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Fair Intentions

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is this story any good?
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Alice Brandon Cullen

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:26 pm
Hi, I was wondering if my story is any good so far. I only have 3 chapters written right now, but here they are:

Fair Intentions
***First Impressions***

I hadn't felt this nervous since the first day of Junior High. My palms were clammy causing me to squeeze the steering wheel of my Mustang. My heart was pounding in my chest while my lungs drew in short, harsh breaths of air. And the reason for all this was because today was my first day of High School in Cook, Minnesota.
We had moved here from Illinois this summer when my grandma Rachel got diagnosed with cancer. My mom, Haley was determined to keep grandma alive, while my dad Blake's only comment was that there was good business in Duluth.
So here I am, facing hundreds of new people and a new life. In fact the only people I had met were the nerdy one from church. And they were mostly nerds addicted to online war games and chess. Some had caught my attention tough. Wesley Russo was pretty cute, and every once in a while a girl named Charlotte came. And that's it. Pathetic, I know.
I turned the wheel gingerly into the parking lot with exact precision. My only goal was to not be noticed. I was about to turn into a spot when I turned to see a red car racing towards my window. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I swerved violently out of the way and into another car. I slammed on the brakes and thudded against my chair breathing heavily. "Oh crap," I thought, "I hope the car isn't wrecked."
The driver of the red car leaped forward and bound over to me, almost tripping with every step. He obviously had no balancing skill what so ever. "I'm so sorry!" screamed the plump boy. His large glasses and pimple encrusted face led me to believe his was Robert Watson, the feared dark jedi. Well, as I had been told earlier at church.
"It's okay, Robert. I'm fine. Now if you don't mind I need to check on my damage too." I tried to muster up a secure voice, but it was no more than a squeak. "Oh, okay. Well it's good to see you Lillian." Robert blushed bright red and walked away even more clumsily than before.
I glanced towards the car ahead of me, a shocked driver still sat gaping through the window. I built up my courage and climbed out of the car to go ask for forgiveness. As I walked closer I noticed a fairly large crowd had gathered around the scene, examining my every move. I flushed with embarrassment and stepped faster. "Great. Just what I need on my first day, rumors spread everywhere and a horrible reputation." From out of no where familiar giggles erupted. Shocked I looked down to see Charlotte Sprigg sitting in the car I almost destroyed. Nice, I almost killed my only acquaintance.
"Hi Charlotte," I began slowly, "are you okay? I really did not mean to try to murder you." Her green eyes widened on her pale face in surprise. "Don't be ridiculous! No blood no foul." Charlotte stated matter-of-factly. I mustered up a smile at that, she was always so peppy and energetic.
"So, what is your first class?" I asked. I really would not appreciate being alone all day. "Uhh, I think it's math." My grin grew more defined now. "Yes! We have that together!" Finally there was a small beacon of hope in this black hole of a day.
We walked silently to the classroom, trying to ignore the stares of other students. Finally we reached to room of Mrs. Olsen. I slipped her my papers and followed Charlotte to a group of girls. I sat down quickly trying to find an excuse to not notice their kind smiles. "Lillian, this is Jane Clines and Margaret Phillips, and girls this is Lillian Rosenthal." announced Charlotte. "It's a pleasure." encouraged Jane, her hazel eyes gleaming. "Thanks." I whispered nervously.
During class Margaret, Charlotte, and Jane chattered about some sleepover, which I was now invited too as well, much to my surprise. I was debating whether or not to go when the bell rang. I sent a quick goodbye and rushed out the door causing the girls to gaze after me. I pulled out my schedule out of my purse and ran to my next class.
The rest of the day past hazily. A few people introduced themselves, already knowing my name. And even Robert had convince his friends on the chess team that I was the perfect warrior princess for their dumb game. Overall my first day was quite strange, but that's just the way my life is.
When I walked into my 6th period class I was surprised to see that none of the same people were there. I groaned as I realized if I didn't talk people would assume I was some snobby rich girl who never talks to anyone. And once again to my dismay every seat was taken except for one last chair. My stomach churned uneasily as I glanced to see it was to a group of guys.
And then I saw him, well who I was to sit by. He had long dark blond hair and breathtaking sea green eyes. His skin was tan to the point that he looked like an Australian beach god. I couldn't help but watch him eagerly from where I stood, he was simply too magnificent. Suddenly the boy turned to look towards me. Our eyes locked and I immediately looked away when I heard his buddies chucking behind him.
I shamefully took my seat next to him and opened up my book to pretend to read. I was deep in thought when someone lightly tapped me on the shoulder. I whirled around to see my dream grinning at me. "Hello. My name is Noah. Well, Noah Collins to be exact. Are you new here, because I don't believe we've met." My heart was going ecstatic.
"Uh, yeah. I moved here this summer. My name is Lillian Rosenthal." Noah beamed down at me, causing his mesmerizing green eyes to sparkle. "That's a lovely name. Do you mind if I can you Lilly? It's just easier for me to remember." I peeked around the room and saw that every girl's eyes were locked on Noah and me.
"Sure, it does have a nice ring to it." Thankfully the teacher started class, so I was exempt from talking. But every couple of minutes I could feel Noah or one of his friends staring at me. I felt self conscious. I had never been very pretty. My chocolate brown hair was long and kinky, while my blue eyes were hidden behind hideous black glasses. So for obvious reasons I felt as if they were tallying each of my individual flaws.
This time when class was over I attempted to get out even faster. I knocked down several students, but I really didn't care as long as I got away from Noah. My feet flew down he hallway and straight into the path of several teachers, which then sent me flying towards someones locker door. The force I hit with was so hard it sent me tumbling backwards. I prepared for a hurt by squeezing my eyes shut and folding my arms around my chest, but just when I was sure to hit the tile someone's arms caught me.
I opened my eyes nervously to see Noah Collins smiling at me. "You're just a regular damsel in distress aren't' you?" I mean, first you almost get in a wreck and now you're running into lockers and people." Noah laughed softly to himself. It was beautiful, masculine but yet still soft and musical. "Thank you for rescuing me," I tried to say in a normal voice. I was mortified, but it was still pleasurable that Noah was the one hunk of man that caught me.
We were gazing at each other when I realized I was still in Noah's arms. "I. Uh, got to go to athletics now." I whispered. Noah's face reddened for once. "Sorry...Lilly." The way he said my name was so charming. "Bye Noah." As I walked off I saw jealousy in all the female eyes around me, including the surprised ones of Jane Clines. I smiled casually to her and sped to the locker room. Luckily many of the girls I knew were there. Like Charlotte, Jane, Margaret and others including Kit Tyler, Elizabeth Fuerst, and Marriane Nelson. Everyone chatted excitedly about Jane's upcoming sleepover, so I guessed it was a big deal to be invited.
When everyone was finished changing we gathered in a circle to talk while we waited for Coach Lumuh to arrive. "So," Jane began with her enticing accent drawing everyone's attention," Lillian, did you fall on purpose or was it simply an accident?" I was shocked.
"Oh course it was an accident!" I sputtered. "Why on earth would I humiliate myself on purpose?" From the corner of my eye I saw Jane and Kit exchange amused expressions. The rest of the conversation consisted of my getting uncomfortable while describing everything about my rescue by Noah. But I sang for joy when the Coach walked in.
"You maggots are running today! No if's and's or butt's!" shouted Coach Lumuh. Sweet. Another change to injure my chance of becoming invisible. I never enjoyed running. Games were fun, but running for no reason but to please the coach is horrible and unjust.
As the clan of girls I followed walked to the bleachers Noah and his followers approached us. "Lilly, this is Charles Bello and this dork over here is William Byrant." Noah's voice dripped with sarcasm as he introduced them. "Thanks Noah. It's nice to meet you guys." I tried to keep my head low as I talked so I could ignore the scrutiny of others.
When the girls left towards the door William and Charles followed along leaving Noah and me alone. "Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to embarrass you." Noah said sincerely. "Oh it's okay. My reputation was already ruined anyways." We laughed quietly. When Noah excused himself he turned silently and winked. My heart leaped violently causing a shiver to roll down my spine.
I couldn't wait to get home and tell my old friend Lydia about my interesting day. People in Minnesota were a lot different then the ones in my hometown of Auburn, Illinois.
I threw my bag onto the couch and ran up the stair two at a time to reach the office. I leaped into the swivel chair and booted up the computer. "Lillian Jane! Come here now!" My mother demanded. Reluctantly I slouched back downstairs.
My mom was smiling brightly with her blond hair twinkling in the sunlight. "You need to tell me about you day and put away your backpack."

