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Which story would you like to use?
  Kess' "The Empire of Steam and Steel"
  Teddo's "Feud"
  El's "Out of the Dark"
  Let Teddo pull some mad scientist crap and make us a deranged, psychotic combination of the three!!! (Me: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!)
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:19 pm
Here's where we'll develop all relevant information in regards to the story and setting.
Kess' "The Empire of Steam and Steel"
The Empire of Steam and Steel
It's been 150 years since the society was built. First a man used a steam pump to get water from wells that were otherwise too deep to pump out. Then he used it to heat houses and power mills. Finally it found its way into trains, and a few extensively wealthy individuals now use it in horseless carriages, a miniaturization of the technology that was thought impossible but ten years past.

In the wake of steam, some twenty small nations have come together. Only one put up a fight, due to a greedy dictator, and the people revolted in preference for the Empire. Everyone wanted the simpler life presented through coal, and coal was abundant in the newly formed empire. Soon a megalopolis was built, spanning hundreds of miles in either direction. A central spire, placed over the legendary first water pump, houses the government for the nation. All railroads lead to The Copper Tower, or so goes the saying.

At current, they people are content. The city runs like a well oiled machine, producing copious amounts of goods. Their export is high, and there is hardly any export to distant nations. They enjoy peaceful relations with their neighbors, and welcome all to come under their banner for an easier life. However, the nation hasn't brought many more villages under the banner. No one knows exactly why this is.

The Copper Tower

The Copper Tower is the center of the Empire of Steam and Steal. The ruling class, based on a technocracy, spends most of their waking hours in the building making sure that everything works well.

The rulers join the Council of Civil Mechanizations by creating a new and nation altering invention, by mastering one specific line of technology to a point of making new innovations, or by mastering many technologies to an astounding degree and bringing on an innovation in one of their fields.

Seats on the council look over the different areas of life, including health quality, food and water supply, factory production, civilian morale, foreign relations, raw materials, and many other positions. Every year generally two new seats are added. At current the council is a lumbering 278 person giant. They meet in a large council chambers with elevated seats. In the center, the oldest member sits, surrounded by the others, calling on the next person to speak and placing motions on the floor. Under each of these councilors, there is an immediate civil service work force of 100, employing 278,000 people total. These people are generally abroad, reporting through telegraph to their council head.

Society of Coal

Vampires dug deep into the society the moment steam proved effective. When steam proved to make life so much easier, they funded it, and pushed the progress of the nation. The social elite of the vampires created the Society of Coal, an organization specifically founded on promoting the use of steam. The socially elite are not the only one in the society, but they are the leaders of it.

The Society of Coal is led by the Board, a group of the five most senior vampires. They pushed the city forward. They met with leaders of neighboring nations to convince them they should join the empire. They organized groups to cut down forests and clear land to build more metal cityscape. The Society of Coal pushed back the werewolves, and made the first truly safe bulkhead for vampires, and they did it through mortals, rarely having to fight any of their own battles.

However, now the Society has an issue pounding on its doorstep: the city is running out of coal. The city was built on large supplies of coal, but the incredible growth and use of it has caused the supply to quickly dwindle. Now vampires keep people out of the nation, when once they were so happy to accept. They try to ration coal to a populace that is so use to having it readily available. Gray outs become more and more common, and though the people are still supportive of their government, people question what's wrong.

The biggest problem is the vampires aren't letting the government know what's wrong. Through faulty reports and bribes, they make it look as if the nation is still fairly set as far as coal. The Society keeps the rations on coal off the books, having it so the government still believes there are massive reserves left. Even though the people are losing faith in the government, the government really can't do anything but smile and wonder why everyone is getting so upset with them.

There was one solution to the problem, however. To the west is a forest, and it was found that the forest has a great deal of coal, more than was under the city before steam came around. The only issue is it is a sacred ground for the werewolves. The human population believes the forest haunted, even though they won't say it, and refuses to go in without proof otherwise. Other nations surround the forest, but none touch foot in it due to the same fears. The vampires, however, need that coal to keep their safety. On the other hand, it was thought another form of power could be found. Several great vampire and mortal scientists work day, and a lot of nights, looking for this mythical source of power.

Humanity's Clockwork Salvation
The world is blind to the true threat. However, a group of disparates has come together, realizing that the government is controlled by vampires. Some of them join because of werewolf attacks on the city from the forest. They all know that something else is out there, and that divided and stricken by fear, humanity doesn't stand a chance. They have come together in secret to make the devices needed to destroy either group. They have an unreliable silver bullet, along with a faulty flame thrower. However, understanding how scarce coal is becoming, they try to use it as little as possible, making it difficult for them to perfect their weapons.

