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Tags: Resident Evil, Biohazard, Raccoon City, T-Virus, Umbrella 

Reply ::Raccoon Public Library:: (Fan-Fiction)
Acid Reign

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Biohazard EXTREME

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:46 pm
Note: It's been a long, long time since I wrote anything, and although this chapter is just the introduction and the crisis, let me know what you think. I've already started on the continuation of the story, so don't worry, more is definitely on the way.

Note 2: As many of you know, I refuse to canonically accept Resident Evil 4, Umbrella Chronicles or any Resident Evil titled released thereafter. Therefore, for the sake of this story (and every other story I'll ever write), the events pertaining uniquely to Umbrella Chronicles or Resident Evil 4 never happened. Hence, why you'll find that Leon is NOT working or training under the U.S. Government as well as why Umbrella is still going on strong, as opposed to slowly diminishing. End note.

September, 2002.

It was an unusual day at Acid Rain--the anti-Umbrella organization. Unusual, why? Because it was new recruit time. This underground organization was established long ago, when the founder's daughter had suddenly disappeared, after leaving some frightening messages on his machine. It only consisted of a handful of people at first. It wasn't until after the Raccoon City incident, that this organization started growing into the large rebel faction it was today. It was still a secret, of course, their laboratory and their training facility were located under cat food warehouses. It was fairly easy, since the man who established Acid Rain was the owner of a large cat food company. How he managed to keep the organization a secret was a mystery to Warren Brooks. He figured that's why the founder of Acid Rain was never to be seen or heard from. Probably always working just to keep this organization alive and hidden.

Warren used to be a reporter. He wanted to do a story about the Raccoon City incident. Which was when he realized that behind Umbrella's conveniently made up cover story, were a lot of inconsistencies. And when he decided to interview some people who seemed to know something about the matter, he was quickly apprehended by Umbrella and beaten to a pulp, and threatened into dropping his story. Warren agreed. This was much bigger than a news story. After some time, he found someone who decided to help him. That person ended up leading him to Acid Rain.

Five years ago, if one asked Warren where he saw himself in 2002, he would have optimistically said as a news anchor. However, now, he was a part of something bigger. No fame, no glory. Only their cause. However, being a small part of an anti-Umbrella organization made Warren feel a lot more important than being a news anchor of ANY broadcasting station. And Warren's role in Acid Rain wasn't even that small. He was the chief of security at this particular location. Which meant it was his responsibility to make sure everyone in this research laboratory was safe.

And now, a new recruit had arrived. Naturally such individual would go through a thorough background check before being shown a location of their laboratory, so Warren did not have too much to worry about. Essentially, his job was to show the newbie around and explain the ground rules.

Phoebe Clarke was hard at work. She was one of the leading researchers at Acid Rain. Her job was to study viral evidence, with various purposes. Sometimes it was to mark any changes that were made to the viruses, sometimes it was simply to confirm that said virus was present in the tissue, thus incriminating Umbrella of whatever involvement they were investigating.

Phoebe was always fascinated by synthetic viruses, and all things relating to genetic manipulation. Luckily, she ended up on the right side of the research, unlike her friend, Amanda.
Amanda Cyrus was the daughter of Walter Cyrus--the owner of a prestigious Cat Food company, and the founder of Acid Rain. The reason he established Acid Rain is the very same reason Phoebe was in it. For Amanda. It wasn't until long after Acid Rain was established that Phoebe discovered the full extent of Umbrella's transgressions. At first, she was shocked. Now it was every day's clock work.

At the click of the opening door, Phoebe raised her head immediately. As did the three other scientists working with her. At the door was Warren and an unfamiliar face. The new man was skinny and had dirty blonde hair. He stood about three inches taller than Phoebe, which would have made him roughly 5'10". This man wore a light, hooded jacket, with a golf shirt underneath. If he was to be working for Phoebe, he would have to dress up a little less sloppy.

