This is a guild that was newly started up, and it does not have many members as of yet. Please come by and see it, and dont let the banner fool you. Its a prety nice place and I expect good things from it.
Its going to be a general RP guild, as most are, and the actual basis is almost limitless because it has no set time line or area of RP. What I mean is, that unlike a High School rp guild, where an Rp with dragons and horseback knights would be out of place, this guild can offer a playing feild to almost anyone. Here, there are no rules of limitations that make you stick to a single topic of RP, thereby expanding the range of possible RP's you can come up with. All it needs is a few members.
Also, we are accepting Sub-forum donations. This means that if you have a particular type of world you would like to create, such as a WWII type RP subforum, all you need to do is deposit the gold( which is logged so we know who did it) AFTER you ask the Captian to create you a sub forum. When we get the gold, you get your forum. Very nice, and subforums are affordable too, at only 2500, and they are great for making a privet world for your RP's( well, as privet as 2500 gold can get you) Mind you, this is no replacement for buying a guild of your own, but at 20,000 gold, its not that pratical. This is a cheap way for many of you to create your own RP world, and you will be adding to the popularity of this guild in return. Please come by and see us.