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PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:22 pm
Post them here but read this first.

Im going to let this be very open for you to customize your own character, there will be no skeleton just know the more info the better it is to rp with you, simple things like name, age, race etc and more detail like family trees in depth looks on there weapons etc

you may want to update from time to time, because of this there will be an other sub for characters letting more of a journal for the character, still haven't thought about it in depth yet.

*The higher your rank the stronger you are you cant be a wolf and have as much power as a beta etc
PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:05 pm
Name- Cyrus M. Victorus

Age- 27

Race- Wolf Rider

Height- 6"5

Weight- 240

Rank- Beta


Duel Inferno Blades-These blades were foraged for Apolo the sun god, within them lays the ancient and hidden powers fire and creation. When combined they form Cyrus's most devistating wepon of all, Apollos Greed which harnesses the power of the god himself.

Hells Frost- Forged in the fires of hades, this blade harness the frostic powers of death touch. The flames which flow from the blade create dence winds, and icey shards yet the cold which radiates from it seems to burn the flesh of all but the chosen to wield it. It's most devistating attack leaves it's victim trapped for ever inside an ice tomb which literaly burns their soul for all eternity.

Various Trap Devices- Within the many pouches on his waist lay thin piano like wires, spikes, poison powders, and many other devistaing things.

Hunting Tools- Along with the trap pouch's are some hunting tools, such as small knive like daggers, bottled pherimones, and others.

Appearance- A large muscular man, his hair flows just long enough to cover his peircing emerald green eye. Coal black armour covers his powerful shoulders, Incredibly detailed the two wolves baring their fangs fiercly as their eyes glow like fiery rubies. A long leather black and red belted roug like coat flows just past his waist, as a golden belt buckle shines through. Old hardened wrappings cover his fore arms and fists, stained with the blood of previous battles.

Across his waist he dawns a finely crafted leather belt, straped to which hangs various pouch's with hunting and battling tools within them. Tied to the left of the belt how ever is another sheathed sword, so named Hells Frost. His leggings are made of thick animal leathers and armour plateing, as well as his boots.

His right eye was cut badly during a massive battle long ago, no more is known about it nor the covering.

wolf rider abilities- Cyrus is a skilled warrior and has fought well over a life time of battles, because of this he has grown high in ranking within his clan and has been bestowed upon many great ability's.

Howl of nightmares- This is a fierce howl which can strike fear into the hearts of the enemy.

Moon Song- A special tune shared between himself and Galrick, it imbues them with courage and streangth to aid in the fight.

Wolfs Fang- Cyrus launches himself off of Galrick as the sprint at great speeds towards the ememy, as Cyrus begins to fall back to the earth Galrick first bashes hard into the enemy leaving him or her paralyzed as Cyrus draws his blades slashes with the intesity of gale force winds.

Trap Master- As a skilled hunter, he utilizes the many tools he carries on his belt to set traps through out the terrain. He may place them at anytime without the knowledge of his opponant.

Hunters Eye- He has keen and focused sight, this allows him to see great distances as well as through many sight based illusions.

Wolfs Eye- Cyrus and Galrick can share each-others vision, seeing the world from different perpective.

Hells Fury- Drawing Hell's Frost and focusing his energy with the blades own energy, he can create a hellish blizzard. Although they are ice shards that fly through the air, upon impalment or gashes caused from them will burn. As they burn the more hits the opponant recieves the more ice will to grow over their body slowly consuming them and forever trapping them in eternal torment within the hellish tomb.

Volcanic Waste Land- When Cyus combines his Inferno blades to complete Appolos greed the massive two hander, they will consume him and Galrick in a fiery barrier. Once he has had time to focus his energy within the blade, he can rip apart the earth for a distance of 1 mile around him. The battle grounds will then flow with inraged and incinerating magma.

wolf rider Weaknesses- Being sperated from his companion by great distances or death, his streangth would begin to diminish.

He is not the most skilled fighter at long distances, ranged attacks will often be his down fall.

The fact that he hardly wares a single piece of armor, leaves him open to crushing blows from skilled fighters.

The fact that he will obey any order his Alpha leader commands of him, no matter what they may be.

Wolf Companion-Galrick (The Great Black Dire Wolf)

Age- Galrick was passed down to Cyrus by his father upon his death bed, the age of this great beast is uknown to anyone but him.