"This is Phoebe, Stan, Bert and-... Oh yeah. Rick," Warren said. Warren, as always, wore his security uniform, which was a black suit and tie, white dress shirt and his typical crew cut. But Phoebe knew him for a while, and the man wasn't nearly as boring as his attire.
"She's our chief scientist. She's the one who does all the genetic research," Warren said as he took the newbie around the room, "Although it's essentially forensics. Obviously, we're not MAKING the viruses."
"Right," the newbie spoke. He had a fairly present voice. Not deep like Warren's, but open. The kind that would be good for public speaking.
"Oh, right..." Warren said, "Phoebe. Everyone. This is Dennis. He's going to be working with Jon and Travis."

"Oh," Phoebe spoke in her typical soft tone, "Nice to meet you, Dennis. Sorry you have the misfortune of working with those two."
Warren chuckled and shook his head, "Don't listen to her. She just likes giving them a hard time because... Well, because she's Phoebe. Come on. I'll introduce you to your new coworkers."
"Bye, Dennis. It was good to meet you," Phoebe said with a friendly smile, before turning back to her work.
"Likewise," Dennis' voice was heard as they left the laboratory.

"Anything?" Jon asked.
"Nothing. How about you?" Travis replied. The two of them were looking through the paperwork. Faxes, and other apprehended reports that were sent to or from Umbrella. This was their job, and boring as it was, it was also important. Because nothing is more incriminating in such a bureaucratic world than a piece of paper with a signature on it.
"Nada," Jon said. Jon has been working at Acid rain for several months, and Travis was happy to finally get a helping hand. At first, Jon was always quiet, but after a while, he and Travis became fairly decent friends. On the occasional Saturday night, they would even go clubbing. But Travis didn't enjoy it as much, considering that Travis was nearing forty, and years of stress and cigarettes didn't do his face any favors. He was just happy to have a head full of that thick black hair. If there was one thing Travis was proud of, it was the fact that he was not yet balding. Still, compared to Jon, who was in his early thirties, and looked like he was in his early twenties, it looked like Jon dragged his father along to clubs.

"It's been really slow lately," Travis said, "Guess Umbrella's keeping quiet."
"Well after Raccoon City and Sheena Island, I can't really blame them," Jon said.
"Not to mention that thing with Rockfort," Travis added.
"Yeah... Did you know that one of the guys from the Raccoon City mansion incident was involved in that?" Jon asked.
"No, I didn't know. Who told you that?"
"Oh, you don't know? Kennedy's friends with the guy's sister," Jon smirked. Travis knew that smirk. That was the old, 'I've been here only a few months, but I know more than you,' look.

The door to their office opened and none other than Warren walked inside. Travis never liked the fact that Warren always barged into any room he wanted. He felt that Phoebe should be able to work in her lab undisturbed, and that he should be able to work in his office undisturbed as well.
But for 'security reasons' Warren always took the liberty to just walk in whenever he wanted.
Although, this time, it seemed that there was a point to his visit.

"Travis, Jon, this is Dennis. He'll be helping you guys out," Warren said, looking around the room. He knew the guys were always hard at work, but based on the amount of papers they still had on their desks, they were going to need the helping hand.
"Alright, I'll let you guys get acquainted," Warren said, "I'm gonna get back to work."
Turning around, Warren headed back to the security office, in a steady stride, overlooking the hallways that he walked. Making his way up couple of flights of stairs and into his office, he sat down at his expensive office chair and glanced around at the surveillance cameras.
"How's the new guy?" Warren's right had man, Jimmy asked. Jimmy was dressed much like Warren, but his build made him look like a strip club bouncer. Jimmy had Hawaiian origin, which, in addition to his big stature, made him seem that much more intimidating. Warren was hired because of his intelligence and his firearms skills. Jimmy was hired because of his muscle.

"He's quiet. Shy. You know, like every new guy," Warren replied, "So, another boring day?"
"Yeah," Jimmy said, sipping his coffee. "To think, day to day, nothing ever happens in this building. But if some s**t was to go down, you and I would have to take care of it. In a way, bro, we're the most important people in this building."
"How many times have you said that?" Warren asked, "Yes, Jimmy. You're an important part of this organization, just like I am."
"It's good to hear sometimes," he said with a chuckle, "You know, I'm needy, bro."
"Speaking of which. How's the fight with the Mrs. going?"
"I dunno. I've been sleeping here for the past three days," Jimmy replied.
"Thank god we have shower facilities. Seriously, though, you should call her."
"Yeah, I should."
After a brief silence, Warren added, "I mean, right now. Come on, the longer you wait, the harder it'll be to patch things up. Call her. Now."
Looking at Warren for a moment, Jimmy nodded, "Yeah, you're right, bro. I'm gonna step out for this."
After Jimmy left, Warren yawned and then looked up at the surveillance monitors. One monitor in particular. Phoebe was fiddling around with her pipettes, microscopes, and other scientific tools, which Warren didn't specialize in. It wasn't the tools that got his attention. He's had his eye on Phoebe for a while. But she was always busy and he never did get a chance to talk to her outside professional setting.

