

Juuken Ryuu (Gentle Fist Style)
Description: Juuken is fighting style utilized by Hyuuga clan members, it is the strongest style of Konoha. The Byakugan has a penetrating ability to see the tenketsu, the internal chakra coils system 361 pressure points. The clan member can use their fingers or palms to emit chakra to flow into their opponents body's at these precise points. When the hand draws close enough to strke, the clan member can stop or increase their opponents chakra flow. The internal chakra coils which spread throughout the body also wrap around the internal chakra producing organs. So if the internal coils are attacked, it also damages these internal organs. Because a ninja can not train their internal body, such damage can be a critical hit for even a highly skilled ninja.
Note: Usable by Hyuuga Clan members only.
Note: It take a B Ranked Jutsu for ever post you have this active.


Hayabusa Otoshi (Peregrine Falcon Drop)
Description: While at an elevated position, the user will grab their opponent from behind. Firmly locking them self to their back, they will lock their ankles to their neck to get their body rigid. He will then plant them head first into the ground. Essentially a belly to back pile driver, the move can provide a great concussion to his opponent's head.

Konoha Kage Buyou (Leaf Shadow Dance)
Description: Konoha Kage Buyou is a Taijutsu technique that is used to position a ninja's opponent into a vulnerable aerial position. The ninja will first quickly appear below their opponent, then with a switch upper kick they will launch their target into the air. The ninja will then jump into the air to "shadow" the target with the target's back to their chest.

Konoha Reppuu (Leaf Violent Wind)
Description: Using their quickness and agility, the user moves low to the ground and spinning kicks to sweep the opponent off their feet.

Konoha Senpuu (Leaf Whirlwind)
Description: Using their quickness and agility, the user charges at their target and spins their body to do a flying round house kick on those opponents within range of attack.

Sennen Goroshi (One Thousand Years of Death)
Description: Though it is called "Leaf's Ancient Supreme Technique", Sennen Goroshi serves more as an insulting shock technique rather than a skilled Taijutsu technique. The ninja forms their hands into the seal of the tiger, and then jabs their fingers into the nether regions of their target. The result is shocking violation of the targets sanctity and often their launching in the air to stop the awkward feeling.


Dynamic: Action (Dainamikku: Akushon)
Description: The user will launch them self at their opponent and then use a barrage of strikes and kicks.

Dynamic: Entry (Dainamikku: Entorii)
Description: The user will throw a kunai to distract their target and will then use their speed and agility to quickly approach and attack the opponent from their blind side.

Konoha Dai Senpuu (Leaf Great Whirlwind)
Description: Like the normal Senpuu, the uses their quickness and agility to deliver a series powerful spinning kicks to their opponent.
Note: Must know Konoha Senpuu to perform.

Konoha Shoufuu (Leaf Rising Wind)
Description: Using their quickness and agility, the user with do a swift upwards kick at their opponent or at a weapon the opponent is wielding.

Shishi Rendan (Lion Combo)
Description: The user first performs Konoha Kage Buyou to maneuver their opponent in a vulnerable aerial position. While shadowing, the user will attempt to strike them from a vulnerable angle. If they are unable to make a clean strike, they will strike anyway as a feint, to draw the target's attention and defense to one area. He can then strike the undefended area and begin knocking them downwards towards the ground. As the enemy falls back to the earth, the user will deftly rotate their body around to deliver a full force kick to the opponent's chest.


Bunshin Kaiten Kakatou Otoshi (Clone Spinning Heel Drop)
Description: The user first uses Kage Bunshin to create several clones. These clones and the user launch themselves into the air and begin to somersault. They then come spinning down, laying their heels into the target's shoulders and head.
Note: Must know Kage Bushin no Jutsu to perform.

Bunshin Taiatari (Clone Ramming Suicide Attack)
Description: The user first uses Kage Bunshin to create several clones. These clones launch themselves at the opponent. Another clone will launched the real user at the target. This fast speed allows the user to get in closer.
Note: Must know Kage Bushin no Jutsu to perform.

Gouwan (Strong Arm)
Description: The user will first build up a high amount of chakra to their fist and then release it in an instant creating powerful strikes.

Konoha Dai Senkou (Leaf Great Light Rotation)
Description: After charging their opponent, the user will unleash a powerful kick which will spin the opponent away.

Tsuuten Kyaku (Bruising Sky Leg)
Description: Using monstrous strength, the user will raise their leg in a high arc and bring it thundering down causing massive damage to whatever it impacts. If one of the kicks or strikes were to connect, they would kill a normal ninja.


Asakujaku (Morning Peacock)
Description: The user first opens the sixth Celestial Gate Keimon, which gives him access to an enormous amount of chakra. Using this tremendous burst of power and speed, they will approach their opponent in a distinctive stance. When near enough, the user will kick their opponent and launch them into the air. They will then strike them multiple times, causing the distinctive peacock fan to develop. The opponent will then fall back to the earth, covered in the strike's aura.