Who's your alter ego?

Please Pm me your profiles following the one below, you may have pictures if you please but send them in link form and following gaian TOS rules. Also you dont need to follow the skeleton ive set out, thats just the basic info that needs to be on there. If you read this then send me the pm titled bad wolf, thank you.

Gaia User Name:
Wolf Clan Name:
Wolfs Name:
Clan Rank:



Gaia name- Dragonryder

Name- Cyrus M. Victorus

Age- 27

Race- Wolf Rider

Height- 6"5

Weight- 240

Rank- Beta


Duel Inferno Blades-These blades were foraged for Apolo the sun god, within them lays the ancient and hidden powers fire and creation. When combined they form Cyrus's most devistating wepon of all, Apollos Greed which harnesses the power of the god himself.

Hells Frost- Forged in the fires of hades, this blade harness the frostic powers of death touch. The flames which flow from the blade create dence winds, and icey shards yet the cold which radiates from it seems to burn the flesh of all but the chosen to wield it. It's most devistating attack leaves it's victim trapped for ever inside an ice tomb which literaly burns their soul for all eternity.

Various Trap Devices- Within the many pouches on his waist lay thin piano like wires, spikes, poison powders, and many other devistaing things.

Hunting Tools- Along with the trap pouch's are some hunting tools, such as small knive like daggers, bottled pherimones, and others.

Appearance- A large muscular man, his hair flows just long enough to cover his peircing emerald green eye. A long forest green battle worn cape flows from his large and powerful shoulders leading to the sheaths cross belts overlapping the squad uniform on his torso, Clipped onto one of the belts is his wolf rider insigna shining proudly on his chest. Sweeping across his massive arms are the tribal marking of his clan, and on his forearms over the dirty and well worn wrappings are his mythril gauntlets smithed by dwarves in the far off mountain caves.

Across his waist he dawns a finely crafted leather belt, straped to which hang various pouch's with hunting and battling tools within them. Tied to the left of the belt how ever is another sheathed sword, so named Hells Frost. His leggings are made of thick animal leathers and armour plateing, as well as his boots.

His right eye was cut badly during a massive battle long ago, no more is known about it nor the covering.

wolf rider abilities- Cyrus is a skilled warrior and has fought well over a life time of battles, because of this he has grown high in ranking within his clan and has been bestowed upon many great ability's.

Wolfs howl- This is a fierce howl which can strike fear into the hearts of the enemy.

Moon Song- A special tune shared between himself and Galrick, it imbues them with courage and streangth to aid in the fight.

Wolfs Fang- Cyrus launches himself off of Galrick as the sprint at great speeds towards the ememy, as Cyrus begins to fall back to the earth Galrick first bashes hard into the enemy leaving him or her paralyzed as Cyrus draws his blades slashes with the intesity of gale force winds.

Trap Master- As a skilled hunter, he utilizes the many tools he carries on his belt to set traps through out the terrain. He may place them at anytime without the knowledge of his opponant.

Hunters Eye- He has keen and focused sight, this allows him to see great distances as well as through many sight based illusions.

Wolfs Eye- Cyrus and Galrick can share each-others vision, seeing the world from different perpective.

Hells Fury- Drawing Hell's Frost and focusing his energy with the blades own energy, he can create a hellish blizzard. Although they are ice shards that fly through the air, upon impalment or gashes caused from them will burn. As they burn the more hits the opponant recieves the more ice will to grow over their body slowly consuming them and forever trapping them in eternal torment within the hellish tomb.

Volcanic Waste Land- When Cyus combines his Inferno blades to complete Appolos greed the massive two hander, they will consume him and Galrick in a fiery barrier. Once he has had time to focus his energy within the blade, he can rip apart the earth for a distance of 1 mile around him. The battle grounds will then flow with inraged and incinerating magma.

wolf rider Weaknesses- Being sperated from his companion by great distances or death, his streangth would begin to diminish.

He is not the most skilled fighter at long distances, ranged attacks will often be his down fall.

The fact that he hardly wares a single piece of armor, leaves him open to crushing blows from skilled fighters.

The fact that he will obey any order his Alpha leader commands of him, no matter what they may be.

Wolf Companion-Galrick (The Great Black Dire Wolf)

Age- Galrick was passed down to Cyrus by his father upon his death bed, the age of this great beast is uknown to anyone but him.

