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first Sailor Moon Fanfic

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:16 pm
I have finally finished my fanfic. Here it is. It may be a little long, but for me it is Short. Have fun.
The Shooting Stars are a product of FJ Watson. Any use or reproduction of them without her concent is strictly prohibited.

F. J. Watson

Chapter 1
It was a lovely afternoon Jackie, a girl with long, dark honey colored hair and blue eyes, walked beside her boyfriend, Chris. Chris was half a head taller than Jackie and his green eyes sparkled as he looked through light brown bands of his short hair. Their friends walked behind them
Sky and Kim, newlyweds, held each other’s hands and seldom took their eyes off each other. Sky was as tall as Chris and their personalities were a lot alike. Their appearances’ on the other hand could not be more different Sky’s skin was darker than Chris’ light tan and Sky had long, black hair that he kept in a ponytail or braid. His light blue eyes made him special in his tribe. Kim was a head shorter than her husband and had short brown hair to match her eyes. While she was already skinny her tight cloths emphasized it.
Kit danced next to the tow love birds with the same height as Kim but with larger muscles he looked like a reigning wrestler. His dark skin glistened in the bright sun and tight, stiff curls raised in a straight line and ended in a flat top. Dark brown eyes hid behind sunglasses.
Marie and Brandon brought up the rear. They were in a deep discussion about American politics. Brandon was shorter then Chris and Sky, but not by much. Although fairly strong he did not look like it. He could suck in his white belly to look like he was a starving beggar. Freckles dotted his face, specifically under his dark blue eyes. His light blond hair had a part on the side and short locks waved over the other. Marie’s dark brown eyes, long, silky black hair, and light skin could have blended her into the Japanese people had she not been walking with such a diverse group.
“I’m excited for Hishimori’s party,” Jackie smiled back at her friends.
“Yeah, but it is not for another week,” Marie replied.
“Until then we get to see Tokyo and shop.”
“Typical Kim,” Sky laughed.
The seven friends were walking by another group of friends who were at a table eating when Jackie’s steps faltered. At the same time a young girl with jet black hair suddenly stopped arguing with her friend with light blond hair that was done in a strange style. Jackie quickly traced the strong energy to the table of five girls, and then quickly masked her energy along with her friends’ energy.
Although Jackie’s faltered steps would not be noticeable to onlookers, Chris noticed that something had distracted her for a moment. “What is it Jackie?” Chris asked while still smiling.
“Those girls we just passed,” Jackie nodded to the table of five. “They each have a strong energy around them. The girl with black hair sensed our energy but I believe I’ve masked it before she was able to connect it with us.”
True enough. The blond girl that the raven head had been yelling at looked puzzled. “What’s wrong Rae?”
“I just sensed a really strong presence but it was gone almost before I could even register it.”
“Oh no!” the blond wailed.
“It’s alright Serena,” a girl with short blue hair reassured her.
“Yeah! We’ll deal with whatever comes our way.”
“You’re right, Lita. We can handle anything as long as we stick together,” a second blond responded.
“Thanks Mina, Amy. You are the best,” Serena praised her friends. “Except for Rae. She’s too bossy.”
“Here they go again,” Amy sighed as Rae gave a fiery comeback.
. .
The night was cool and dark. The stars above sparkled like tiny diamonds on a black velvet blanket. Jackie and Chris had finally been able to get time to themselves. They walked by a calm lake with their arms around each other. Neither spoke because there wasn’t any need.
Another young couple walked in their direction. Their paths crossed. The man with dark hair looked back.
“What is it, Darien?”
“Nothing really,” Darien said. “Why do I feel like I know her?” he thought to himself.
“They are a cute couple,” Jackie smiled at Chris. She too had felt a familiarity but didn’t say anything.
“There seems to be quite an age difference. I wonder how young. . .” A scream interrupted Chris. Both their heads turned and they sprinted in the direction the disturbance came from.
“I felt some energy flair,” Jackie said as they ran. “Then it suddenly disappeared.”
“I felt it too. Listen.”
Voices could be heard in the distance. Jackie and Chris dashed behind some bushes to hide and get a better look. A young blond girl in a mini-skirt dodged a fiery blast from a wicked, walking flower. Its vines whipped toward her and a bright red rose flashed across and cut it before it was able to trap her.
“Are you alright Sailor Moon?” a tall masked man asked. He was wearing a tux with a top hat and a cloak.
“Thank you, Tuxedo Mask,” Sailor Moon cheered as he threw several more roses at the unusual plant. Unfortunately it was able to dodge them.