The beaker that Phoebe held in her hand suddenly dropped. Warren leaned forward to watch closer. Hoping whatever that beaker contained wasn't a potential biohazard. Phoebe looked around, then walked off the screen. All the security precautions and Cyrus couldn't pay for a few extra cameras. Warren huffed in frustration and decided to check the lab. He walked out of the security office and headed for the lab at a faster pace than usual.

Opening the door, he could not believe his eyes. There lay Phoebe, on the floor, in a pool of her own blood.

Part 2: Added on 05/28/08

"Oh, s**t! Phoebe!" he immediately knelt down beside her, checking for a pulse. But it was too late. She wasn't breathing.
"Oh, god, Phoebe..." Warren said, unsure of what to do. He looked down at the dark spot of blood on her chest. Her coat was in tact, except for a small hole. A bullet wound. He scrambled to his feet and looked around. Where were the other lab personnel? He did a sweep of the room, and sure enough, behind their work counter, lay Stan, Bert and... Rick. All three fatally shot. Some in the heart, some in the head.
Warren rushed to the door, and slammed the big red button beside it. It was an emergency alarm system. As such, it roared an annoying siren, flashing red lights in every room and hallway. It also automatically locked all doors in the building, and only the security personnel had the keys necessary to open the doors and deactivate the system. Warren rushed toward the security office, only to meet Jimmy coming his way.

"What's going on!?" Jimmy screamed over the roaring alarm.
"We have a situation," Warren said, "Everyone in Lab C is dead!"
"WHAT!?" Jimmy said in disbelief.
"I don't know. Someone shot them," Warren spoke quickly as he proceeded toward the security office. Jimmy followed along. Stepping inside the security office, Warren approached the computer, which already displayed the emergency system interface, as a result of pushing the red button.
After entering his password, Warren disabled the annoying siren. The red lights remained.
Warren lifted the received on the telephone with no dial--which was connected directly to the office upstairs. The manager of the factory above responded in a startled, "What's going on down there!?"
"This is Warren," Warren spoke, "We have a situation. Four of our lab personnel have been shot and killed. We're starting the investigation right now. I will get back to you in one hour." Without another word, Warren hung up. Those calls had to be brief. He simply needed to let the people above know the situation.
Warren proceeded to turn on the P.A. system and spoke in an authoritative tone, "Attention! Due to an emergency situation, this facility is in lock down mode," his voice echoed through the building, "Please stay calm. The security personnel will systematically deal with the situation."

The investigation began with none other than Jimmy himself.
"Where did you talk with your wife?" Warren asked.
"What, are you kiddin' me, bro?"
"This is just a standard procedure, James," which was what Warren referred to him in serious conversations, "Just tell me where you talked to her."
Sighing in an annoyed manner, Jimmy replied, "By the stairs, near the exit."
Punching up the closest camera on the surveillance system, Warren rewound it enough to see Jimmy. Sure enough, he was sitting on the stairs, talking on his phone. The time frame was accurate. Jimmy was innocent.

Looking at the footage on the screen, Jimmy sighed. When the alarm went off, he hung up and ran off looking for Warren. This was not going to go well with his wife--hanging up like he did. To Jimmy this was an emergency situation. A matter of life and death. But he had to keep this job a secret from his wife. Of course, with her personality, even if she did know the truth, to her it would just be another excuse. Another several days he'd have to sleep in this cold facility. As if that wasn't bad enough, now this?
A tap on the shoulder snapped him out of his thoughts as Warren said, "Lab A and B had all their staff members present when it happened. Lab D, I'm not so sure. I'll go investigate. You stay here and review the rest of the footage. Contact me if you see something peculiar."
Jimmy watched as Warren headed out of the security office and down the small staircase.
Jimmy wasted no time. He started looking through the footage, one room after next. This facility wasn't huge, so he should be done quickly enough. However, cameras didn't reveal all the information either.