Hieght- 9"2

Weight- 568 pounds

Appearance- Galricks long black fur hangs like a mane around his powerful neck, his emerald green eyes glow brightly in the moon light and the ocasional glimmer my shine from his sabre like teeth which patrood from his lower jaw. Although quite beastly in appearance to any one considered a friend, he is quite docile.

Several white almost celtic in design markings stretch along his fur, givig him a look of pure beauty. Covering a few places around his head, a silver shined mithril helm has been bestowed upon him. The only other place which may be armored are his paws with the same material.

Wolf Abilities-

Howl Of Dark Song- A massive howl which can tear the very trees from the earth, when used against an enemy their vision becomes clouded in darkness and terror fills their mind.

Shadow Beast- Galrick can seemingly move between worlds when he begins sprinting at amazing speed, he then dashes between shadows remaining unseen and unheard until the attack has been made.

Primal Instinct- Controled animal instincts make it dificult to strike down, or sneak up on this beast. Cyrus shares this when using the shared site ability, the effects of which continue to last minutes after the tech.

Wolf Weaknesses-

Seperation from his rider by great distances, Galrick will increasingly become weaker and more rabid until chances of the rejoining of rider and wolf may not even be enough to calm the beast.

Great sources of light, Galricks eyes cannot handle the stess of intense lights focused on them.

If his jaw is closed and binded by strong material chances are he wont be able to break free by himself.

Background Info:

Cyrus grew up in a military style family, always taught to be nobal and obey his leaders commands no matter what the risk. His father just like his father before him had all been great fighters, and even better Beta wolfs.

Upon Galonoth's (Cyrus's father) death bed, he bestowed upon Cyrus his wolf. Through a family ritual the knowledge and abilitys although dormate until later in life, had been passed down to Cyrus.

It took many years for Cyrus to learn to ride Galrick properly, they trained endlessly inspired by an unbreakable will to be the strongest so they may forfill their duty to the up and comming Alpha.

Years past, and so did many battles. Eventualy Cyrus and Galrick's bond grew so powerful that they themself became a nearly unstoppable force, during this time the bond between Cyrus and Seth grew as well.

Allways obeying his leaders commands without question, and never allowing him to succum to death worthy injurys. As for the rest of this story, only time will tell.

Gaia User Name: Jak Mannequin
Wolf Clan Name: Jak
Wolfs Name: Kahn
Clan Rank: Omega Wolf
Jak was adopted and raised by a human family till around his 13th birthday. Like most boys the changes began at around twelve but the unlikely part where the changes themselves. Jak wasn't human and it soon became clear to him and soon would become clear to everyone else too. After a year of trying to hide what he was becoming it became evident to everyone that he was not human and he was shunned by friends and family alike and hunted by paranormal fanatics. At thirteen he ran away, near death in a forest he was saved by kahn who brought Jak to the Foresaken wolfs clan where after a year a vigorous training he became the youngest Omega wolf in the entire clan at the age of 14.

Platinum hair and blue/grey eyes Jak is a 5' 3'' 14 year old Omega wolf, who spends most of his time training with kahn and furthering his skills of stealth and combat.

Loyal to his clan till the end Jak will defend any of his clan mates with little regards to his own life. Kahn is much the same and shares an unbreakable link with Jak.

Gaia User Name: Dreamers_Spirit
Wolf Clan Name: Ariana but goes by Dreamer
Wolfs Name: Kali
Clan Rank: Omega Wolf
Dreamer recently joined the wolf clan after wandering around trying to find a home. She is learning to become a strong asset to the team and works hard to earn her ranking. She trains with her wolf Kali from sunrise till late afternoon unless told otherwise.

Dreamer is 17 years old and is 5’6” with long black hair and blue eyes. She likes to train so she can become strong and not have to rely on members to help her out. She doesn’t like to be weak therefore she trains as hard as she can. She prefers to fight close hand but is able use a variety of other attacks.

Gaia User Name: psycho13cymba
Wolf Clan Name: Loki
Wolfs Name: Solek
Clan Rank: Omega
Origins: Loki was born of the wolf clan and was raised in the ways of the healers though her hunting and tracking skills were honed by her companion, Solek.

She spends a lot of her time alone with her wolf, due to the fact that he doesn't enjoy company so much and they stay away for days at a time to sustain the needs of herself and her wolf.

Loki is 17 and has been known to fall out with Solek and has many scars to show for it.