***chapter 2***
"That's wonderful!" my mom uttered when I told her about my invitation to Jane's party. "Yeah, I guess. I personally think they only inviting me since I'm new." My mom pursed her lips intently then turned to attend to the laundry, for which I was thankful.
"Dearest Lydia,
Cook is not as I pictured it at all. The people here have mostly attempted to include me and make me feel welcome, but I do miss my old life back in Auburn. I almost got in a wreck and I ran into a locker, but I also got invited to a cool party. Also there are a lot more hot guys here. Love ya lots, Lillian." I sighed as I sent the email realizing I should have been more truthful.
The next couple of days Noah spoke to me less and less. Instead of gazing at me he looked out the windows, so on Friday I attempted to make conversation.
"So, are you going to the soccer ga-" I was shortly interrupted by William. Scowling I turned around. Why could he hate me when I hadn't done anything wrong?
I soon found my answer. At lunch I was sitting behind the guys when Charles started talking. "Noah, don't be uncool. Seriously how could you like her...I mean come on, look at her!" I pretended not to notice when six eyes glared at me. "Yeah dude, she'll totally ruin our reputations. And look how nerdy she is." I despised those guys now and forever.
That night Charles's and William's harsh words flowed through my mind carving away at every piece of confidence I once had. Tears overflowed now soaking my pillows. Minnesota was clearly the wrong place for me.
The next day at school Charlotte must had noticed how grim I looked since she was constantly checking up with me. "Yeah I'm fine, Charlotte. Just tired." I faked a yawn to attempt to fool her. "Fine, see you later." Charlotte was obviously didn't buy my act.
"Dear Lillian,
I'm sorry that you aren't being treated with the respect you deserve, but sadly I don't really think there are that many options on how to feel better. The only thing that would work best for you is to either learn to ignore everyone or make a change in how you act. Do whatever you feel is right, love Lydia."
Lydia was right, I needed to make friends with the group before I got stuck with Robert and his "crew."