Hieght- 9"2

Weight- 568 pounds

Appearance- Galricks long black fur hangs like a mane around his powerful neck, his emerald green eyes glow brightly in the moon light and the ocasional glimmer my shine from his sabre like teeth which patrood from his lower jaw. Although quite beastly in appearance to any one considered a friend, he is quite docile.

Several white almost celtic in design markings stretch along his fur, givig him a look of pure beauty. Covering a few places around his head, a silver shined mithril helm has been bestowed upon him. The only other place which may be armored are his paws with the same material.

Wolf Abilities-

Howl Of Dark Song- A massive howl which can tear the very trees from the earth, when used against an enemy their vision becomes clouded in darkness and terror fills their mind.

Shadow Beast- Galrick can seemingly move between worlds when he begins sprinting at amazing speed, he then dashes between shadows remaining unseen and unheard until the attack has been made.

Primal Instinct- Controled animal instincts make it dificult to strike down, or sneak up on this beast. Cyrus shares this when using the shared site ability, the effects of which continue to last minutes after the tech.

Wolf Weaknesses-

Seperation from his rider by great distances, Galrick will increasingly become weaker and more rabid until chances of the rejoining of rider and wolf may not even be enough to calm the beast.

Great sources of light, Galricks eyes cannot handle the stess of intense lights focused on them.

If his jaw is closed and binded by strong material chances are he wont be able to break free by himself.

Background Info:

Cyrus grew up in a military style family, always taught to be nobal and obey his leaders commands no matter what the risk. His father just like his father before him had all been great fighters, and even better Beta wolfs.

Upon Galonoth's (Cyrus's father) death bed, he bestowed upon Cyrus his wolf. Through a family ritual the knowledge and abilitys although dormate until later in life, had been passed down to Cyrus.

It took many years for Cyrus to learn to ride Galrick properly, they trained endlessly inspired by an unbreakable will to be the strongest so they may forfill their duty to the up and comming Alpha.

Years past, and so did many battles. Eventualy Cyrus and Galrick's bond grew so powerful that they themself became a nearly unstoppable force, during this time the bond between Cyrus and Seth grew as well.

Allways obeying his leaders commands without question, and never allowing him to succum to death worthy injurys. As for the rest of this story, only time will tell.

Payment 4 Art
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Payment 4 Art
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:18 pm
i hope that not to ridiculas sweatdrop  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:44 am
Hell no, thats good, bigger the better, I expect mine to grow.

Seth Bloodworth
Vice Captain

Seth Bloodworth
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:32 am


Seth Bloodworth



~A~Combat style~A~
Seth's combat style is very fast, his X-Y blades become his hands and arms, his speed can often make him seem inadvisable leaving only blade markings through the ground, if he wants you to see them.


X, his first Katana, and most often used, held in his right hand this blade is usually just used for simple strike attacks, all though this blade does not have the power to control fire ice or water etc but its light wight and sharp able to slice through most materials.

Y, the second blade held in the left hand, mainly used to block and jab with a few sneaky slash attacks, again this blade is nothing more then a sharp light wight katana.

Z, the least used blade that is often kept headed in its sheath, when it is used the blade is used in two ways, one in his mouth, used when all three blades attack at once with a dash attack and two the blade is juggled around on the other two blade, this attack is very fast and deadly, the blade never touches his hands it is all done by passing the third blade from first blade to second blade

~A~Throwing Dagger~A~
Many Daggers kept hidden in leg and arm straps, each will never be thrown by hand insteed will be flicked by the X-Y-Z blades.


With Weights strapped to his arms legs and waist Seth can easily detach from him increasing his speed to the max, even though with the Weights it is still beyond average

Open first gave to this man your eyes will wonder to his head where is hair style while before its time stays, a blond faux hawk with long wavy sides covering his ears, with one eye missing and the other a deep grey, tattooed with clan markings down his face and curling around his arm.

His neck bound by a collar and his body covered in scars, his three blades hanging from him and his daggers strapped to his arms and legs clearly not comfortable but the need for protection and weaponry out ways the discomfort, even though the tears of wearing it have pushed past it.

~A~wolf rider abilities~A~
Seth has been in leading roles for many years, and has seen combat from every angel, his skill mastered over time leaving room for more.

~A~Leadership howls~A~
Howls that help out the clan in battle

~A~Howl of Might~A~
A mighty Howl that increases strength.

~A~Howl of valuer~A~
A howl to increase courage and bravery.