“Dragon-fire charge!” someone yelled in the distance. A dragon of fire lit up the area to show four more girls, one with her hands in front of her. Each had on a mini-skirt
The dragon engulfed the plant. It was reduced to ashes.
“Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter!” Sailor Moon exclaimed.
“Well, well, well. It seems I have unexpected opponents,” a man laughed as he appeared in the air.
“Who are you?” Sailor Moon asked.
“What do you want?” Sailor Jupiter added, cracking her knuckles.
“Don’t worry. It’s not you I am after. A little more energy and I will be able to come and get what I want. Stay out of my way and you won’t get hurt,” the man sneered then disappeared.
“What is he after?” Sailor Venus asked.
“He didn’t say,” Sailor Mercury replied as she bent down at the dust heap. She pushed the side of her head and a visor covered her eyes. She brought out a small computer, pushed some buttons, then she said, “This was just an ordinary plant.”
“An ordinary plant?!” Sailor Moon shrieked. “It threw fire at me!”
“There was dark energy around it,” Sailor Mars replied. “It was being controlled.”
“Sailor Mars, why isn’t this young woman waking up?” Tuxedo Mask asked. “Usually when we destroy the monster the energy returns to the victims, yet this woman’s energy is still gone.”
“The plant took more of her energy than the others have in the past,” Sailor Mercury replied as they all gathered around the woman. “She’s barely hanging on by a thread. She needs to get to a hospital!”
Chris and Jackie had seen enough. Silently they crept away. When they returned to the hotel they were staying at, their friends were waiting for them. Jackie quickly told them what had happened.
“There’s a super hero team here?” Kim asked.
“Should we help them out?” Kit asked with a smile on his face.
“Only if they are in trouble,” Chris responded. “We should also work on not being seen. I don’t think these people have heard about the Shooting Stars yet,” he smiled.
“Jackie, what’s wrong?” Marie asked. “This seems to be troubling you more that it usually does.”
“I know who the girls are,” Jackie whispered. “If you recall, I sensed energy this afternoon.”
“It’s them?” Sky asked.
“But that’s good,” Brandon replied. “We can keep an eye on them.”
“That’s not what’s troubling you,” Chris sat down beside her
“The man there, Tuxedo Mask,” Jackie whispered. “He seemed familiar, like I’ve met him before.
. .
That night Jackie had a strange dream. She saw a great battle. One group of worriers wore jet black armor. The other had yellow armor that glimmered like gold.
“Help us,” voices pleaded. “We’ve been fighting for so long.”
Jackie tossed and turned while the voices continued to call for help. Then she woke. Her body was covered in sweat and her heart raced as if she had been in the center of the battle.
. .
In the morning Chris, Kit, Brandon, and Sky had gone to work out and spar. Kim and Marie decided to go shopping. Jackie had declined the offer to join them. Kim thought it was strange, even though Jackie wasn’t into shopping as much as her. Marie simply said that Jackie was likely thinking of the battle of the previous night. Jackie’s thoughts were on a battle but not the one she had told her friends about. The plea echoed in her memory.
“That’s not fair,” a child’s voice interrupted Jackie’s thoughts. Not far away four boys were playing keep-away with a small ball that obviously belonged to a younger pink-haired girl
“Bullies will never learn,” Jackie whispered to herself as she walked over to the group. “It’s not nice to pick on someone younger than yourself. And do you really need the four of you for a small girl?” she spoke in fluent Japanese.
“You can’t tell us what to do,” one of the boys sneered. The four boys obviously thought that if the four of them attacked together they could win. They were sadly mistaken. Jackie never threw a punch or a kick, she simply blocked and sometimes caused them to stumble and fall hard. It wasn’t long before they retreated, none of them having made contact with Jackie.
“Are you alright, Little One?”
“Yes. Thank you for getting my boll back.”
“No problem,” Jackie smiled. “My name is Jackie.”
“I’m called Rini.”
“Are you here alone, Rini?”
“I ran from her. She can be so bossy.”
“Sometimes the people who love us can seem a bit bossy. But it is only because they love us,” Jackie smiled.
Her smile quickly vanished as she felt a dark energy around the park. In the distance a basketball grew to enormous size and sprouted arms and legs. Children everywhere screamed. The ball’s eyes move to Jackie and Rini. It jumped into the air and came to land in front of them. It stretched out its arms to them but Jackie kicked it away before it could make contact. The ball rolled onto its side while Jackie picked up Rini and dived behind a bush.
“I want you to stay here Rini,” Jackie said as she looked at all the other children.
“Where are you going? Don’t leave me!”
“The other children need help. Stay hidden behind this bush. Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. Just stay . . .”
