Before I crossed over, I was one of the strongest angels, in the Arch Angel Army. I was confident that nothing would ever happen. Thenit happened! They attacked. The demons were forced to live in exial, and they hated us for it. They beilved they should be the ones living in the skies above, not us. They wanted us to feel the pain they felt. To be the ones cursed. So one day they attacked! The battles grew more fierce, and soon it was an all out war! I saw many of my brothers and Sisters die that day. The sky was painted red with the blood shed. Victory seemed close, and we grew cocky. As we grew over confident, they grew wiser. They begain surprise attacks, taking more of our soldiers. Soon it seemed like we were in combat 24/7, with no end in sight. It seemed as mroe and more of our soldiers fell, their army grew. Was it not because they were taking our soilders and transforing them to raise their own number? We didn't belive this, how was it possible to turn an angel into a demon? We fought on, and severl times it looked like i was killing a friend of mine. Maybe they were my friends, cursed, fallen, a fallen angel. I knew it was true, so i went back to tell my comander, but they got me. When I woke up th war was over and I was alone. Soon eminse pain shot through my body. My white robes were stained in blood. My handes grew into demonic claws, and my wings lost their feathers and turned blacker than the night sky. My Halo fell to my feet, and my eyes turne crimson. I new what had happened even before i realized my heart wasnt beating anymore. I was cursed. I had become a fallen angel. The gates of heaven were closed to me now. I was an out cast. So now I wander this earth as a forsaken soldier. I have no one to confert me, I have no one to care for. Every where I go, I must hide in the shadows, or face cruelty from everyone. The light now burns my skin, and I can no longer enter my lords temple. I must stay hidden during the day, thwen when night falls, my thrist grows. I go out take an innocents life, just so i may continue living. I am a monstrosity, a Curse, and I am doomed to live this cures for the rest of eternity....