If you're new to the Guild, and are a bit confused on how things work or where you should go, don't worry! We've provided a list of Frequently Asked Questions that will hopefully give you the information you need to get you on the right track, and they're in order! So that when you read through them, they are more like a step-by-step guide, rather than just random information.

If you're still confused, after reading through this, just post a new question in this forum, and we'll answer it as soon as possible!
(Or, if you'd prefer, just PM me with your question and I'll help you out in any way that I possibly can).

I'm new and don't know where im supposed to go. can you help me??

Answer: If you are new to the Guild, but do not know where you are supposed to start your journey, just go to the Introduce Yourself! forum and post a thread entitled with any question that you may have, or simply introduce yourself as a new member. Afterward and read the Rules thread and you're set to join in on the action.

Can I have more than one character?

Answer: Of course! In fact, several of the Guild Moderators have more than one role in several RPs, though we strongly suggest that you have no more than three characters per RP. The reason for this is simply due to the fact that if one person is RPing as several different characters in one RP, the chances are good that if that person had to leave the RP for an extended period of time, most, if not all, of the RP could be frozen due to the fact that the many characters that were being controlled by that person were interacting with other characters in various places at a time.

Okay. I'm new to the Guild, so I was just wondering.. Am I going to have to go through all of those terrain things???

Answer: No. You do not have to go through all of the Terrains. Or any, actually. Go back to Guild Forums and scroll down to Rules once more. Find the Instructions post, and copy what it says you will need. Then, paste it in a reply to the Characters thread, fill it out, and post it there. When you fill out the information, it should give you a space to add which Terrain you wish to RP in. If you wish to RP in all of Lyndria, and not just one specific part of the world, just put "Lyndria" in the space where it asks you for which Terrain you wish to RP in and I will add your character to the main RP.

What are starter RPs? I've seen one in just about every forum.

Answer: Starter RPs are Roleplays which a Mod has created in order to break in a Terrain. We place one Starter RP in each Terrain so that RPers who do not wish to create an RPe of their own are not forced to shy away from the Terrain of their choosing.

Someone deleted my post. Por why?

Answer: Perhaps, you did not follow the Rules. Moderators can and WILL delete posts that do not follow the Rules accordingly. (Go to the Lyndria forum for more information on these Rules).

I was kicked out of the Guild.. is there anyway for me to get back in??

Answer: That is difficult to say, but highly unlikely. If you have been banned, and feel that you would like to return to the Guild, you may ask me for permission to return, but all of the Moderators have to either vote "yes" or "no" on the situation, before it may be decided.

Someone just cussed me out... Not my character. Me. What am I supposed to do with this?

Answer: If the cursing took place OOC (Out of Character or outside of RP), contact a Moderator right away, and give us their name and we will talk to the member and create a thread in The Gavel to set up a time and date where you and the member in question can both conveniently talk to the admins in "court." It is there that we will settle the dispute in a civilized manner and decide which punishment would fit the crime. (In some cases, we will need evidence such as screenshots). If they continue to harrass you or other members, we will either ban them or send them a warning, depending on how frequently they have caused trouble and how heinous the act was.

Everyone's ignoring my character.... Is there anything you could do..?

Answer: Perhaps your posts are not noticeable, or your character is not interacting with the others. Try changing your font, if your character is interacting with the other characters in the RP, yet is being continually ignored.

I made my own RP, but no one seems interested. Should I just delete it?

Answer: If you do not see an RP thread that you would like to join, and would prefer to make your own, you should do just that! Don't give up if no one joins it right away. Wait a while, and if you feel your patience growing thin and would like to RP with just about anyone, let an admin know and they'll see if there is someone like you, whose RP isn't going over so well, who could join forces with you. If there doesn't seem to be anyone available however, just wait and in the mean time, join another RP and don't miss out on the experience!

I'm tired of all the rules! is there somewhere i can go to just hang out?

Answer: Yes, as a matter of fact, there is! Go to the Guild forums and select The OoC. It is a place for people to just hang out, OOC (Out Of Character). Here you can just escape from the rules and relax.

A Moderator just cussed at me... What should I do..?

Answer: No matter who it is, abuse is abuse and will not be tolerated. As mentioned before, when someone abuses you in any way, even if that person happens to be a Moderator, notify me or one of the other Moderators of the abuse by sending a PM with the person's name and we'll take them to The Gavel.

Question 13:
Can I be a moderator?

Answer: If you are willing to work and get along well with your fellow Lyndrians, you may ask for one of us to promote you and we will oblige. There's always work that needs to be done around the guild. But the admins might have to talk it over first. After all, Moderators have a lot of power, and we must first know that it will not be abused once it is passed on to another Member.

I have a good idea for the guild. To whom do I send it?

Just post your idea in the Lyndria Interactive! thread and have members vote on your idea.

Question 15:
I'd like to be a student in the Lyndrian academy. How do I become one?

Answer: Just PM whichever teacher you wish to be a student under, and give them the information that they request of you. After that, all you have to do is survive the class.

How many terrains am I allowed to be in?

Answer: You can be in as many Terrains as you like. (Try not to weigh yourself down with too many RPs)! Just make it clear in your character bio when you post it in the Characters thread!

What's the story behind the Black Woode? Can I just do whatever I want there?

Answer: You sure can! The Black Woode, along with all other Terrains, has little background story. This way, you can do what you want with them! After all, you are creating your own RPs within the Terrains. Why be restricted by your environment?