“Stop right there,” a girls voice commanded. “How dare you attack children at play . . .”
Jackie looked up and saw Sailor Moon and the others. “Why is she wasting time to give a speech?” she whispered. “I don’t believe it. That thing is actually waiting for her to finish,” she laughed.
As the battle began Jackie hid her head in her hands. Things weren’t going well for the young worriers. She desperately wanted to aid them but Rini was by her side. Just as Jupiter caused lightning to charge the ball Jackie sensed a different kind of energy, of hope, add its strength and the ball popped. A normal ball appeared in its place, also popped.
“Alright,” Sailor Venus cheered.
“I think I can take this and get some idea as to who this new enemy is,” Sailor Mars said as she picked up the ball.
The female worriers ran away with the ball. Jackie looked around and saw that there were only a few who remained on the ground. She grabbed her phone from her back pocked and called an ambulance as she went to inspect the nearest child. She checked for a pulse. She was happy to find a strong pulse on all the victims.
Once she was sure that they were taken care of she sighed, “Well, that was exciting. Rini, why don’t we go for some ice-cream?”
“Yeah, ice-cream!”
“Rini! Rini!”
A young girl ran up to them as she spotted Rini. “Rini, why did you run away from me while my back was turned? I’ve been looking for you everywhere. I heard screaming not long ago. Are you alright? You could have been hurt”
“You don’t have to be so mad Serena. I’m alright. Jackie saved me.”
“Oh,” Serena stood up from her crouched position as she noticed someone else was there. “Thank you very much,” she said with a bow.
“It was nothing,” Jackie blushed and raised her hand to her head. “I had just invited Rini for some ice-cream. Would you like to join us? My treat.”
“Yeah, ice-cream!” Serena exclaimed just like Rini had. Jackie smiled as she saw how much alike they were.
Minuets latter they were in an ice-cream parlor.
“So those female worriers are known as Sailor Scouts?” Jackie asked Rini. “I remember a game that stared a female worrier that dressed like them. I believe it was called Sailor V.”
“I love that game,” Serena said. “There are a lot of movies about her too. You must not be from around here Sailor V is really popular.”
“No, I am from America. I came here to go to school.”
“America? Wow. Where are you going to school at?” Rini asked.
“Hishiomi Sense is going to be teaching us here for a while so he can be closer to his family. They have been having some troubles.”
“Us? So you’re not alone here?” Serena asked
“Oh no, there will be a lot of students. Right now I am here with six friends.”
“Wow, I’d love to have six friends”
“Hello Serena, Rini,” Darien said as he walked in. “It’s not a big surprise seeing you here on such a hot day. I was actually looking to invite you for some when I saw you in the window.”
“Darien!” Rini cheered and jumped into his arms.
“Get off my boyfriend you little twerp!”
Rini made a rude Japanese gesture while Darien laughed softly.
“Jackie bought us ice-cream. She had invited me first but then Serena came.”
“So, you’re Jackie”
“Yes,” Jackie stood up and bowed. “I gather your name is Darien”
“How did you meet my two girls?”
“She saved e from a monster.”
“Oh,” Darien suddenly looked worried. “Are you alright?”
“Yes,” Jackie replied. “Thank you.”
Jackie’s watch beeped and Jackie jumped. “Oh, I’m sorry but I must leave. It was nice meeting you.” She smiled and waved as she left. Again Darien got the feeling that he knew her.
“We should get to ray’s temple. If I’m late she’ll blow,” Serena smiled.

Chapter 2
Darien and Rini knelt behind Serena, Mina, Lita, and Amy while Rae prayed before the fire. Strange images danced in the flames. Rae described what she saw after her reading.
“First I saw a great kingdom in a battle. The planet they were on exploded.” Serena and Rini gasped. “Then it changed. There were stars that showed the four dragon consolations and there was a meteor shower. There were seven shootings stars that crossed the sky.”
“Is this our new enemy?” Lita asked.
“It wasn’t very specific was it,” Amy added.
“Is it a premonition?” Serena asked. “Is Earth going to explode?”
“No,” Rae replied. “The kingdom was from an ancient past.”
“Shooting stars,” Darien whispered while still in deep thought.
“What Darien?”
“You said shooting stars,” Darien responded. “That name seems familiar.”
“Were they an enemy while you were Prince of Earth?” Mina asked.
“No. It has a good feeling.”
. .
Meanwhile, back at the hotel, the group of friends celebrated the victory at the park.
“That was some nice work, Kim,” Marie smiled. “You added your power to theirs so that yours was completely undetected.
