How Can I become Part of Crew???

So you want to become Crew? Well obviously you do, other wise you wouldn't be reading this, now would you??? Anyone can become Crew, theres just some things you have to do!
1.) FOLLOW all Guild Rules (this is a must!!!) 3nodding
2.)Be KIND to your fellow Guild Members (no looking down on others)
3.)POST POST POST exclaim (we want to know what your thinking!)
4.)Donate (you don't have do donate alot, just enough so we can keep the guild up)
5.) Invite new users (we can't have a very good guild with so little members)
6.) Help spread word about the guild (advertize, add a like to your pro, add a banner to your sig, ANYTHING to get word out about our guild)
7.)Help make the guild better (we have a suggustion box, USE IT, if you feel you have an idea idea that will better the guild, post it, or send it to me in a pm, dont be shy, no ideas are bad ideas, unless they are bad ideas xd )

well..thats about all i can think of right now! hope it helps!