Okay, so I'm getting a little tired of finding a bunch of RPers in stories with really good plots that don't know what they're doing or care about their story. So here's me calling out to all of the good literate writers out there. I am forming a band of sorts, to get together a few people that fit the standards that I'm looking for. I know, it sounds vain of me to assume superiority, but most of the RPers I've met are slackers. I've read through some of the stories on here, and I've found a lot of good writers.

Proposition: Send me a sample paragraph and/or profile for your audition. Also, put at the beginning of your sample a little bit about yourself. I know introductions are awkward, but try your best. Title this message "Recruit"

The Plan:Once I've gotten together the people that I think will work best, we'll all work together to decide the general idea of the story. WE WILL BE THE ONLY ONES ALLOWED TO POST IN THIS STORY, SO IT WILL BE EXCLUSIVE.

Also, tell your friends, even if they're not in the guild, about the auditions if you think they'd be interested. The auditions start now and will end once we've found enough people.

The game will take place in a guild called "RP for Fantasy, Love, and Action", though I'm not sure which subforum as of yet. If you are not a part of the guild and wish to be involved in the auditions, then that is fine. But if you wish to take place in the story, you will have to join the guild upon being accepted.

Sound good? Any questions, feel free to ask.