saku: ~Teri-Kaitou~
Nia: Lord Bean
Yue: Synthetic-Sympathies
Kosho: Jei H
Mihoshi: strawberry_kitty

Haru: Ratherion
Izumo: Mikujin
Tomi: Lord Bean
Suki: Alastor Phoenix
Yul: Edaniel
Juromaru: kevkas
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:50 pm

February 5th, 2006
-Forum officially opened.

February 6th, 2006
-New character! = Tomi/Amnis
-School week roleplaying hours schedule enforced

February 12th, 2006
-New character! = Yue/Kelwyn

February 13th, 2006
-Temporary bann on behaviour- Ashintuku

February 20th, 2006
-Finalization of behaviour bann- Ashintuku, character terminated. Replacement in the making.
-New character! = Kagami/PerilousBard

February 27th, 2006
-New character! = Tomoyo/Lirdianc

March 6th, 2006
-New character! = Yuki/Gwyn Masamune
-Theif Roleplay banner added to first post.
-New combined character picture for characters Aoki & Shinobu.

March 13th, 2006
-New character! = Nia/bean313
-New character! = Rikku/VenomOf Life
-New character! = Nadeshiko/MissAeonis
-New character! = Saku/Jademo888
-New character! = Izumo/Mikujin

March 14th, 2006
-New character! =Kosho/Nina Piotrs

March 16th, 2006
-bean313 is making profile pics!
-Nia- http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v726/bean313/sigNia.jpg
-Aoki- http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v726/bean313/SigAoki.jpg

March 19th, 2006
-bean313 continues making profile signature pictures, available for veiwing in profiles
-New character! = Mitsukai/Xx_Homicidal_Teddybear_xX

March 26th, 2006
-I whooped Tsubasa Reservoir in Super Smash Bros.

March 27th, 2006
-New character! = Suki/jashu555
-New character! = Emiko/Krysin
-Players terminated, Jademo888, Amnis, and Nina Piotrs for inactivity characters back up for grabs.

April 3rd, 2006
-character profile pictures re-hosted for safety measures and converted into links in their profiles to promote neatness

April 7th, 2006
-'the story thus far' added into first posts of roleplay

April 21st, 2006
-The roleplay has officially reached it's 50th page!
-Players terminated, Xx_Homicidal_Teddybear_xX and Miss Aeonis for inactivity, characters back up for grabs.

May 4th, 2006
-New character profiles added, Yori, Noriyuki, Mihoshi, Tanin, Yul, and Juromaru

May 8th, 2006
-New character! = Misu_Of_Water/Mihoshi

May 10th, 2006
-New character! = NightmareAlchemist/Fai

May 11th, 2006
-Player terminated, rurik_16, quit, character back up for grabs.

May 13th, 2006
-New character! = VerdantOne/Yori

May 15th, 2006
-New character! = bean313/Tomi

May 17th, 2006
-Player terminated, the_flamingo_called_sean for inactivity, character back up for grabs.
-Special symbol to show if a character has been previous played added to character profiles.
-New character! - MartinM/Tanin

May 28th, 2006
-Player terminated, Lifesreject, quit, character back up for grabs.

May 31st, 2006
-Player returned, character re-assigned = Lifesreject/Koh

June 1st, 2006
-New character! = Fox Kendra/Noriyuki

June 24th, 2006
-Player terminated, bean313, quit, chatacters back up for grabs.

June 25th, 2006
-New character! = sotoGx89/Nadeshiko

June 26th, 2006
-Players terminated, VenomOfLife, MartinM, for inactivity, characters back up for grabs.

June 27th, 2006
-New character! = ~Teri-Kaitou~/Saku
-New character! = Amari Sakurai/Juromaru

June 28th, 2006
-New character! = -Gippal-of-Machina-/Chi

July 15th, 2006
-New character! = NightmareAlchemist/Tomi

August 6th, 2006
-Player terminated, Gwyn Masamune, Fox Kendra, Krysin, Kelwyn, Misu_of_water, for inactivity, character back up for grabs.

August 19th, 2006
-Player terminated, Amari Sakurai, for inactivity, character back up for grabs.
-New character! = bean313/Nia

August 22nd, 2006
-New character! = Jane Thimble/Mihoshi
-New character! = hell_kara/Yue
-New character! = Dark Slaine/Haru
-New charatcer! = Luna-Abyssus/Noriyuki
-New character! = TaikuNiwa/Taketo

August 25th, 2006
-New character! = FaithfullyBeautyful De*th/Rikku

August 22nd, 2006
-Player terminated, kurodo32, quit, character back up for grabs.

