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Boarding School For Male Mystics -but there's 5 girls?!- Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:43 am
Ohayoo! Soo... none of you know me much.. And.. this is my way of introducing myself...? Yeah. So. Kay... so I was bored... and this resulted of it... please... join?

.:.R U L E S.:.

1. Un... just follow the regular rules... ya know, guild rules, gaia rules... yeah. I'll restate some of 'em, though.
2. Obviously, nothing inappropriate... take it to mail if you must...
3. Swearing's fine with me... just not excessively...
4. Please. Please. PLEASE, be a LITTLE literate. Just a little. Meaning, when you use your characters, please don't use *insert movement here*. Please.
5. Um, if you're going to be a boy that knows about a girl's secret (you'll see) then please ask the girl, whether or not your character knows it and the girl character knows they know... it'll be less complicating.
6. Please keep gender ratio even...
7. Um... sha. I think that's it.

.:.P L O T.:.

So there's this boarding school. It's almost impossible to get to- out on an island, away from the prying eyes of humans...

Yes, this school is not for humans.

It's for any other race- elven, morpher, mage, vampire, ect- that's willing to learn. The only problem with it is that it was originally only for boy mages. In fact, it's still only for boys. The only thing is, that 5 girls were let in on accident. Now they have to masscerade as guys to make it through the school. But certain guys know about their secrets... in fact, some girls have told some guys and some guys have found out by accident and the girl doesn't know. But this should prove to be an interesting year, right? Especially with Winter Ball coming up and the neighboring girls school coming to visit...

.:.C H A R A C T E R S.:.

Kay... so, another note: please, not all guys can know about the girls, and not all guys can know because a girl told them. It's just not fun that way (: D)


- Naoki
- Sonic Havok


- Ozumi
- Yu DuBois

~Girls (from the neighboring school, which I guess we won't need until the dance...)~

- Shinkou Kokoroda

Wow... I doubt that much characters will be made, but that WOULD BE NICE *hint, hint, nudge, nudge* Anywayz, I'll fill it out as we go along...

.:.Meh Character... .:.

Name: Ozumi Mizuno
Nickname: Zumi, Zuzu-chan... (don't even bother asking)
Age: 15
Hair: Dyed black, with random red, silver and orange streaks running through it. Chopped off so it's a guys cut.
Eyes: Red and silver
Race: Morpher -she can change into a fox and posses some magic-
Powers: She has random visions of the future, which frustrates her, because she can't control it. She can also turn into a fox, and prefers that form by day. She thinks it's easier to have instincts instead of emotions, and by night she can just be by herself and think under the moon. The fact has gotten her into some trouble, though- once or twice, she's been mistaken for someone's pet.
Likes: Reading, writing, playing around outside. She really likes the snow and the rain, because of how soft it is.
Picture: When She's a Girl...
When She's a Fox...
The only thing is that when she's a fox, she's much smaller... that's why most people mistake her for a pet...

Un... I give anyone permission, as of now, to know that she's a girl... sorry, felt like doing that. ^^" But still- not everyone can, cause then it's not fun. ^^

Enjoy. <3

.:.Signed.:.Sealed.:.And Delivered.:.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:02 am
((Hey, Aniki. I'll join! ... Oh, and if I missed something... I'll add or edit it later... because I have to go to sleep now...))

Name: Yu DuBois
Nickname: None
Age: created around 15 years ago
Hair: Yu has layered jet-black hair that reaches to the middle of the back of her neck. She has long bangs of equal length, and she usually sweeps it over her right eye.
Eyes: Both her eyes are light gray.
Race: Shikigami
Powers: Yu has normal Shikigami powers, but only uses her ability to possess or bewitch others (and she rarely uses that power.)
Likes: Tea. Board and card games. Cooking. Gardening.
Picture: ... I don't have a picture of Yu...
So, she stands at 5 feet 6.5 and has a slim, pale frame. Her onmyouji instructed her to take the form of an androgynous female to help her blend in.