The group is very loosely organized. Cells are generally just ten or fewer people bound together, trading information with other cells. Vampires and werewolves have infiltrated the organization and have planted false information, but unfortunately it's almost impossible to truly root these groups out. It's simply wise to continuously compare notes to see if one cell is providing information that contradicts very solid evidence stating otherwise.

The government deems the louder cells terrorists, as they destroy the homes of prominent leaders of the nation who are also vampires. Some radical groups have destroyed entire trains, killing dozens of humans to get at a couple powerful vampires. More radical groups target coal shipments to vampires, along with coal operations, in the hopes of slowing down the death of the city. Others actively destroy the coal, seeing it as the source to vampiric safety. The group takes on a great many tactics, and generally cells don't work well together because of the vastly differing views.

Humans are unaware of the vampire-werewolf struggles (Humanity's Clockwork Salvation knows of the two entities, few know of the war, and they are the exception to this majority ignorance). There are a few who know, but those are kept on a tight leash. The vampires want to keep the people busy in factories and wading through paper work so they can't notice that the shadows dance around them. If humans did find out vampires existed, the vampires would quickly be exterminated. With the use of super pressurized steam at ridiculous temperatures, it would be easy enough to fashion it into a flamethrower, a weapon that would truly turn the tables on vampires. If they found out about werewolves, if not for their short supplies of coal, they could easily dispose of them as well. The fight would be more difficult, but ultimately humans would eradicate either side in a blood bath if either side became known.

Teddo's "Feud"

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The streets of York are dark tonight. For almost a month now, it seems as if some kind of deathly pall has descended over the city. Rumors of creatures haunting the night abound. Others claim the Ripper has come to York. Still others claim it is the doing of vicious beasts from the moors. There exists only one truth in these rumors: people have been disappearing, or being mutilated in the streets… and no one knows who, or what, is responsible.

Prince Frederick, the new Duke of York, refuses to take any political action. Unrest amongst the population is evident – they believe their government is doing nothing to protect them. Police investigations have been inconclusive, although yet more rumors abound that Prince Frederick has had a hand in destroying evidence… and witnesses. Something is wrong in York… and people aren’t quite sure what.

The Mass Driver Pylons designed to power the newly rewired city have proven to be a great success in the two weeks since they were activated. However, a strange group of people with peculiar contraptions seems to me using them to suit their own means… Whatever the case is, these giant steam drivers shroud the city in mist, and seem to be having adverse effects on the water tables in the nearby Moors of York from which they draw their power…

Outside of the public eye, the vampires are on edge. Recent expeditions into the Moors of York have revealed a startlingly large population of Lycans. Believed to have been eliminated almost a century ago, the population seems to have rebounded, and is now larger than ever. So large, in fact, that their habitat can no longer support them. Reports of woodsmen and hunters being brutally mauled and devoured by giant, bear-like creatures have begun to stack up on the Dukes desk. Secretly formed vampire attacks meant to control the population have met with little success. In fact, it seems to only serve to further aggravate lycan attacks.

Vampires aren’t doing much better. The aristocracy seems to have taken a despondent interest in their ‘cleanliness’. Humans are turned left and right, and unable to control their new forms, turn to lives of murder and lust. Jack the Ripper was a prime example… what a bloody mess that one turned out to be…

The lycans have lived lives of peace and harmony within the foggy, dark Moors of York for almost a century now. However, in recent years, life has taken a turn back to the old hardships. The population, unable to maintain itself on the limited land remaining to them, has begun to encounter numerous problems. Lycans are starving. Exhausted for resources, some clans have even turned to attacking each other… or humans. Much to the dismay of the lycans, these rebellious factions have brought them back under the scrutiny of the vampires. Seeing them as beasts that prey on their subjects, the vampires are once again about to renew their feud with the werewolves…

El's "Out of the Dark"

The Fall

Centuries ago, or so the legends say, humanity was the most populous creature on the planet, second only to cockroaches and mosquitoes. But through their own folly, and the onset of a mysterious disease seventy-five percent of the world’s population died.

This disease was thought to have no cure, and over the ten years that it ravaged humanity, various sects of the metaphysical world watched in horror. Vampires in particular were devastated by this, and worked furiously to find a cure to save their best food source. Lycans and Weres had a more dethatched view, humanity had been raping the planet for far too long, but they too mourned the loss of the few mundanes that had gained the respect of various clans.

Humanity in its panic began to cannibalize itself, so to speak. Each nation thinking another had found a cure and was holding out on the rest. Some even thought that another nation had engineered the virus. War broke out, and the dying race sped itself ever closer to annihilation. At long last, when it had seemed that all hope was lost, a series of cures were found.