September 24th, 2006
-Players terminated Luna-Abyssus, Jane Thimble, hell_kara, PerilousBard for inactivity, characters back up for grabs.
-New character! = Ashintuku/Kosho

September 25th, 2006
-New character! = [Cocamidopropyl Betaine]/Noriyuki

September 26th, 2006
-New character! = Kraeela/Nozomu

October 1st, 2006
-Player terminated Lifesreject, quit, character back up for grabs

October 5th, 2006
-New character! = Edaniel/Yul
-Players terminated ~Teri-Kaitou~, -Gippal-of-Machina-, quit, characters back up for grabs.

November 12th, 2006
-New character! = Lezalia/Rikku

December 5th, 2006
-Chracter; Aoki, temporarily re-possesed by Ashintuku
-New character! = NightmareAlchemist/Yuki

December 14th, 2006
-Profile updated; Melora.
-Hibiki's prifle added on below Melora's.

December 17th, 2006
-Character; Aoki, given back to Tsubasa Resrvoir

January 8th, 2007
- Player terminated- [Cocamidopropyl Betaine] for inactivity, character back up for grabs.

January 15th, 2007
-Player terminated; Vanslaz quit, character back up for grabs.

January 17th, 2007
-New character!= cyanidexstains/Yue
-New character!= Kevkas/Juromaru
-Return of Vanslaz, character, Tao, re-posessed.

January 28th, 2007
-New character!= X_Wolf_Demon_Koga_X/Chi
-New character!= ~Ebony Rosewind~/Saku

February 7th, 2007
-Player terminated; Dark Slaine, for inactivity, character back up for grabs.

April 2nd, 2007
-Player terminated; Lord Bean, quit, character back up for grabs.

April 10th, 2007
-Player terminated; NitemareAlchemist, quit, characters back up for grabs.

May 29th, 2007
-New character!= roseofLA/Yuki

November 15th, 2007
-Immortal Theif Roleplay Rebirth forum posted

December 2nd, 2007
-New character!= Jei H/Kosho
-New character!= Alastor Phoenix/Suki

Tsubasa Reservoir


PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:51 pm
Post reserved.  
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:52 pm
And the roleplay is officially... OPEN! blaugh  



PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:46 pm
[Alright, roleplay. It's unlocked now. I'll post later...]  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:28 pm
The wind began to be pushing against Haru and he glanced out towards the forest. He was upon a tree nearby the theater where they all resided. He stood on a sturdy branch with one hand firmly on the trunk and the other at his side. He was mentally preparing for himself for his next mission. As always he would be alone. He didn't care to be with anyone else as he believed that it would just slow him down in the long run. Besides, if he was alone, he could have all the fun he wanted against anyone who decided to oppose him.

The sky had only a few clouds attached to it and the sun beamed down onto his face. His sword positioned itself at the base of the tree in the shadows. Haru began to feel a little hungry. He jumped off the tree and then braced himself for the ground. He landed nicely on the grassy ground and then turned around to his sword. As he slung it over his shoulder, he turned towards the theater and then he began walking towards it.

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:07 pm
[Sorry it took me so long to get this post up. I've been busy with parties and work. Plus I tried to post on Friday but it deleted my post... somehow... X[ Eh. I can mostly remember it. Leseee.]

From the highest point in the rafters that reached far up into the loftiest and crevases in the ceiling places of the ancient theatre the immortal thieves called home was Shinobu, dozing off in her usual most comfortable spot, fingers tangled in her silver locks. Eyelids painted with thing black eyelashed clamped shut over her cheeks, her lips parted slightly with each soft breath. She was a million miles away, dreaming as it were. Sleep that could be eternal, and it wouldn't change a thing.

If it were for the faint 'miaow' heard from the distant floor of the theatre foyer below, she may have continued her slumber forever and become nothing more than a wakeless zombie. What would be the need for her to stir?

An immortal body didn't work on the internal clock.

An immortal body needs nothing to survive. In fact, no force within nature can stop an immortal body from surviving.

If not it wouldn't be immortal.


"Oh, Haku." Shinobu exclaimed, still groggy from her delayed nap, her eyed thick with sleep and her hair matter from a lack of attention, she sat crosslegged on the cold floor directly below where she'd been previosuly, cradling the small and fragile cat, named so aptly by her kid sister, sporting his usual peculiar coat a blend of blacks and grays, and cooed softly at the furry little mammal that brought a strange joy to her that seemed so easy for an impractical yet charming little creature to do.

