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The Inn of Wandering Souls... Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:00 pm
...The Inn of Wandering Souls...

...The Setting...

A salty taste colors the air as ocean spray flows along a fluid breeze, causing a collage of rainbows near the shore. The small, wooden buildings are by no means those of a large metropolis of the old times, but are certainly large in number. Only slightly smaller in number are the structures off the shore. The ships making port and making sail for distant lands. Sails look like clear, white clouds. Powerful motor boats powered by compact nuclear reactors create intricate works of abstract art from the ripples covering the water. The sky seems constantly crystal clear in the light of the sun. The dark of night brings grey clouds, keeping the wet, warm air blanketed over the town.

Near the largest dock in the town, just inside the town limits, rests a quiet, simple building. A sign hangs out front, over the front door, stating simply, "Inn: Wandering Souls Dwell Within." The stone on the outside appears almost finely polished, uneffected by the elements. Small windows line both floors, allowing light from outside to pour inside.

Once you walk inside, the light seems somehow shunned. Simple glass enclosed torches line the walls infrequently, casting a golden, dim light over the entire room. The stone walls seal in a comfortable warmth. In the middle of the left wall, jutting from the stone, is a large fireplace which burns brightly. The dancing flames cast a pleasantly welcome light over the dim surroundings. Along the right wall is a long wooden bar, made of dark wood. Behind the bar, covering the wall from waist level to the ceiling are shelf after shelf of exotic and forgein drinks of all assortments. The light of the flames in the fireplace reflect off the glasses, making them almost seem vibrant with life.

The floor is made of a crimson carpet, softer than silk, which cushions one's gait effortlessly. Between the bar and the fireplace are a number of square, wooden tables, each with four small, wooden chairs sat beneath them. The chairs were each lined with the same material as the floor, covering the seat and back so as to comfort any weary patrons.

Beyond the bar, along the left wall, a door leads to the second floor. The second floor simply consists of a long hallway, lined with doors. Each door leads to a simple room with basic furnishings, all as fine as those in the lower floor.

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Posts must be full sentences with correct puncuation.

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The above comprise the minimum profile requirments, not considering special circumstances where one may not be applicable. If so, PM me for approval. Any extra categories you wish to include in your profile are welcome.

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PM me with any questions or comments.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:03 pm
Name: Kamui. He abandoned his family name long ago.

Age: He appears to be anywhere from 16 to 20. His actual age is around 5321. He is unsure because he has never known his birthdate.

Race: Damphire. (Half-Vampire.)

Appearance: His skin is a luminous pale hue. His build is not obviously muscular, but his muscle is lean. His hair is long enough to reach his waist, the strands so dark a hue of blue that you can only see the blue in the sheen from a white light. His eyes are a deep, sapphire color. He usually wears faded, black, denim pants, a tight, black muscle shirt, steel-capped boots, and keeps his sword tied to his back vertically. The facial expression he wears at almost all times is a blend of apathy, solitude, and sadness, though to most it appears, quite simply, empty.

Personality: He is very quiet and seems devoid of the capacity to even feel emotion. Though he is still practical about curtosy and is decent, he doesn't display any distinct emotions. Besides this, he has next to no concept of society. He does not know simple greetings, nor does he follow normal mannerisms that don't actually make sense to him.

History: As a baby, he was found on the doorstep of a poor family in a small village in, what was then known as "The New World." While growing up, it was not known that he possessed vampiric blood until he turned 14. The only friend he had was a six year old girl named Ayumi. She loved Kamui and found him to be a very sweet boy. Then, on Kamui's 14th birthday, she gave him the ocarina that he keeps tied to his belt presently.

Unknown to either, because of puberty coming about, Kamui's hunger for blood kicked in full force on that day. While they were playing in a field, he tackled her and they both fell on the ground, Kamui ontop of her. Kamui blacked out at that point, basically driven insane by his hunger for blood. He killed her.

Afterward, he found what he had done, carrying her back to the village for help. When he got there, he was almost stoned to death by the people once they saw the young girl's throat torn out and his mouth covered in blood. Kamui ran into the woods, never to return. Since then he has drifted throughout most of the world without any reason or ryhme to his travels.

There is only one place that he considers home, though if you want to know about it, he will have to tell you about it.

Special Traits/Quirks: He doesn't speak next to ever, unless spoken to. He also has a tendency to take out his ocarina and start playing some solemn melody for no apparent reason. He'll also stay still and serene for hours on end.

