Elven Forest

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The Paeleon is an ancient forest. The Elven people settled here after an argument between Avásh'aelía, the Bone Queen, and the Móch'rónn Saban, which caused the pair to go seperate ways in the year 11.750 b.S.

The forest floor receives very little direct light. Though at parts the wood is very rocky, mosses and fungi are abundant on the forest floor. Fortunately the soil is very rich, and small shrubs grow abundantly at the roots of the many ancient trees. The trees of the Paelelon are aweing as well, their girth is far more than a man can reach his arms around. Most notable is that they are quite bare of elven homes; the elves prefer to live close to the earth.

The forest is full of life, albeit a dark life. The animals of this forest are not much different from the animals of other forests, save their eyes are more adjusted for the lack of light. The wildlife is timid here, it scatters quickly at foreign noises, and is hard to spot. But if one is still in the forest long enough, the forest awakens with life unseen to the traveller's eye.

The homes of the Elves that reside here are quite unique. They stay rather close to the ground; the highest ranking members of the colonies live among the roots of the grandest trees.

Elven Falls

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Looking like a hand emerging from the earth as though to keep the water for itself, these falls are strange and seem to reflect ones inner desires.

It would not be wise to drink of it, being not of Elven origon these waters would drive any man insain. As the water rests within them their deepest desires seem to manifest before them, then slowly become more nightmarish as the days drag on.