Name: Naoki
Nickname: Nao-kun, Nao-nao (... really bad play on words...)
Age: ??? appears to be 13 or 14, but his past hints he's been alive longer.
Hair: Naoki has grown out his light brown hair to the back of his knees (actually, he's just been too lazy and afraid to get his hair cut.) His bangs are just long enough to cover his eyes (he usually pushes them aside to see, but will allow them to stay in the way.)
Eyes: Both his eyes are white rimmed and speckled with light gray.
Race: Amanojaku
Powers: Typical Amanojaku powers. He can look into ones heart (usually to see one's darkest desires, but he prefers to overlook that,) and has slight persuasion abilities.
Likes: Fruits. Animals. Helping out. Being around others.
Picture: ... No picture for Nao either...

Nao stands at 5 feet 4.5 and is a bit more pale than Yu. His frame is svelt. On a silver chain, that is a charm that appears to be of a melon (referring to the story of Urikohime)... he always keeps it with him (when wearing it, he tucks it under his shirt.) He likes clothes that are baggy enough so that they are easy to move around with, without looking completely off (he tends to wear either white, gray, or black clothes.)

((Edit: Decided to make her ahead of time...

Name: Shinkou Kokoroda (her given name is written using the kanji for "Truth" and "Light / Only")
Nickname: Shin, Shi-tan, Kou-tan, Shin-sama (... though only Naoki calls her by the last nickname)
Age: 15.5
Hair: Shinkou has grown her jet black hair to trail behind her by near six inches. When she's active, Shinkou ties her hair so it won't drag on the floor/ground. She wears her bangs in a hime cut.
Eyes: As she has no use for her eyes, she usually wraps pure white bandages over them. Very few know her actual eye color.
Race: ??? (Regardless of her species, Shinkou likes to be known as an 'itako', or blind shaman)
Powers: Other than the powers she has from being a shaman, Shinkou also has heightened senses from the fact she is blind.
Likes: Bland tasting things. Simplicity. Stuffed animals and cute charms. Hard work. Wind-chimes. Hearing the cries of cicadas.
Picture: None.
Shinkou stands around 5 feet 5, and as she usually stays indoors, has very pale skin. She is also a bit underweight (but she has a healthy appearance). She likes wearing simple clothing (usually white yukatas, or a white overshirt with slacks).))

((And since Aniki-chan commented about Matthew,

Name: Matthew Orin-Ray Travis-Edward Mitsuu (last name written with the kanji for "Elf / Fascination" and "Pain / Sorry / Bitter")
Nickname: Matt, Mortem (his initials)
Age: Appears around 15
Hair: Matthew has jet-black hair that he wears in two styles (switching between the two every now and again). First, he wears his hair down (it's only long enough to cover half of the back of his neck) and parts his bang on the right, and tucks it behind his ear (half of the time, if it falls out of place, he's too lazy to fix it.) Second, he'll spike it, excluding his bangs (... so... he looks a bit like Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto.... unfortunately...)
Eyes: Tangerine Orange
Race: Shinigami
Powers: At the moment, Matthew has no powers that he is in full control of... his powers are still developing (and as he doesn't yet have all the powers a Shinigami needs to be a Shinigami, Matthew's father talks to him telepathically, informing him of other around him and other random things he may need.)
Likes: Tea. Gardening. Butterflies and moths. Most animals that can be kept as pets. Things coloured black or orange. Things with a blade or sharp objects.
Picture: None
Matthew's near deathly pale, and is on the skinny side (he's actually very underweight, but it's normal for his family.) He stands at 5 feet 6.5. On the helix of his right ear, there is a black marking in the shape of a thorned vine, and it ends at the lobe (where he was a tangerine rose earring with a black petal.) When he has a choice, he dresses entirely in black (the only thing he'll consider that isn't black are chains for decoration, or a surgical eye-patch he wears occasionally.) On his back is black tattoo-like markings from his father that seem to form some sort of spell or message (oddly, Matthew's never cared to ask.) ))



PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:28 am
-M'kay... so I guess... I'll just post my intro...?-

