(you put your story in the wrong post, so i'm fixing it for you - Captain Soldier)

My name is Angel Night and this is my story...

I met my husband Alexander on the bank of the lake in the enchanted forest. Then i had been Angel. Yes the halo the wings the whole nine yards. See Alexander came from the family clan that hunted my kind: angels. They needed our hearts to keep themselves alive...they craved it. I usually came to the lake for peace away from my clan. Alex had been there for the same reason. We locked eyes for a minute and then we started moving towards each other. i had tucked my wings away so i appeared to be human. I was walking on water tho..well but he surprised me when he started walking on the water too. I fell in the water out of shock. He reached in and plucked me out of the water. He made sure that i was okay and took me to his castle; lair. When i awoke it was dark. He spoke out of the dark and asked if i was okay. If i was feeling better. I said yes and could he make himself known to me. He walked into the small circle of light and i realized what had shocked me it was The prince of the clan. He could see that i was scared and reassured me that i was not going to be harmed. He told me that he was already cursed and did not have the taste for blood that the others in the clan had. I then told him that for his kindness i could grant him his heart's desire. He told me that he did not require my gift because he had no heart. I then told him that when our lives are saved we have life debt to the person that saved us. He tried to absolve me of this and i told him no, i had to pay it. If i didn't i would die my clan would kill me. So he came fully into the circle of light and roughly told me then i could give him my body. Then the debt would be paid, and left me there to think. While i thought I cried. I saved the tears in a vile. When he came back i gave him the tears telling him that they would save his life if he was close to death. Alex then approached me and asked me if i had made up my mind i told him that i had. He took me to his bed where we made love...while we did i gave him the most precious gift that i could my halo and wings to give him a heart. He realized at the last of the act of love that i was close to death. He used my tears on my back and saw then the thing i had done. He poured the saline tears on my back and where my beautiful wings had been white, they now were of jet black. Where my hair had been beautiful blond it was raven black almost purple. Where my eyes had been a beautiful cornflower blue were now a violet purple. where i had had the most beautiful halo that cast the most beautiful glow no it was a black halo and purple light. Alex in awe of the transformation asked me what it meant i turned and placed my hand on his chest over his heart. I gave up my being an angel for your heart i told him. When i smiled he realized what had happened i had become a fallen angel to roam the earth at night. Alex's mother had been an angel she had died in child birth. He knew what i needed. I wasn't out of the woods yet. He slit his wrist open for me and told me to drink. That if i didn't i could still i could still die. I drank the blood. Becoming a truly fallen angel. that night we performed his family mating ritual bonding me forever to his side so together we raom the earth at night no longer either of us alone.