Sweet Suicide

The blade shines,
The same old sting lines my wrist,
The beauty of the scarlet lines,
Pushing down oh-so-perfect,
Sweet suicide you call me again.

The pills so light,
Slide easy down my throat,
Chase it down with whiskey,
The harsh feelings no more,
Sweet suicide you call me again.

The rope tight,
Swing roughly by my neck,
Jumping onto a stool,
The thick rope pulled tight,
Sweet suicide you call me again.

Closer to the edge,
Feel teh breeze push me over,
Standing on the bridge,
Finally ready to let go,
Sweet suicide you call me again.

Barrel in my mouth,
Cold and so sweet,
Let my fingers move themselves,
Pull the trigger and say goodbye,
Sweet suicide you call me again.

(This was written this morning and already i have had great comments, please let me know what you guys think smile )