Hello everybody. I was randomly invited here so here I am. My real name is not to be disclosed on the internet, but feel free to call me Delta.

I am 18 and live in the state of Oregon. The forestry around where I live is absolutely beautiful, but I can't stand the weather. From about May to September it is really hot and sunny (which I love) while the rest of the year is wet and rainy. I live in a small town about a 45 minute drive from Salem (the state Capitol).

I was on a site called Darkwars where my friend invited me to Gaia in 2005. Apparently he was a prommie/troll in the General Discussion forum. In my Social Studies class I learned about Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. The more I learned about him the more I admired him. I made an account named Rommel_Desert_Fox which is who I am normally logged in as. That account is banned till 5/17/08 so I'll be here till then.

I don't care for gaia much anymore since the awesome stuff is dying off and being replaced by crap. What time I am on gaia I normally spend in the "Intelligent Perverts" thread in chatterbox, the Extended Discussion forum, the General Discussion forum, the Badass Prommie villains guild, and the Gaia Gun Enthusiasts guild.

My gaia guild experience is filled with moderation responsibilities. I am vice captain in the Gaia Perverts Guild, F*$^ing Awesome Prommie Hero, Bad@$$ Prommie Villans, and 4chan guilds. I have also moderated many other guilds that have died so I know pretty well what I'm doing.

My choice of screen name on gaia has also attracted some interesting people. Nihil Schutzstaffel, gaias prominent Nazi, befriended me, and I've come to respect her because of how accepting she is of other people. Nagamasa Mifune is another great guy I've run across whom I love to have Rommel VS Patton arguments with. There is never a dull moment with him. There are other awesome people, but also some less than pleasant attention. Many people jump to conclusions about me being a Nazi and are rather rude about it. While I am not a National Socialist, I do not condemn those who are. I know that the holocaust was bad, but from what I can see that was a form of Nazi Extremism.

Among my interests there is the interest of technology. I'm interested in learning all sorts of programming. I'm self taught in coding web pages, but my skills are extremely limited at the moment.