Okay, if theres anyone out there who will answer my first post, please I hope to god you can answer this one. I want to learn how to overcome a few bugs in XSI about volumic shaders, explosions, particle effects, etc.

What I want to know:

How come whenever there are 2 or more explosions in a scene, XSI seems to have a siezure and unexpectedly quit?

How come when I set both explosions to 'interactive' to fix this problem, one of the explosions doesnt render (I had a fog volumic shader, the explosion seemed to punch a hole through the sky in a shape of a cube and show the fog color)

Where do I find the particle shaders? Found em once, then I forgot where they were at.

Need to put a Constant shader on particles... use particle shaders or default particle shader control?

Lightning volumic shader... dear god, why doesnt it render in front of polygons?

Scripting... Visual Basic... ya... gonk


Not to mention skeleton rig enveloping, Final Gathering, Global Illumination, rendering light rays, Rigid Body object constraints/multiconstraints, bump mapping, exporting as .obj then reimporting and having the shading completely jacked, Forces applied to skeletons in order to create rag-doll effects, and anything useful about HAIR!!!!!

If anyone here can answer more than half of these questions, I give them serious props. If anyone here knows everything to know about Softimage, what animation college did you go to and how many decades did you spend there?!!?!?!