“I don’t know about completely,” Jackie responded. “One of the girls has a strong ability to sense energy and you fired some strong energy. I wonder if she’ll be able to interpret it.”
“You said that they have a little girl with them?” Chris asked.
“I don’t know if Rini is aware of whom they are.”
The subject quickly turned to what they were going to do for the next day.
. .
The team spent most of the next morning wandering through the city. When they reached the edge Sky suggested they walk to a temple just outside the city limits. As they walked they talked about what they had done the previous day. Kit especially was animated as he talked about the spar he had with Brandon. It seemed that Brandon had improved. Soon they were at the temple. Kit said he felt a strong energy form the place which meant that it was really strong. Kit’s mind was usually so active that he often didn’t feel the subtle energies.
“Look at those ravens,” Kim said, pointing to an arch that topped the stairs.
“Actually, they are crows,” Brandon said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“When did you get interested in birds?” Sky asked with a little laugh. Brandon blushed since they knew well that he researched everything about the things he got interested in. While in high school it had been chemistry, science, and history. Naturally he excelled in school.
“This is such a neat place,” Jackie remarked. “It is so peaceful here.”
“Hello,” a short old man greeted them. “Would you ladies like to work here?”
“Grandpa,” Rae scolded and quickly came over. “I’m sorry for my Grandpa’s rudeness. Is there anything I can help you with?” she asked in English.
“That’s alright,” Chris responded, also in English. “We’re just looking right now.”
“You speak very good English,” Marie praised.
“We get a lot of tourists here,” Rae said and blushed.
“Who’s out here, Rae?” Serena asked in Japanese.
“Oh,” Jackie smiled and greeted Serena in Japanese. “These are the friends I told you about. This is Chris, Sky, Kim, Marie, Kit, and Brandon.” They each bowed in turn.
“You speak Japanese?” Rae asked, astonished.
“Yes,” Sky replied. “We are learning.”
“We like to know the language of each place we go to,” Kit added.
“Who’s out there Serena?” Darien asked as he came out. Again the introductions were made. Dumpling told me you are studying with Hishimori Sense.”
“Yes,” Jackie responded. “We’re learning Japanese and martial arts.”
“You must be the prized students he’s been bragging about.” Jackie blushed and Darien chuckled.
“Would you like some good luck charms?” Rae asked. After the team had nodded their heads she led them over to the stand where small ribbons with writing on them lay.
Jackie went to pick one up. She froze as she felt the energy around the place drastically change. Rae also felt the change. Then several charms came to life and grew. Jackie quickly withdrew her hand and jumped back before they could touch her. Long tentacles extended to wrap around the group but they dodged in time.
“Get inside the building,” Jackie commanded.
Darien and Serena retreated while Rae tried to put another charm on the bewitched ones to drive the negative energy out.
“It didn’t work,” Rae said in astonishment.
A tentacle came out to wrap around Rae but Marie kicked the offender and flipped backward so the same would not happen to her. She would usually land with ease, yet this time she stumbled.
“Marie!” Brandon and Sky called at the same time.
“I’m alright,” Marie reassured them. “But you can’t touch them without some of your energy being taken away.”
Jackie quickly rummaged in the bag that she had been carrying. She pulled out a dagger just as a tentacle whipped out at Serena. Jackie threw the knife and it cut the ribbon and its progression stopped.
“You cut it,” Serena said.
“I don’t have many knives,” Jackie sighed. “I wish I had a sword.” She glanced around her as she dodged a leaping charm. Then she saw it, a tiny glimmer in the dirt nearby. On a chance she leaped and rolled to it. A handle met her hand and she pulled out a sword. The blade seemed to shimmer with a light of its own.
“Get inside the building,” she repeated and saw that the three did as she said. Jackie took a fighting stance and told the others to get the knives in her bag.
The sword worked very well. It was able to slash through many charms. Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars, and Tuxedo Mask soon appeared on the roof.
Tuxedo Mask was stunned by what he saw. A fleeting image of another battle passed through his mind.
“They’re good,” Sailor Mars remarked as she saw the group fight to defend themselves and each other.
“Yeah,” Sailor Moon replied. As she began her opening monologue the battle on the ground paused. Jackie noticed one of the charms move for an attack so she rushed over to a fallen knife and threw it to intercept the tentacle. “Hay, I wasn’t finished,” Sailor Moon whined. Jackie rolled her eyes
Suddenly Jackie felt danger to herself and was just able to block a tentacle as it shot towards her. It veered to the side and its edge slashed her arm.
“Jackie!” Chris cried in alarm as she clutched her right arm.
“It’s alright,” she replied as Sailor Mar’s attack charged the remaining charms. Nothing happened.
