The White Tower rises above every other building in Tar Valon and can be seen for miles in any given directions. The White Tower is a thick, bone-white tower that rises about a hundred spans into the air. The roof is a flat topped with a waist-high railing. The Tower is so huge that never since it was built has it been fully occupied.

Until a short time before the Last Battle, the White Tower had very few occupants. So few, that some thought the occupants of the White Tower may dwindle to none. But then Egwene al'Vere came and changed things. She was raised Amyrlin Seat of the exiled members of the White Tower. Egwene changed the rules for who could be accepted into the Tower. Soon after Tarmon Gai'don, word spread of the women who could now be accepted into the Tower and it is now almost filled to its full capacity.

The Amyrlin Seat is Egwene al'Vere and the Keeper of the Chronicles is Sheriam Bayanar of the Blue Ajah.