Special Weapons/Items: The sword that he keeps tied to his back. Though he uses prodominatly magic and his own physical abilities, he uses these abilities coupled with his sword.

His ocarina that he he keeps tied to his belt. The ocarina is carved out of a soft, grey wood and has a dragon engraved into it, weaving between the holes in it, the head of the dragon protruding from the ocarina and it's mouth forming the mouth piece.

Special Abilities: He posses the assumed speed, strength, and various other physical attributes of any other Damphire. Besides this, he has a curse/blessing of hearing the inner monolouges of those around him as clearly as their actual voices. He has learned over time to discern a person's real voice from thier thoughts, since they must think what they are saying, while saying it.


The day had been unusually slow. It was already early afternoon and he had yet to recieve any patrons. Kamui was sat at the end of the bar with a bottle of liquid of his own design rested in front of himself. He leaned forward and propped his elbows up on the bar, lacing his fingers together in front of his face and resting his chin lightly against his dainty looking hands. His long eyelashes touched lightly as he blinked with a blank expression on his face. He seemed to be staring directly through the wall behind the bar.

His long, dark hair rested against his back, as he was bent slightly forward on his stool. His clothes were a surprisingly dark shade of black. His tight muscle-shirt showed off his arms, especially the stark contrast between the darkness of his clothes and the luminous appearance of his pale skin.

With the lack of patrons this far into the day, logic dictated he would receive some soon.

Good things come to those who wait, he thought. The line stemmed from his younger years, when the Earth's societies were still divided and simple-minded.



PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:03 pm
The door opened with a soft creaking sound, and a woman quickly entered, her dark green fur-lined cloak drawn tight around her lithe body.

Sighing, she stepped into the warm lobby, looking around, her emerald green eyes sparkling as she pushed off her fur-lined hood, blond locks catching the light of the fire.

She moved further inwards, gracefully taking a seat at the bar.

"Tequila, please," she murmured softly, well aware that there were only two people in the lobby.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:12 pm
Schira brought her earthen colored cloak closer to her small body, hiding beneath its hood as she made her way to the inn closest by. Using her shoulder to open the door, she blinked at the lantern's light as she entered, seeing no more than three people. Her fingers barely touched her hood as she pulled it down, she pulled the length of her wavy red hair from beneath the cloak, relieving some of the heat that bound her. She sat at a stool, two from another woman at the bar, laying her elbows on the wood in front of her. She tapped it with one long, fair skinned, finger, and tiredly mumbled (loud enough for the man to hear);
"Anything that will wake this tired soul..." a light frail smile worked its way onto her face and she yawned.



PostPosted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:57 pm
Sorandati saw the other woman enter out of the corner of her eye, but payed her no mind as she shot back the tequila and gave a soft sigh, the alcohol immediately beginning to warm up her insides.

This has been a waste of time. She thought, interlacing her fingers. Now I'm stuck at some inn in the middle of nowhere. I WANT to go HOME.

She snarled beneath her breath.

"Stupid Addison..." she murmured before tossing back another shot.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:43 pm
((I apologize for my absence, but I was on vacation for the past week. I hope you can understand.))

Kamui considered the two women as they entered one shortly after the other. His eyes were blank as he stared for a short moment, responding to the first woman's order by walking behind the bar and grabbing a bottle of his better than not tequila. He set the bottle in front of her on the bar, reaching behind himself to retrieve a shot glass. He set the glass down on a small, white napkin and pressed one long fingernail into the cork. He moved his finger in a swift and seamless circular motion, as if the cork were mere water, popping it off effortlessly. He discarded the cork in a wastebasket behind the bar and was about to walk back to where he had been seated when he heard the second woman speak.

He blinked at the bar as he considered her request for an instant. He turned and picked seemingly random bottles off the shelves behind the bar. They totaled six in number. He placed each bottle on the bar next to where she sat and picked up a tall glass from behind himself, setting it down next to the line of bottles. He quickly mixed the bottles into the glass in varying amounts until what she was left with was a glass of cold liquid. The contents of the glass was milky in appearance. He placed a napkin on the bar and rested her glass on it.

"One brass chilling each," was all he said as he walked to a stool he had behind the bar and sat on it. His voice seemed somehow gentle, yet rough as stone at the same time. The most popular of poets would have difficulty describing it in a way that would do it justice. He reached for his bottle and pulled it so it rested next to himself, leaning forward with his elbows rested on the bar. His eyes, still seemingly vacant, again rested their gaze on the empty wall opposite the bar.



PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 7:01 pm
Sorandati did as he asked, taking one brass piece seemingly from out of her hair as she set it on the counter, interlacing her fingers and gazing at the wood underneath her arms, lost in thought.

What do I do now? she thought. All the leads Addison gave me turned out to be dead ends, and - for come reason - I can't get in contact with him.

Her eyes narrowed.

Just ******** great.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:46 pm
Kamui's eyes glanced sideways to the woman who placed the brass piece on the counter, blinking as he listened to her silent words. He had learned never to mention his blessing, if you wanted to call it that, of hearing other's inner-monologues irrespective of his own will. It usually upset people because they felt as though they had been robbed of their privacy. He thought for a short moment, cycling through the names of his past patron's to see if he had heard the name recently. He hadn't, but he knew that if someone she was looking for was in the area, someone near by would know about it. This town was brimming with gossip. Everyone knew everything about newcomers and travelers passing through.  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:44 pm
Sighing, Sorandati lowered her hands.

Oh well. I guess I'll just wait until the weather improves before worrying about it.

She looked at Kamui, gazing at him.

"Do you know where I go to pay for a overnight room?" She asked politely, surveying him with sharp, alert eyes.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:18 pm
Kamui blinked pensively and immediately nodded. "This is one such establishment. If you would like a room, I have plenty to offer." He continued to stare at her with seemingly empty eyes, waiting for her decision over whether she would spend the night here or in another inn he might be able to offer.  



PostPosted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:21 pm
Sorandati gazed at him for a moment, her emerald eyes missing nothing.

His eyes... they're blank.

"Heh. Maybe he's a Soul Eater and no one knows about it yet."

She mentally rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Ragnarok. I didn't ask you."

"You might as well have."

"Uh, how about you shut up and ******** off, okay? You're annoying."

"Awe, Sora. I'm hurt."

"And you're annoying too. Deal with it."

She closed the mental connection with a finalist mental snap, and blinked at Kamui as she made her decision.

"Yes," she replied softly. "I would like to have a room. One night would be fine."  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:12 pm
Kamui nodded slowly in response to her request, his face showing no shift in expression. His apathy over her mental argument disguised any intimation that he had heard it at all. He turned and walked to a rack at the end of the bar near the stair case leading upstairs. He plucked a single key off a nail stuck in the wood, surrounded by many others in neat rows. He turned and walked back to her, "Four brass pieces for one night." He offered the key, rested in his upturned palm, as if he expected to take her money in exchange for the key on the spot.

He stared at her blankly, like a piece of sculpted artwork that had come to life; all except for it's face.



PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:23 pm
Sorandati gazed at Kamui searchingly.

"I don't like him, Sora..."

"Shut up, Ragnarok..."

Reaching into her hair once more, she took it away and in between her fingers rested four brass pieces. She let them fall into his palm and in exchange too the key out from his hand, slipping her finger in the key ring.

"Which room?" She asked him simply.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:39 pm
Kamui responded simply, "First door on the left once you reach the top of the stairs." He sat back down on his stool behind the bar, considering the conversation in her head, wondering why the owner of the voice that was not her own did not like him. He found it interesting that he could be disliked for doing nothing but being hospitable.  



PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:52 pm
Sorandati nodded in silent thanks and stood, taking the key in one hand and walking down the hall to the stairs, making her way up with one hand on the banister, keeping her mind blank until she reached her room.

Once there, she closed the door and threw off her cape as soon as she locked it, throwing it onto the chair and revealing the golden tribal tattoos that were shining brightly beneath her clothing - no matter how thick the cloth was. She bit her lip, leaning against the wall next to the desk and pulling down her sweater sleeve to see that the tattoos had stretched up to the meaty part of her palm, pulsing with a glow that threatened to be seen through the crack at the bottom of the door. <********..." she muttered viciously. "No... not now..."

"It's that man, Sora."

Her eyes widened.

"It's that man with the blank eyes."

"No... I don't even know him! How could he be making them react?"

"Maybe he's doing something we're not aware of."

She bit her lip.

"Like what?" She snapped quietly, shooting daggers into her wrist with her eyes. "What's your idea?"

Ragnarok was quiet for a moment.

"I wasn't kidding when I said Soul Eater."

Her eyes widened as the glowing tattoos increased in power, threatening to blind her.

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