Punching in the password, Warren entered Lab D, his Mk.23 pistol drawn. He wasn't sure why the security personnel were given military model pistols, but he didn't complain. The larger the caliber, the safer he felt with it.
And now, he aimed it at the personnel of Lab D.
"Everyone against the wall," he said authoritatively. Naturally, they didn't resist. Warren wasn't going to waste any time.
"Did any of you leave this lab within seven minutes before the alarm?"
The workers just shook their heads.
"Can everyone vouch for that?" Warren asked.
"None of us had left this room for at least half an hour," Dr. Stantz, the senior researcher of this lab said.
"He's telling the truth," Stantz's right hand, Carlton said.
"Alright," Warren said, "Did any of you see or hear anything, around that time? Seven minutes prior to the alarm?"
"We keep the doors closed," Dr. Stantz said, "No. Nothing. Just what happened?"
Warren decided not to answer that, "I'm locking you guys up again. For your own safety, until this situation is dealt with."
Without another word, Warren made his exit, toggling the lock with his password.
As he began walking toward the next room, Jimmy's voice broke the silence on Warren's walkie-talkie.
"Warren, I think you'd better come take a look at this."

Part 3: Added on 06/11/08

"What is it?" Warren asked, as he barged into the security office. Jimmy motioned toward the security cameras, and Warren quickly looked.
"The guys in Office C have been shot too," Jimmy said what didn't need to be described. Warren watched as the three men dropped one by one. Whoever did the shooting was definitely a professional, each shot was barely a second apart. The three men on the camera were dead, but what about the other three? There were six people working in that office.
"I gotta go check if the other's survived," Warren pushed off the table heading for the door.
"Hold on, bro, there's more," Jimmy said. Warren turned back as Jimmy switched the footage, "Check this out."
Warren watched. It was Office B, where Travis and John worked. The two of them along with Dennis sat in the office talking. No audio feed, though, so Warren had no idea what about. Eventually, Dennis stood up and left the room.
"Oh s**t..." Warren paused, "The new guy's a mole..."

Sometime after Dennis, John stood up and left the room, too. Warren kept watching. Jimmy fast forwarded a few minutes. Dennis, then came back into the room and sat down opposite Travis. Soon after, the sirens went off, and the door locked.
"Where's John?" Jimmy said, looking over at Warren.
"Let's find out."

The door to Office B opened as Warren stepped inside, his gun drawn. Jimmy followed. Warren looked back and forth between Travis and Dennis, then said, "Dennis. You left this office a few minutes ago. Where did you go?"
Dennis looked up at Warren and said, "The bathroom, Warren. What's the problem?"
"Where's John?"
Dennis just shrugged. The reply came from Travis, "John said he had to use the bathroom, too."
"I didn't see anyone," Dennis said, "I took a leak and came back here, that's all."
After a brief pause to think, Warren headed out to check the bathroom, Jimmy following closely behind. If John went to the bathroom shortly after Dennis, then there was no way they'd miss each other. Pushing the bathroom door open, Warren didn't have to look around for very long. John was down, on the floor. Warren immediately rushed to check on John's condition. He wasn't shot. He was alive, but in a daze. His forehead was bleeding. Warren looked around and noticed the blood splatter on the wall, above the urinal. Someone bashed Johns head against it.
"John," Warren called out, "John, can you hear me? What happened?"
John turned his head briefly and then weakly said, "Hell if I know. Someone bashed me against the wall, after I took a piss..."
"Someone bashed you? Who was it?" Warren asked.
After a hesitation, John replied, "I don't know. There was no one in here but Den-... -nis..."
"Oh s**t, Dennis!" Warren said, looking up, at Jimmy, "Go check on Dennis. Search him for any firearms!"
Jimmy was out the door before Warren even finished talking.
"Hang on, John, let's get you in the infirmary," Warren said as he helped John get up and dragged him toward the infirmary. It was a small room, and only occupied one medic. When Warren was first assigned to this facility, he heard rumors that the medic was Rebecca Chambers, a former S.T.A.R.S. member, who survived the Mansion Incident in Raccoon city. Much to Warren's disappointment, Chambers worked at another Acid Reign facility. But this medic was very skilled as well.
"Hey, Megan," Warren said as he stepped inside, dragging John along.
"What happened?" Megan asked with a tone of concern. She was in her early thirties, but had a very youthful spirit about her. Warren never did ask why she joined Acid Reign, but so many people were affected by Umbrella, that he had an idea. Megan had dark brown hair, and usually wore it in a ponytail. She was fairly tall, too. When she wore high heels, Warren was looking up at her.
"We have a situation. Take care of him, but do NOT leave this infirmary," Warren said, then exited, immediately heading back to Office B.