***Chapter 3***
Fog loomed over while I walked to my car. I was on my way to Jane Cline's sleepover extraordinare now. The bleak horizon was a discontenting contrast to the emerald green trees that fringed the highway, and I wondered if I was ever going to feel at home here in Cook.
I pulled the rumple paper containing the address out of my pocket, while I scanned the streets. Finally I pulled up to 6209 Richmont Avenue. Jane's house certainly stood out from the crowd, just like her. It was a large home with dark green siding and numerous large elegant windows. A line of cars outlined the yard, making a cozy barrier between the cold wind and me. I pulled together my stuff and rang the doorbell.
I had not been there for ten seconds when an excited Margaret grasped my wrist and pulled me into a large bedroom. Inside was a fireplace that filled half one side of the room with a bright fire crackling, throwing complex patterns of light on the creamy blue walls. In the middle of the floor, rows of sleeping bags laid out in a large circle. I slowly took my spot by Charlotte and sat down to see everyone fly towards me.
"You know what we do to new comers, right?" quizzed a girl named Elizabeth. "Uh...no. Should I?" They were probably going to kick me out or do something else to make me miserable. A wicked grin appeared on Jane's face as every single girl crept closer to me. "Let's do it girls." whispered Jane.
Two hours later I was staring at a girl with perfectly waved chocolate hair framing deep blue eyes. Her alabaster skin flushed slightly. "See, wasn't it good that you came? Otherwise you would keep getting ignored my Noah." Charlotte obviously had seen what was happening. "Thanks a lot. I couldn't look any prettier." I choked out. The girls giggled then turned to clean up. I stood planted to the floor, this is just what I needed after my letter to Lydia.
The rest of the night we partied, watched movies, gossiped, and did whatever teenage girls usually do. Being here with them made me feel welcome for the first time in almost three months.
"Bye Lillian! Don't forget to wear your new contacts!" reminded Charlotte. I turned to wave bye, but all I saw was her blond hair bouncing as she jumped up the steps and into Jane's house. I absolutely could not wait for Monday. "I wonder what the guys will think." I whispered confidently.
That night I pulled out my best outfit, which included: a pair of dark skinny jeans, black leather boots, and my favorite red trench. I definatley wanted to be noticed now.
"Hey Lillian!" screamed Robert Watson, "I have a proposition for you!" I walked as fast as I could to get away. There was no way I would let Robert destroy my chance at being normal now. "It will only take a second!" he pleaded. Defeated, I turned to stare at him in the face, but his inflamed zits caused me to gag. "Would you like to be my date for the Halloween Dance?" Robert breathed. My face drained all it's color. "We can dress up as Luke and Leah from Star Wars!" He exclaimed. "Let me get back to you." I whispered harshly. Once again I had caused a crowd to form.
I wanted to wring Robert Watson's neck for embarrassing me like that. In Language Arts I was pleased to see that Noah once again could not keep his beautiful sea green eyes off me. Even Charles Bello whistled when I strutted in the door and took my seat.
"What's up Lilly? Did you have a good weekend?" Noah's voice rang. "Yeah did ya?" cut in William, who was staring enviously at Noah.
"Pretty much, I spent most of my time at Jane Cline's house." Noah gazed at me in interest as I told him everything. He asked about old friends, my house, and so on. Noah was also funny, I found myself constantly giggling then becoming silent as girls turned around and frowned at me.
Today was perfect, I finally was noticed for who I am and not as an ugly freak.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 1:22 am
Nice portral, I really enjoyed reading it.  


Invisible Citizen

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