~A~Howl Of Friendship~A~
A howl to increase teamwork

~A~Personal Howls~A~
Howls that initiate Seth's abilities

~A~Howl Of Spark~A~
By increasing muscle response Seth can generate sparks from his body to use with his blade attacks and other hand to hand attacks

~A~Howl of Speed~A~
A howl to push Seth's speed to its max

~A~Howl Of Time~A~
A howl when used and pause of freeze time depending on how load the howl is.

~A~Howl Of the Wolves ~A~
After using this Howl the spirits of every lost wolf rider will return to the world of the leaving and join the battle with the living wolf riders, this Howl is passed on from Alpha to Alpha

Note that all these howls take there towl on Seths body and can only use each howl when his body is able to withstand the pressure on it of course his years of training have made his body able to withstand a lot of physical pain.


As old as Seth, they were born on the same day around the same time.

Dark is a tall and bulky Alpha wolf, he is covered in thick pitch black Fur, even his eyes a pure black, his fangs and claws however a white, he is usually covered in thick armor whenever in combat the covers him from head to toe, with only gaps to be able to run.

Dark uses sacrifice to preform his Abilities by giving up one things he greatly increases the other, leaving the other as his weakness

~A~Speed Sacrifice~A~
By dropping his speed his defense greatly improves

~A~Defense Sacrifice~A~
By giving up defense his speed is greatly increased past his natural and already impressive speed

~A~Sensor Sacrifice~A~
By giving up his senses Dark increases his strength

~A~Strength Sacrifice~A~
By giving up strength darks sensors increase greatly.

~A~Buffing Howls~A~
Dark can use all of Seth's buffing/team howls.

Dark can fuse with Seth creating a half man half wolf, fusing there power.

Born into a long line of Alpha's Seth had some big shoes to full, he started out a happy kid, wanting to play with the wolf parter all day, however as soon as he could walk he was training, forced into the rank of omega at the age of 11 of course that meant he had about 10 years of training under his belt but the mental strain it ha on his mind suffered, the happy kid he used to be was broken he fought against his trainers and paid the price, there were some who said he was not worthy of Alpha leading up to his exile, that mark always branded on him to this very day, no one knows what happened in those years all anyone knows is five years latter when he was back he was ready to train he wanted to become alpha.

However, he is unlike any other alpha, he cares for his clan yes, however he will take one of his own if he see it fit, usually a wolf or pup that broke rule, stole from the clan or even dropped the ball on a mission, however in the clan today in is widely Rumored that Seth killed the previous of squad 1,2and 3

Overall he is Sadistic and twisted in combat but can control a situation with ease, when it comes to his clan some would say he rules with a iron fist, but some would say its fair, it all depends where you stand you just have to hope you standing on the wright side if a rift ever happened.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:45 pm
Name- Akemi

Age- 16

Race- Wolf Rider

Height- 5"5

Rank- Pup


Akemi will carry hidden wepons that reside in her clothing or in her bag.

The first two are curved knives. They are sheathed in each of her boots where she had sewn little pouches that snuggly keep the blades from cutting her skin. These are used as a last resort if by any chance Akemi becomes 'defenceless.' The blades can also be extended and attacked to each other to form a double ended sword. Although she will mainly fight with them as two seperate wepons.

The second wepon is a Bow. This is always on her back with the wire on her chest. The end of the bows arms are bladed and can cut through most materials in Akemi has alot momentum behind it, eg, jumping from a ledge and bringing down the wepon on the enermy. Akemi carrys her quiver on her belt, it is silver to match the arms of the bow and the arrows are phonix feather lined.

Other devices- Akemi will often add to the pouches on her belt or place them in her shoulder bag if the journy or challenge ahead of her calls for them.

Appearance- Akemi looks almost child-like in appearences. Her build looks delicate and not as strong as it actully is. Akemi has pale skin that could only be compiared to white it it wasnt for the slight pink-ish tint in her soft skin.

Akemis facial features are soft. Her eyes are a deep blue and her hair is a light blue almost silver. Akemis hair is waist length and is always down. Her fringe will often fall into her eyes only deepening her gase. Akemi will often wear a silver headband that has a silver butterfly attached to it. It is detachable from the headband itself so Akemi can place it somewhere if need be.