"Where the hell is Dennis!? And Jimmy!" Warren asked as soon as he entered. Travis was the only one in the room, and he looked spooked.
"Dennis took off, he just up and ran off, as soon as you guys disappeared from sight. Jimmy came in, but when I told him, he just took off, too."
Travis' voice was shaky, he sounded nervous and panicked. The man probably lived his whole life in a peaceful environment, only hearing about really bad things on the news.
"I'm locking you in," Warren said, "Sit tight."
After closing and locking the door, Warren started sweeping the facility, walking at a fast pace, his gun drawn and ready to fire.
He, then, decided to check the change room. It had shower facilities, and other places potentially good for hiding. And it was only one hallway from the Office areas.
Slowly and carefully, Warren approached the change room door. He kicked it open and aimed his gun, but Dennis was too fast. He slammed into Warren hard enough to make him fall and drop his gun, then took off back out into the body of the facility.
Warren didn't expect that at all. He gathered his wits, and picked up his gun, then ran after Dennis. His ribs were hurting from the attack, but Warren was sure that nothing was broken. Running back into the facility, Warren continued his sweep, running through the hallways, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Like Jimmy, who was laying down against a wall, seemingly unconscious. Warren scrambled to help him out, "James! Wake up, James, what the hell happened?"
After a painful moan, Jimmy opened his eyes.
"Jimmy! What happened?" Warren repeated.
"I don't know, man. I was looking for Dennis... Then I was knocked out... Blunt object, I think."
Warren didn't see any, but Dennis could always have taken it with him. Warren helped Jimmy get up, with some difficulty. Jimmy looked around, then felt his belt and said, "Oh, s**t! He took my gun!"
"Not good," Warren said, as he took off, Jimmy following. Looking toward the infirmary, Warren noticed that the door was wide open, as well as a couple of bullet holes on the wall opposite to the door. Warren quickly ran ********..." he said as he watched the blood pool out from underneath Rachel who was on the ground. No doubt dead. But Warren's attention was diverted by John, who stood there aiming Jimmy's gun.
Warren immediately raised his gun at John as he said, "John, put the ******** gun down, now!"
John lowered it and sighed with relief, then replied, "Thank God, Warren..."
Warren extended his hand, and John handed the gun over eagerly and continued, "Dennis. He stormed in here... Killed Rachel. I managed to wrestle the gun out of his hand, but he took off. I tried shooting him, but missed."
Warren handed the gun back to Jimmy and turned to John, "Lock yourself in here, it'll be safer," then turned to Jimmy, "Let's find that b*****d."

