Im looking for a 1x1 Teen Titans RP I'll do just about any role bot male and female ones what Im looking for is some one who wants to RP with me over PM and who can play atleast two roles

my favorite role to play is Starfire but I can also play Best boy, raven Robin, Jinx, Tera, kid flash, lots of roles, I play as made ups too.

I can do lots of plots including but not limited to

Teen Titans loose there powers
trapped on an island
turned in to little kids
turned in to adults
gender reversed
trade bodies
trade powers
get mind controlled
time travle
next generation
start a new Titans team
romance with some one
Terra returners to the team
Jinx discovers how to be a hero
Red X tricks starfire
visit to starfire's planet
and lots of other ideas

just PM me what ideas you like and feel free to combine them

if you want to do fan art to illustrate an idea I'll be very happy so feel free to do so

also you may use these ideas in your own RPs


I can also do cross over ideas to other shows