The first, Vampiric saliva, and blood, were found to have a purifying effect. They never found a way to turn it into an immunization as the effects were short term. When the substance hit the bloodstream of an infected human it traveled throughout the body and destroyed every trace of the disease. It was also found that an infected human if “turned” was no longer contagious, but would never have the full strength and health as their healthy-turned brethren.

Second, the Lycan clans, in an effort to save their adopted human cousins, sought the aid of their spiritual guides. After much deliberation, the spirits and the very earth itself granted the clans a boon, a ritual that would cleanse the subjects of disease and bind them to the clan.

And now I shall explain the state of things now:

There are no longer any countries; there simply aren’t enough people anymore. Humanity has integrated itself quite fully with either Vampire or Lycan culture. Civilization now huddles in a series of city-states, each populated predominately by a different bloodline. In the wilds outside the cities there are dangers, rabid beasts, Lycan Clans, and who knows what else. This is why all of the cities have a tall wall enclosing them.

Vampires have, one way or another, risen up to rule each of the known city-states. The Lycans and the Vampires have never been able to see eye to eye. In each race there are sects that feel the other is nothing more than an abomination, something that’s only good when it’s dead and gone.

For the most part they’ve maintained a tense neutrality towards each other. However, in recent decades The Cities have gone through a renaissance of industry. With the rebirth of humanity’s need to create, innovate, and explore, vampiric culture has gone from clinging to the rocks for survival, to as flourishing and decadent as it was in the Old Days.

But this steam and clockwork fueled grandeur has come at a high price. The Cities have had to send expeditions out into the wilds for resources. Cutting down the forests, and digging up the hills and mountains, building railways to connect the once distant cities to each other, all these things have earned the ire of the Lycans. Since the Fall, Lycans have been working diligently to set nature to rights after all the wrongs that humanity had caused. And here are the Vampires, starting it all over again, without a single thought about the consequences, without an ounce of respect.  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:45 pm
Alright, I was supposed to type this up earlier in the day, but here goes...

Year: 2017

Sector R, formerly known as Alaska before the dissolution of the United States, is now under the control of the Royal European Protectorate. Formed in the years following the great capitalism crash of 2008, the REP was created by a coalition of monarchies which were the only remaining political force following the collapse of democratic government. Taking advantage of the chaotic state of the world, the coalition set up a governance system: rich individuals could essentially 'buy' territories to become governors of, using their wealth to support the impoverished masses. The system, though greatly corrupt, brought social - if not economic - stability to much of the world. Everywhere except the western and central regions of Africa, the western half of South America, Central America, and the Orient, fell under the sway of the Royal Edict Council.

China's empire has taken over wherever possible, forcing the REP to keep strong guard against the most powerful singular nation in the world. Russia still exists as a sovereign nation, although its old ways have begun to flounder in recent years. Their military power is not to be reckoned with, however.

Based on the region, REP governors tend to either use military or economic pressure to hold complete control over the populace, who have been diminished to a practically third-world standard of living. Where do the vampires come in? Right. Well, you see, who did you expect to be the fantastically rich, aristocratic type? Can you say immortals? Yessir.

Anyway, back to Sector R. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, established under US control, has remained in place since the the REP reestablishment 9 years ago. Nothing of worth had been discovered in the region, until now: the world's greatest wealth of natural resources has been discovered in the Romanzoe Mountains, at the very heart of the park. Drastic climate change over the past century and a half has melted most of the glaciers in this region, revealing the untold treasures of the region. The natural canyon formed within the center of them is referred to as "Gold Valley". The greedy leaders of the REP, self-serving as always, send officials in to examine the area before large-scale mining and drilling commences.

Enter werewolves: the vampire community, quiet in their dealings and secretive in their knowledge, know the locations of three of the last lycanthrope tribes in the world: one in eastern Europe (Romania), one in the rocky mountains, and a third which they have just had the misfortune of discovering: one nestled in the very heart of the Wildlife Reserve.  



PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:51 pm
That setting is just a concept. I welcome you all to come up with creative ones. I just hate the overplayed generic stories.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:10 pm
Oh, well, since you're opening up the lanes of discussion, I have an odd little world setting to contemplate.

Take yourself back to the year 1942. This was a special time for dear old Earth. Her budding super powers engaged in their second world war. We all of course know how this ended, out of the chaos two nations rose to the forefront, the United States and the Soviet Union. But what if things had gone differently. What if, by some stroke of genius or idiocy, the US lost, the allies lost?

Imagine an America, split down the Mississippi. On the east is the property of the Reichsfuhrer, and the west bank the Imperial property of Japan.

Now, the way this affects our mystical aspects could vary.

The werewolves could be the remnants of Native American cultures, the last resistance fighters against the occupying nations. In which case the Vampires could have come in with the Nazi empire from romania and the surrounding regions. Possibly from japan as well. Japanese culture is rife with all sorts of creatures, it's possible they could have brought over either or both Lycans and Vamps.

