For those of you who were here when I first started this contest you should already have an idea of it. For the new ones this is a contest where you invite as many guild members as you can. And at the end the winner or winners get gold.

This is a contest that I have thought up which will start on August 12, 2008 and I should get the results of the people you have requested by July 2, 2008.

Any and all updates on the rules of this contest will be highlighted in green.

The prizes for this contest are:

1st place: 5000 gold and promotion to crew member
2nd place: 1000 gold
3rd place: 500 gold

The rules are:

-Any and all guild members are encouraged to join this contest.

-Also in order for this contest to go on at least two people must enter the contest for the contest to be valid.

-Tell Alex the cyborg if you are entering this contest or rather just post it here.

-Invite the most amount of people you can to this guild.

-If you have a second account you may not invite the second or rather you can but it will not count as an invite in the contest.

-Please record who you are inviting but please do not expect me or anyone else in the guild to keep track of who has how many people. (The best way to do this is to post it here and just keep adding names every time you get someone to join.)

-All results must be entered by 12:00 A.M. Eastern United States Time.

-(Hint: when inviting people see the most recent people who have logged on to gaia in order to better your chances of inviting people.)

-In the event of a tie both competitors will have to split the prize, so all i have to say is make sure you are number one so you don't have to share.

-When listing the names of the people you have INVITED please make it in this format so it is easier for me to count the people.

1) Alex's Example one (Just type the name after the number)
2) Alex's Example two
3) Alex's Example three
4) ..........................So on and so forth.

-At the end of this event I will see who has joined and who hasn't if the person on your list has not joined the guild that person is not counted in the tallies of how many people you have invited.

-You may start this contest as soon as you read the rules so, on ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, AAANNNDDD GO!!!!!!

-If you have any other Questions please only contact Alex the Cyborg for I am the one who made the contest up and can explain the rules best.