Shinobu was fond of cats. Especially this one.

"Thanks, Haku, for coming to wake me. I'm setting a horrible example for Aoki," said Shinobu to the cat, which obviously couldn't understand a lick of what she was saying, as she spoke about her younger sister, "sleeping so late like this. Imagine if she had found me instead of you. What a fix I'd be in then."

Shinobu sat up slowly, laying the cat gently at her feet, and taking off down the front hallway of the theatre, the furry creature chasing her heels playfully.

"Let's go to find my sister."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:22 pm
Not more than a five minutes walk from the theatre sat Yul, his limbs stretched out over the soft grassses that spanned the feilds around the area, so lush and green in their springtime glory. He absolutely loved the feeling of lolling about.

Perhaps that is why immortality came so naturally to him. The propsect of being able to do whatever you wanted without worry. Not having to care about what was going to happen of what you were doing, or what you were doing wrong was a marvellous gift. Nothing short of a blessing to a young man who'd, once upon a time, had needed to worry about such things. Not a lot could be hidden in the recesses of Yul's mind, wiped so cleanly by some unknown force of nature that held him back from ever knowing the secret to his immortality that bound him to eternity, but it never mattered too much to Yul.

He treasured what fragments a past he had to hold inside his heart, and things that were unknown to him could remain just that. It would never change a thing.

Yul propped up his head, peering out of the tall blades of grass with his one uncovered bright orange eye, at the young gurl who sat just outside of arm's reach of him, hugging her knees, the soft sceneted winds ruffling her chocolate hair just the slightest bit. Aoki often came to sit with the peaceful young man on a day off, they enjoyed the rare silence and took time between missions to heal in the quiet bliss of never being in a hurry.

"Aoki-chan." Yul began, smiling when she looked at him. It seemed to Yul that he may have broken her out of her thoughts. all the same, he has a question that needed answering.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," he began again, "But I heard from your sister that the two of you are currently serving as... somewhat of artifact hunters for one of the local merchantmen just inside the city of Amarante, a day's walk from here, and you are currently taking an intermission from your onging quest because your sister wants to... teach you a certain classified ability?"

"Is this strictly on a need-to-know basis?" Yul whispered, tweaking a brow suggestively.

Yul loved secrets.


Tsubasa Reservoir

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:47 pm
Aoki's head snapped towards the source of noise quickly. She had gotten so use to the silence between them that talking was almost a rare occurance. Aoki's amber eyes studied what he was saying for the slightest of moments, and met his gaze with a smile. The girl could only vaguely remember the past year, but sitting in the grass like she did with another person made her feel confertable, like she had done this even before Yul and her had.

"Need-to-know basis?" Aoki chuckled. "I don't even know yet, Yul-san! I can't quite remember why or how we left in the first place... I do remember a boy though... He was very nice, but odd."

Aoki sighed as she wind blew against her face. It was conforting that someone else was here. Aoki loved to relax when she had nothing to do, and relaxation by one's self soon turned into a chore with Aoki's patience.

Aoki's kimono fluttered ever so slightly as she took the time to contemplate again. "I wonder though. If I do have something to learn, I better get started. From what I can faintly remember, being an artifact hunter was quite a frightening experience that lead to a few complications..."

{Short, but there isn't much to say until everyone returns.}
PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 11:06 pm
Saku feet padded soundlessly down one of the many hallways of the backstage area of the theatre. She wasn't really sure what she was looking for, perhaps something to pass the time? Her eyes remained blank as she wandered, her thoughts swirling in no general direction. When her eyes refocused she was walking up the main isle of the audiance's seating arrangement.
''Where is everyone..?'' The thought came mindlessly from her mouth. She wasn't one to usually wander around airlessly, but with no mission on her agenda, Saku really didn't know what to do with her time. She had already cleaned all of her weapons more then necessary, tidies her room which never needed tidying in the first place, she had even meditated already growing weary and tired from it. A light sigh parted her lips as she gently took the seat closest to her.


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:18 am
As Haru began walking through the hallways, he noticed Saku entering the theater seating section. She seemed like she was wondering about something, probably where everyone was. It was quieter than usual around the theater, perhaps they were all on missions. Haru passed the doors where Saku went in and looked in just to see her on a seat. His stomach growled again from the lack of eating. Haru turned away from the door and then began walking towards his room. He was a bit curious where Shinobu was. Though he didn't show it, he was always a bit concerned for her mainly because how she acted so weird sometimes, to the best of his knowledge whenever he was around her.  
Immortal Thief Roleplay

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