In the manga, Lethe and Mnemosyne's planets are literally right on top of each other. There's a pic of it on this shrine to Lethe and Mnemosyne. It's a really pretty site:

This is gonna make Hotaru and Setsuna's mother-daughter bond a bit more ironic.

I read from a NASA site that Saturn's gravitational pull is getting stronger, maybe too strong.

It's pulling some of Neptune's planets and Pluto and Chairon into it's own orbit.

Right now, there are 34 official moons of Saturn, with extra "stuff" that NASA can't identify just yet, swirling around Saturn's rings.

NASA has yet to develop a rover strong enough to visit Saturn, since the gravitational pull is so strong, that even the strongest Earth metals would burn up in Saturn's atmosphere.

Do you think this pull will ease up, or will Saturn and Pluto end up conjoined like Lethe and Mnemosyne's planets in the manga?