Ozumi curled into a ball on the chair in her door. mildly irritated. There was no one there... yet, anyway. She was still kinda mad from the fact that everything had turned out, of course, wrong. So she was a girl in an all boys magic boarding school, and because of that, she had to masscarade as a boy. Getting up and stretching, Ozumi slunk over to her bed and curled into another ball, then closed her eyes.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:55 am
Name: Sonic Havok
Nickname: Sonic / Havok / Ronnie
Age: 16
Hair: Blue streaks with brown hair based
Fur: Autumn Brown with a mix of dark brown and black everywhere
Eyes: Hazel
Race: Wolf / Human
Powers: I am able to turn into a wolf and teleport
Likes: Playing Drums/Piano/Guitar, Listening to Music, Hanging out with friends, making people feel better when they are down, Video Games  

Sonic Havok


PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:36 am
-Arigato for joining, Sonic Havok. Um...

Just jump in?-
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:02 pm
thats what i did... haha  

Sonic Havok


PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 1:18 pm
-Um... okay... I'll just... *awkwardness...* POST! Yeah, that'll work...-

Ozumi yawned and stood to stretch, irritated that she couldn't get to sleep. What... that hell...
she thought to herself, shaking herself off and hopping off the bed. Might as well go explore... She thought, biting her lip and remembering that she had to be a guy during parts of the day. Cursing and closing her eyes, she was back in her human form within seconds. Rubbing the back of her neck and glancing in the mirror, she smirked. She always wore guy clothes anyway, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

But still...

Throwing her suitcase onto the bed to claim it, she grabbed her flute, threw open the window, flung her legs over the ledge and started to play, leaning against the frame for balance.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:25 pm
Hesitantly, Naoki approached the door to the dorm he had been assigned. Not that there was anything special to be worried about. Naoki was just born to worry. 'Will they like me?' and, 'What'll they think?' were the usually doubts for him. But he was most worried that if he did have a room-mate, would he get along with him?

"It's nice to care about others, but not to the point you'll put yourself down. Just step ahead and hope for the best."

Sighing, Naoki quietly and slowly opened the door to see he did have a room-mate. And he was just sitting on the ledge of the window, playing a flute or something. Not wanting to startle him, Naoki silently closed the door and gingerly made his way over to the bed that wasn't already claimed. Placing his dufflebag on the ground, he began to unpack.

... He's really good at playing that... It sounds so nice...


"It's an honor for you to be accepted. Infact, I went there myself when I was younger." Yu thought about what her master had said when she had been accepted. Of course, she ddidn't doubt his words, but she still wondered how a school that she's supposed to be honored to attend overlooked the fact she's female.

Yu sighed, remembering her master had already thought of how to mask it, instead of just informing officials about the mistake. With an order to take a less girlie form and some of his old clothes, Yu could pass for a guy. A pretty guy, but it didn't matter much.

Finally reaching her assigned dorm, Yu didn't bother knocking and just opened the door. No one. Without any in her way, Yu just choose a bed randomly and began to unpack as her mind began to wander.

... If they accepted me... there must be at least a handful of girls, too...

((... Hope that's okay, Aniki.

Oh, and I may make a girl later on, from the other school.))  



PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:44 pm
Ozumi cracked her neck and hopped off the window sill, almost falling back into the room. Loking behind her and giving an awkward wave to her roommate. Ozumi mumbled a "Hello..." and broke the flute carefully in two. Waving once more and walking out of the room, she turned into the main hall.

And instantly regretted it.

Ozumi's nose twitched slightly, a tendency she had when she was nervous. She hated large crowds. Trying to avoid anyone touching her in the crowded main hall. She hated
being touched. Slipping out the first door she came to, she gulped in a fresh breath of air and collapsed in the grass, sighing.

Apparently, the year was going to be interesting and
PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:30 pm
*walks in already in wolf form and teleports onto the couch across the room with my tail covering my face laying down*  

Sonic Havok


PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:50 pm
To the greeting, Naoki nodded slightly, but just kept to unpacking to keep out of the other's way. There was a whole school year to do that.


Sighing, Yu got to her feet to lay across the bed she had claimed. All that thinking about the school and her master's words got her tired. Not tired enough, but she still didn't feel like unpacking any longer. ... I really want to find out if there are more girls here... Nocturne thought, rolling onto her other side so her back faced the door, But I how do I do that without someone finding out I'm female...

