What is a quest???

A quest is where you save up for an item(s) you really want. You don't buy anything else before you get that item(s). These items are normally quite expensive, or if they're not them people tend to quest for multiple items. This means you want several things, a wishlist if you like, and keep track of them.

Ok...so what's a quest thread???

This is where you record your progress and list kind donators. You shold 'bump' this thread often so people see it. Charity's will often ask for a quest thread with a minimum number of pages (eg: 5). This is seen to show your dedication to your quest.

Where should I put my thread???
Go to Sub-Forums > Questing?? and create a new topic there.

What do I put in it???

A pretty, well organised thread will often make people more likely to donate to you. For the bare minimum you should give an introduction, how much gold you have and a donators list where you put all your donators.

What shouldn't I do???

-Type 'Donate or die scream ' or anything along those lines...
- Put it in the wrong forum.
- Beg. Questing is not begging and some people will flame you if you beg.
- Forget that your quested item that you 'would do anything for crying ' is just a bunch of pixels.

What's a dream avatar & how do I make one?

Basically it's how you wish your avatar would look. You can make one one by going to www.tektek.org/dream .

What's a questbar?

It's a way of showing people how much gold you have and need.

Tips & tricks

-Be positive, the use of ' crying ' will annoy a lot of people.