Part 4: Added on 6/15/08

Leaving the infirmary, Jimmy and Warren promptly headed right, toward the security office and the exit. Even though the exit was locked, it was only a matter of a few button pushes from inside the security office to unlock it. Sure, it required a password, but it was the only way to get out of this facility, so the security office would have been a best guess. Besides, for all they knew, Dennis was a hacker and knew how to get around computer security.
"I'll take the security office, you check the rooms near the exit," Warren commanded.
Chances were, Dennis was in the security office. However if he wasn't, Jimmy had to investigate the other areas where he could be, starting with the exit. Jimmy was by no means a marksman, and hadn't had much gun training. But he knew to always check behind him and to every side. Danger could come from anywhere.
Doing so cautiously, he approached the exit door and gave it a firm tug. It was still locked. Dennis hadn't had the chance to escape. Jimmy came down the stairs and examined his surroundings again. It was quiet. He took a few careful steps, then heard a faint noise from the staircase, and really wanted to slap himself, at that moment for being so reckless. He immediately proceeded to check under the staircase. Despite how well the facility had been lit, the area underneath the stairs was always very dark. It would be very easy for someone to hide and sure enough.
Dennis came out of the shadows slowly, hands in the air.
"Don't move!" Jimmy said firmly, as he took a step backwards keeping his aim on Dennis with one hand. He quickly reached for his Walkie-Talkie with his other hand and said, "Warren, I found him. We're near the stairs to the exit!"
Putting the Walkie-Talkie back in its pouch, Jimmy brought his hand back up to steady the grip on his gun and repeated, "Don't move, man! Your number's up!"
"Wait! Wait, don't shoot!" Dennis finally spoke, in a panicked tone, "Listen. I know this looks bad, b-but I didn't do it! I swear! You gotta believe me!"
This threw Jimmy off. Either he was telling the truth, or he was a very good actor. Not lowering his gun, Jimmy said, "Then why'd you run off!?"
"People were killed!" Dennis exclaimed, "I didn't feel safe being in that office."
"We're called security for a reason, Dennis," Jimmy said, "I was there."
"For all I know, you killed them," Dennis said, taking a slow step forward.
"Don't ********' move!" Jimmy repeated, firing off a shot, which flew by Dennis' ear and hit the wall behind. The hallways had great acoustics, and the volume of the gun's sound was ear shattering. Both men cringed.
"Don't! Don't shoot! I swear I didn't do it!" Dennis said, in a panic, "But I know who did! It was--"

Warren stepped into the security office and scanned the room with his gun. It was empty. Either Dennis hadn't gotten to it yet, or he already made his escape. Warren approached the computer terminal and to his relief, the door was still locked. Nobody left the facility. Warren decided to search for Dennis using the surveillance system, but didn't see him anywhere. He did see Jimmy check the door, however. When he and Jimmy separated, Warren was afraid that Dennis would sneak up on Jimmy like he did last time, but he was happy to see that nobody was trailing Jimmy.
On a different monitor, he continued checking all the surveillance streams. Then something caught his eye. It was the infirmary. Before Warren even had time to think, his radio went off. It was Jimmy's voice. He found Dennis.
Under the stairs! Warren thought, as he saw the surveillance footage of Jimmy aiming his gun at Dennis. Warren reached for his Walkie-Talkie to respond, but before he could, a voice interrupted him, saying, "Don't push that button." Looking toward the door, Warren found himself at gun point.