With another sigh, Nocturne sat up for a few seconds, and quickly walked to the door, closing it right behind her. She wouldn't find any other girls just laying on her bed.

After walking through the main hall, she glanced around just to see if there was anything that could help. Well, there was someone she knew. Ozumi. "Hey! Zu-zu-zun!" she called, running up to where Ozumi was laying, "You here too, huh."  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:20 pm
[[OOC: Alright, I'm making this character right now. However, I will not be RPing tonight. I've got much to do. I just want to make this up so I don't brush it off anymore.]]

Name: Ferris D. Burhmingham.
Nickname: Ferry
Age: 16
Hair: Cut short to a fingers length to support the loads of gel that plasters his black hair every day.
Eyes: Emerald green
Race: Lycanthrope.
Powers: Obviously, human form. Superhuman strength in the form of a wolf-man.
Likes: Combat/fighting, physical training
Picture: I cant believe I actually found one.





PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:48 pm
(Arigato for joining. ^^)

Ozumi smiled, though a bit awkwardly. "Awesome, someone I know," She said, tilting her head back a little and sitting up. "How did you get here?" She asked, taking her flute out again and piecing it back together. "What did your master say when you got in?" Blowing out a soft tune, she readjusted the pieces a bit and looked at Yu a bit expectantly.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:18 am
"I flew," Yu answered sarcastically as she decided to take a seat on the ground also. "It's an island. I'm pretty sure there's not too many different ways to get here." Looking up to the sky, Yu smiled and began to form her answer towards the next question while basking in greatness of all that above. Even if it was grey and stormy, Yu still thought the sky was amazing and a sheer work of art.

"Of course, he was surprised when we first got word..." she started, unable to tear her eyes away. "But after that, he began telling me about how much of an honor it was for me to be accepted... and some stories from when he went here..."

"... You got any stories about this place?"


"Twice. Once. Five times... Wow... your classmates sure have problems," the older shinigami's voice commented in Matt's head as he walked down the busy hall. "Or they could be a bunch of drama queens..." Matt chuckled slightly. How nice. Drama queens asking for bodily harm, or even death. His slight smile turned to a grimace soon after, noticing what his father wasn't saying. Had any of them taken action for these wishes? Matt had always been worried about that, but didn't say or do much about it. He'd rather not have his father disown him -like two of the three siblings before him.

Father, I must ask... why am I here, again? Matthew questioned in his head -he didn't have the ability of telepathy like this father, but he knew his father well, he knew his father read all his thoughts, whether directed towards him or not. I fail to see why I need this. If I'm correct, you didn't go to a place like this... Almost immediately, his father answered, "Correct, I didn't. But I found that it gave your eldest brother and sister a sense of freedom and humanity... Great. Another message to follow his second brother's footsteps...

All of a sudden, returning to the dorm for an unnecessary nap was sounding pretty good.  



PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:33 pm
Ozumi shook her head. "Nope, sorry. First person here..." Her nose wrinkled instinctively at the thought of her family's last words to her. Though she really didn't have much of a problem with them, being as she barely ever even saw her father, mother, sister or brother, their final visit to her had been beyond irritating.

"Mother, you had no rights telling her that she could go to that school," her mother had raged at her Grandmother, furious. Ozumi stood to the side, not knowing that her parents would even be informed about the school she had chosen to go to. She had known they were traditional- that's why they had chosen for her to go live with her Grandmother and learn from her. But refusing her the rights to go to an elite school specifically because it was a boys school wasn't right.

"I am her guardian," her Grandmother said patiently, waiting for her daughter to calm down. "I gave her permission to go because I trust her."

"How do you know that nothing will come of going to a male's school?" Her father had asked sharply, glancing at Ozumi. "How can we trust that nothing will- HAPPEN."

"I WOULD NEVER," Ozumi had raged. Refusing her school had pushed her to her limits- thinking that she would be THAT dishonorable had hurt her severely.

"We know," Her brother said calmly. "But maybe it will get to you-"

"And besides, boy's will corrupt you," Her sister had said, brushing off any other argument.

Three hours later, she had been on a private plane to come to the school.

"... what types of stories did your master say?"
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