“Quickly,” Sailor Venus commanded as she, Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Jupiter arrived. “Get out of the way!” As the seven friends dashed away Venus sent her attack at them but it didn’t work.
“Baca!” Mars exclaimed. “Those are good luck charms. Love isn’t going to destroy them if my fire didn’t.”
“They are stronger this time,” Serena stated. “At least Jackie and her friends won’t get hurt anymore.”
Sailor Mercury blasted the luck charm with freezing bubbles as the seven friends watched. “Quick Sailor Moon,” she called. “Use your scepter.”
Sailor Moon powered-up her scepter and fired. “Nothing happened!”
“They’ve gotten too strong,” Jackie whispered.
“Try again,” Sailor Jupiter suggested. “We’ll add our powers to yours.”
The Sailor Scouts gathered their energy to add to Sailor Moon’s attack and she pointed her scepter at the still frozen enemy. Jackie watched as the combined powers charged. Once it hit, she knew that the Sailor Scouts would not be able to defeat this enemy alone. Jackie quickly fired a portion of her energy to add to the others. A white light covered the area and blinded the Sailor Scouts for a moment. When the light died down the bewitched luck charms were destroyed.
“That has never happened before,” Jupiter said.
“No it hasn’t,” Mercury agreed. She had her visor on and was doing a reading. A flash crossed her eyes as the man they had seen before appeared above them.
“You have become a real nuisance,” he replied calmly. “But it seems I have become too powerful for you.”
“What do you mean?” Sailor Moon asked. “We just defeated you.”
“Perhaps, but you had help from a hidden force,” he laughed and disappeared.
“A hidden force?” Sailor Moon asked.
“I did feel another energy that combined with ours at the last moment,” Mars replied. “It was the same energy I felt the day we were eating on Main Street.”
“Do you know where it came from?” Venus asked.
“No, it came too quickly and I was blinded just like you.”
“We need to get back into the house,” Tuxedo Mask said. “Before Jackie and the others find out that we’re not there.”
“See ya,” Sailor Moon waved.
“Alright,” Chris smiled. “We can go back now.”
“We should act cautious,” Kit smiled.
The group of friends cautiously crept out of the trees. Kit almost over did it as he jumped at every sound. Soon they were greeted again by Serena, Darien and Rae.
“Please, come inside so I can take care of that cut,” Rae motioned in.
“Oh,” Jackie looked down at her arm. The blood had already soaked her sleeve and the side of her shirt. “I forgot about that.”
“I’ll hold the sword,” Darien offered. As he grasped the hilt he felt a surge of energy.
“Did you lose the sword?” Jackie asked Rae.
“No, I’ve never seen it before. Grandpa did find an old scabbard though.”
“Darien, look,” Serena said as she pointed at the end of the hilt. “Isn’t that the symbol for Earth?”
“An X with a circle around it,” Darien said as he examined the hilt. “Yes.”
“I think the scabbard has the same symbol,” Rae said. She walked out of the room and quickly returned with an old scabbard. “See, right here.”
There was indeed the symbol for Earth faintly etched on it. It looked as if it had once shined like gold.
“You found it Jackie,” Darien responded. “You should take it, if that is alright with Rae.”
“Yes, you did find it and a scabbard is useless without a sword. You also seem to know how to use it.”
Rae handed Jackie the scabbard then Darien handed her the sword. As Jackie sheathed the sword a flash of memory crossed her mind. She couldn’t remember exactly when, but she had wielded this sword before. Yet she knew that it did not belong to her.
“I have a small medallion with this crest,” Jackie said when she recovered from the strange memory. She pulled out her necklaces.
Serena’s other friends came through the door and introductions were made as Jackie returned her necklace below her shirt. Talk about the three objects stopped.
It wasn’t long before Jackie and the others decided to head back. Jackie was peculiarly quiet on the bus ride. Her friends knew that something was on her mind so they left her to her thoughts.
That night Jackie had the same dream she had a few nights before and the same voices called to her to rescue them. Then the dream changed. She rushed into a large room. Two men were battling each other and they seemed to be equal in experience. Then she saw one of them make a powerful slash that would kill the other. Jackie quickly stepped forward and blocked the strike. Although she could not see his face, Jackie knew that she had saved a prince and a friend.
When Jackie woke the next morning she knew that the prince had given her the sword and medallion in thanks and so that she could win back his kingdom while he went somewhere else to fight. Now she continued his promise and protected the whole Earth because he had been a Prince of Earth.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:34 pm
i suppose i shouldn't put a novel no here. no one seems to have time for it. I will try to put up shorter chapters  


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