"You..." Warren said, shocked to see Jon on the other end of that gun.
"You idiots," John said with a laugh, "So blinded by mistrust for the new guy."
The security office was dimly lit, so Warren couldn't tell exactly what kind of gun was pointed at him. But surely it was the same that killed Phoebe.
"Tell Jimmy to bring Dennis over here," Jon spoke, "When they're gone, unlock the door."
Warren slowly shook his head, "What, are you kidding me?"
"Look," Jon said, "We can do this the fast way, or we can do this the slow way."
"What's the slow way?" Warren asked.
"If you don't respond, eventually Jimmy's gonna come up here, then he exit will be free," Jon said.
"That still doesn't lave it open," Warren said, "You think I'm gonna give up that easily?"
"I wasn't done," Jon said bitterly, "Sure, the doors may remain locked. And maybe I'd never find out the password. But eventually, Cyrus will want to know what happened down here. So he sends his men. You're dead, Jimmy's dead, Dennis is dead. So when they'll ask what happened, I'll be the only one who knows the truth. And the truth is, Dennis, the new guy, tried to kill everyone in this facility. He killed you and Jimmy, and destroyed all the surveillance equipment. Then I caught him off guard and killed HIM."
Warren ran the scenario in his head. Jon would probably convince them that that's exactly what happened. Besides, even if they didn't believe Jon, Warren would still be dead, and that wasn't part of the plan.
Warren glanced at the monitor and saw that Jimmy was gone. This was his opportunity. Surely Jimmy was heading for the security office. Once that door opened and Jon was distracted, Warren would attack. He just needed to stall Jon a bit more.
"You're not gonna get away with this," Warren said. A typical action movie line. But it was the best Warren could come up with at the time.
"What are you kidding me?" Jon asked.
The door, then, burst open, as Jimmy stepped inside, gun drawn. John stood adjacent to the door and seemingly effortlessly grabbed Jimmy around by the neck, now aiming the gun at Jimmy's temple.
"Drop it, big boy!" he said. Jimmy immediately dropped his gun. Warren's plan failed. Jon was good. He knew exactly what he was doing. And now, even if Warren wanted to make a heroic attempt at shooting Jon, he couldn't. Jimmy was a big guy. The only way Warren would be able to hit Jon is with a ricochet trick. But he wasn't even sure if something like that would work in real life, let alone risk hitting Jimmy.
The situation seemed hopeless. But where Warren didn't take his earlier chance to be the hero, it seemed that Jimmy decided to take that chance. He pushed off and smashed Jon with his back against the wall.
Just when Jon lost the gun, Warren drew his and said, "Get out of the way, Jimmy!"
Jimmy quickly moved toward Warren and to the side. Warren aimed and took his shot, missing by mere inches. Jon was quick to regain his composure and grab his gun firing three shots at Warren.
Warren had never been shot before, and had no idea how unbearable the pain of it would be. He only felt one though. One bullet that actually hit him, and it was in the stomach region.
After that, everything slowed down, for Warren as he collapsed. His vision went blurry. He watched as Jon aimed his gun and Jimmy, then another blurry shadow and noises that sounded so reverberated that Warren could not make them out.
Slowly Warren's senses came back. The blurry shadow was Dennis, who held Jimmy's gun in his hand. Jimmy lay on the ground, not moving, aside from the blood that was trickling from him. Jon's gun arm was bleeding as well. It seemed that Dennis did some damage, but Jon quickly scrambled to the ground and picked up his gun with his left, then aimed it at Dennis.
With a loud bang, Dennis was down. Warren scrambled to reach for his gun, then aimed and made the fatal shot to Jon's chest. Jon went down for the last time.

The End

Note: My story does not have an epilogue for a very simple reason. I think epilogues are overrated. I feel that a story does not need an epilogue unless it's concluded. For example, a movie that's guaranteed to have a sequel, does not need an epilogue. Since I'm planning to continue the stories about Acid Rain and their adventures, what happened afterward, who survived and who didn't, you'll find out in the next story.  
PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:50 am
Now that I finally had a few minutes to read this...

... I like what you've got here so far. It seems to me like you want to go further with this Anti-Umbrella organization, and I think you totally should. You introduced a lot of characters, and it seems a shame not to continue to develop them.

Personally I'd like to see a follow-up to this. What else can you tell me about their organization?

I wanna know what happens next, pleaze. smile  


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Biohazard EXTREME

PostPosted: Tue May 27, 2008 3:52 pm
Like I said, I already started on a continuation, and have a basic plot of it in mind.
And yes, I was gonna make a bit of a series about these guys.
That's the thing though, they'd be facing so many different agendas that it's not always gonna be about zombies, or viruses, or monsters. Sometimes it'll be about internal affairs, or attacks on Umbrella military, things like that. I got a whole thing cookin' up in my head.  
PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 4:38 am
I added Part 2. More to come later. Stay tuned.  

Biohazard EXTREME


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PostPosted: Wed May 28, 2008 5:39 am
Ooh, it's getting juicy! More, I say! More!  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:13 pm
Part 3 added! Tune in for the conclusion, sometime soon!  

Biohazard EXTREME


6,150 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:59 pm
I totally want to know what happens STAT.

It's very action-packed, and that's the direction you're going into. Me being a beat-it-to-death kind of person, I'd like to see more character's one on one... I want to know what's going on in their heads. You mentioned they all have a history with Umbrella... I'd like to see more of how they were absolutely ruined by the company.

but thats just me.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 5:03 pm
Well, this is just the first story. There will be others.  

Biohazard EXTREME

Biohazard EXTREME

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:50 pm
Part 4 added, by the way. Enjoy the dramatic conclusion.  
::Raccoon Public Library:: (Fan-Fiction)

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