The Aiel Waste is an almost waterless stretch of land between the Spine of the World in the west and the Cliffs of Dawn and Great Rift in the east. It is inhabited by the Aiel since around the time the Aes Sedai built Tar Valon.

To the north are the Mountains of Dhoom and to the south, the Termool. As such, there are very few ways into or out of the Waste and is thus, very isolated.

The Aiel refer to the Waste as the Three Fold Land, a shaping stone to make them, a testing ground to probe their worth, and a punishment for their sin.

Before the Last Battle, the Aiel only let Gleemen, peddlars, and the Tuatha'an into the Waste but have allowed for all others to come now but do not permit them to settle in their lands.

The Last Battle did not really touch the Waste but it did affect the Aiel because a majority of them were on the other side of the Dragonwall.