I think that if Vamps are coming from both occupying empires that they should differ drastically in their treatment of mortals and Lycans.

So what d'ya think? Too weird? Drop it or work on it some more?


Blessed Lunatic

Mistaken Chaos

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:43 pm
*meekly raises hand*
As I seem to be the only vampire fan left...

I have a hard time imagining vampires being Nazis...
PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:54 pm
You've obviously never read the Helsing manga... that or you really didn't like it.

I can see it, simply because I can see people being Nazis.. and vampires, like people, go where the power is. If the Nazis were winning, then by the gods, your survival depended on being a Nazi, whether you actually believed in it or not.

But, yeah... it's a nasty, gritty world setting. Don't get me wrong, I love the vamps. I don't want them to be the only bad guys. I like this setting because it splits things up into three possibly four factions. Genteel vamps, brutal vamps, foreigners, and natives. I'm sure it could even be split up a bit more, if you wanted to bring in a Japanese were-creature (there must be one, there's so many lovely creatures in Japanese mythos) to offset the Native American concept.


Blessed Lunatic

Mistaken Chaos

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:57 am
*hangs head in shame*
No, unfortunately I have yet to read Helsing, though I have seen a few episodes of the anime.

I still have a hard time with it, either way.
Plus, it makes the vampires seem like the bad guys...
well in both of these stories actually...

Perhaps I'll come up with my own...
PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:28 am
I can easily see vampires as Nazis, but that’s me. The evil Nazi regime being run by the spawns of satan, no problem there. Bloodrayne did it in both games, but I dislike both games for control scheme and basic layout. However I've heard several stories with vampires as Nazis whish seems to fit them well.

ok, enough vamp bashing for now, smile

My thinking in setting was either a medieval idea like castles run by vampires and forest home to werewolves. No gun powdered just catapults, ballista, and the like.

The other idea would be a renaissance setting. Vampires control more political ideas and have access to technology like gun powder. The werewolves still live in the forest and go about their routines.

It really seems n matter the setting it’s really more for the vampires than the werewolves. Sine nine times out of ten the werewolves will be in the forest or other forums of nature.  

Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:14 pm
It may seem like I'm trying to vamp bash, but that wasn't the intent. The intent was to go to say that all the groups, regardless of their goals, are inherently self-serving. I believe we will need some manner of poll/argument to decide on a time period.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:43 pm
How about the time period when gunpowder was first invented and used (which would be in the 1300's or 1400's). That way the vampires could be the ones that have most of it and the money to produce it. It would give the lycans something else to be angry about.

I also think that a setting in Europe would be very nice seeing as castles don't generally exist in the US.

Mistaken Chaos


PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:17 pm
As for the whole Nazi issue, I think I would rather see the whole thing set in a fantasy world that resembles the real world slightly. They can still be Nazi-like, but I was under the impression that both sides would be portrayed as "neutral", simply with opposite goals and differing viewpoints that made each the enemy of the other. To literally have them as Nazis would turn a lot of people away, and make them out to be the villains in a lot of peoples minds.

I also thought that we had decided on more of a dark Steampunk/Victorian/Gothic culture for the vamps in the other forum. I am not to keen to the Modern era idea. Also, if you put them too far ahead in advancements, the Lycans, who are still stuck in the equivalent of the Iron Age, wont stand a chance. I think the Vampires should have guns and cannons and such though.  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:22 pm
Well, in settings like that of Underworld, the Lycans stayed very backwards technologically, but stayed useful out of brute strength as opposed to technology, and just came up with new tactics rather than new gadjets.

I liked Chibi's first idea, But i also like the idea of a steampunk/fantasy setting, too.  

Scouter Kai

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Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:29 pm
I think underworld is a horrible representation of the werewolf idea; it turned them into pure beasts, and the look of the Lycan was the ugliest idea of a werewolf I had seen since. I think the steam punk idea would be a beautiful concept to put into place, and still leaves the Lycans the ability to stay in the forests.

I did like Teddo’s first idea but, like everyone else I think, is in the mind set of a fantasy medieval style Rp.  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:36 am
I agree with Kai. Despite the poor representation of werewolves in Underworld, they were still quite clever. They were quite capable and intelligent in combat in that movie, although they were downplayed as dumb hobos.

So the time periods we're going for here are as follows (this only defines the era, this doesn't mean to say it has to be set on Earth as we know it):
-Renaissance era, post-gunpowder
-Steampunk'd Victorian era
-Near future

any others?  


Mistaken Chaos

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:43 am
I'm definitely with Alaundria on this one.
A victorian-type setting would be very fitting.
I do like the idea that is an alternate reality (not on Earth necessarily).

Maybe a poll is in order?
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