Akemi wears a black sleeveless shirt and long skin tight trouses. Around her waist is a thin belt that sits on one hip. This belt carrys small bag-like pouches (contence is explained above) and other items. Around her, Akemi will carry a shoulder bag that often houses bandages or trinkets. On the lid of this bag, is an outline of a wolf howling and in the background of that an outline of a full moon.

wolf rider abilities- Akemi will often work in unison with her wolf, Akane, in double attacks. It can eather Akemi strikes first or Akane does it is unknow till the moment it happens, but there will always be a second attack from the other.

Thought tracking- Akemi and Akane can often communicate to each other without saying a word. But this only happens when their adrenalin is pumping through their bodys.

Pure- 'Pure' is a howl that Akane will howl to sharpen and focus both her own and her riders sences. Although the name seems innocent enough, the howl 'Pure' can somtimes reach beyond human ears. This comes in handy when hunting or fighting.

Flight- This is a series of words that Akemi will use to give herself and Akane a greater jumping hight. Although the 'series of word' will often be words to do with the abily to fly. Eg 'air, wings, fly, height, soar.' These will often descised as taunts to the enermy, eg "You fly as smoothly as an injured rabbit." Akemi will have to say at least three words to gain this advantage.

Wolf rider weakness- Like most wolf riders weaknesses Akemi's weakness is being seperated from Akane. Not only does it become emotional for both rider and wolf but each of the pairs energy and attack strength is cut down by half. If by anychance Akane dies, Akemi becomes lost in her own mind. She survives on her own will but not even a rat would call it living.

Akemi is weakest if it somes down to close combat. Although she can withstand it for a while, Akemi can not go on in close combat for a long amount of time. Akane will often try to delay the approach for a drawing enermy long enough for Akemi to attack her two knifes into the double ended sword. But even this is will not allow her to keep clos combat for long, since she is not entirely trained with this wepon. shes still pracecing.

Wolf Companion- Akane (Meaning: Deep red)

Age- 16.

Appearance- Akane is covered in silky pure white fur, however when her fur is hit by direct sunlight or moonling, it will look a light blue, matching the colour of Akemis hair. Akane shares she exact same coloured eyes as her rider, the only differnce is their sharper. Although her name means 'dark red' Akane is often calm and protective around her friends and rider. Although her essense and graceful body language is as it appears to be, Akane is fearce and unforgiving when it comes to battle.

Wolf Abilities-

Akane often shares her abilitys with Akemi if she is able to but if not Akane will often use her abiltys to help out her rider.

Paralizing pounce- Akane will often jump as if she is about to attack the enermy but instead she will jump behind him/her and headbut a pressure point in the back of a human paralizing. If the attacker is an animal, Akane will pounce directly onto the pressure point before jumping off ot it to allow Akemi the finalising blow.

Tease- This basicly wears the enermy's energy down by running past him/her, but when passing the prey, Akane will often bump, bite or scratch at any vunrable area she is able to get to. The enermy will often collapse due to loss of blood or exaustion. This is a slow process but it is effective.

Restless- This attack is one Akane rarely uses. By summoning all of her energy and 50% of Akemis, Akane is able to give illisions of herself and any other she can think of, this can act as a decoy but the 'illusions' can also do damage to the enermy. Depending on how many 'illusions' Akame calls apon can debate if she compleatly collapses or just becomes drozy and her sences dullen. This attack also has consiquences on Akemi.

Wolf Weaknesses-

Seperation from her rider. Akane will become delicate and weary, her sences will dullen and her heart will slow. If reunion with her rider is over a year Akane will eventully die, since both she and Akemi share the same life force. Akemi can survive without Akane but, she loses part of her life source.

Being in small places can scare Akane. Being in a small area will make her thrash about thoughtlessly, somtimes causing herself injurys and the others around her.

Background Info:

Being with Akane since birth, Akemi goes no where without her wolf. Akemi was born with an aura of carm that the pup, Akane, adopted as well. Because of this others were unable to fight around the pair as they always felt carm when the two where in the area.

Both youngsters often obayed the rules and did what they were told so to make everyone believe they where the 'perfect little angels.' Eventully as the two got older, training became immanant.

Still very young, Akemi and Akane saw training as playing. Each trying out new attacks that had been past down to them and eventully creating their own style of attack and defence.

Although they are still young to this day and their training is still incompleate. Akemi and Akane are now trying to take matters into their own hands and work their way up the ranks. Afterall, every Alpha male needs a female.


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