Over the centuries, I wandered this planet alone. Along my journey, i meet several other fallen angels. We went our seperate ways, but i knew that from that day, we were conected. One Dark nigh, when the full moon was high in the sky, I came across and old manor and took residence in its ancient walls. Soon, I sent messages to the friends that I meet along my journey. Very soon we were all under one roof. We decided to form an alience, so that we may bring our kind together. We sayed that we might be curse, but that didnt mean that we didnt hvae the right to exist> We would come togethre and live as one. So, over the next few weeks, we planed, and comprimized, and argued, untill we finally agreed. Or clan was born that very night. We called ourselfs "Fallen Angels Unite", beacuse we knew our purposewas to unite all fallen angels in the world under one order.
As time passed more and more vampires showed up and pleged to obey our laws.Word soon spread though the shadows all over the world, about our plan. Our numbers started growing by the day as did our strenght. Soon we would start to expand, both outward and downward. We burrowed deep into the earth, taking forth her great bounty and richness. Soon we had caverns deep underground as to hide ourselfs from the suns deadly touch.
it has been over a millenia since that faithful day, and yet to this day, we still take in lost refugees, who seek shelter from humanities cruelity. We pass on this story, as to show our new members the past of our clan, and to show that we are strong, both in body and mind...

We also leave blank pages as to let other members tell their tragic tale of how they became cursed and arriving at our sancurary.....

Our final message is this....Welcome all new members, welcome to the clan of the cursed, the missunderstood, the feared and hated....Welcome to the Clan of the VAMPIRES........