welcome to the guild chatter box!!!
where talkitive people and big mouths are welcome with open arms

If you love to chat then heres your fourm...go crazy

any and all subject are welcome as long as they follow the GAIA RULES AND GUIDLINES

No racial fourms or comments, NO gender domanince (makeing fun of the other sex), NO sextual fourms or comments, No hurtfull or insulting fourms or comments, No religion coments or fourms (I am so srry I am a big christian and i hate adding this, but some religions butt heads and then fights start, I promise to make a religion sub fourm soon, then you can email me what religion you believe in and i will add a fourm, but for now no religion in the chatter box)

Anything that hurts another brother or sister member (this guild is one bug family) will restult in a waring

I am a very kind guy, but i can be strict i will be keeping tabs on how many warnings each person gets, of you get more then 7 wanrings your out of the guild, then if you correct yourself and want back in you will be on probation and have to pay a 5000 re-entry fee ( box and a public appology to the guild members)

Besides these NO-NO's (LOL) you can chat freely about what ever you want, have fun, I am always up for a discussion!!!
all topics welcome (vidio games, books, movies, life, ect...ect...ect!