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Reply Darkness- Vampire/Werewolf/Immortal RP
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:21 pm
A small servant girl gazed into a dark room, uncertain if she should step in, or wait to be beckoned. She knew she shouldn’t peek, but curiosity overwhelmed her.
Mistress sat on a blood-red satin cushion on the east side of the room, facing a mirror, which was framed in stained-black wood. She seemed to be in deep thought, because she was holding a brush to her sleek black hair, and it was frozen in place. Dark red lipstick rounded her plump lips, and her thin cheeks were ghost white.
Then the servant saw that Mistress’s hand, which was placed feebly in her lap, was shaking. The hand with the brush started to shake too.
Silently, the small girl wondered if she should help her, or run and tell a member of the castle staff. But it was soon decided when the fine lady dropped the brush, slammed her head into her hands and sobbed.
The girl glided into the black and red room and slowly placed her weak hand on Mistress’s shoulder, careful not to startle her, and said encouragingly: “Its ok, Mistress. I’m sure it can’t be that bad.”
She wept harder now, but her head rose and she laid it gently on the servant girl’s arm.
“No, Bee, you don’t understand love. Especially when your dad butts in to ‘help’.” She sniffed. The servant-girl stroked her Mistresses’ hair and made shush-ing noises.
“Girl! Get out! I will not find my jewel bonding with you, a whopping servant!” Boomed a new voice.
The girl bounded away from the room.
“Come, Crissie,” said the voice now smooth as honey, “It is time.” And he led the young lady out of the room.
“Oh father, why do you have to be so cruel to our helpers?... Never mind. How many people are going to be here?” Asked Crissie.
Her dad smoothed out his light grey hair, and opened a red velvet curtain to reveal a massive ball room, with the most people that Crissie had ever seen; answering her question.
Couples danced in the center of the room, with huge dresses flowing from many women, in many luxurious colors and patterns. Rounded white clothed tables were on the out-skirts of the dancers’ path, with silverware and a rose collection at each. A red carpet curved its way into the ball room, split down the center, and found a way on both sides to round the dancers. It ended at a table-for-two, which sat apart from the other seats.
Probably for me and my date. She thought. A smile wiggled a way into her face. Crissie walked out on the marble ledge, which was over to the left of the colossal room. She placed her gloved hands on the rail and observed the features closer. Many handsome men in black suits stood watching the dancers fling about the dance floor. Her dad then planted his stiff grasp on her shoulder.
“Go on, have fun.” He walked her down the white marble stairs, and left her to stare in wonder. Pretty soon her first man for the night came along.
Crissie knew that her dad had planed for her to meet the man she would marry tonight. He had gathered all the suitable men in the city, and told them some schedule so that all of them would get to meet her in person.
“Hello miss,” he said, bowed, then took her hand and kissed it lightly. “I am Samuel Andrews, but you can call me Sam.”
“Pleased to meet you,” she said quietly, though not pleased at all.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:21 pm
The night had past quickly, but still was not over yet. Crissie had danced with many charming men, but still had not found her true lover.
Daddy only cares about his money, and who it will go to. She thought as she swayed to a slow song with her eager partner. Daddy never wanted me, he just wants a son. But he couldn’t have one. And he won’t have a grandson either. In fact, after tonight, he won’t even have a daughter anymore. I’d rather kill myself than be in his family. As this went over in her mind, a single tear inched down her cheek. Realizing this, Crissie curtsied hastily to the young man, carful not to show her face, and walked briskly out of the ball room.
She plopped down on the white marble edge of a fountain and tried not to cry. But only a few seconds later, she failed the task.
“Shh… Don’t cry.” Encouraged an unknown voice. But Crisse only wept faster and harder. Not wanting anyone to see her like this.
“Please?” it said again, and this time Crissie could almost make out the muscular shape of a man beyond her blurry eyes.
He came to sit next to her, and gently wiped a tear from her face. Crissie turned away from him, but he brushed her shoulder tenderly and whispered her name sweetly. She wondered if she knew him.
“Crissie, if you will not tell me why you are sad, I will have to tell you some of my thoughts…” He brushed his lips on her ear as he said this. “My name is James Parkton. I was not invited to this ball, but I came anyways, hoping I would find something worthwhile… And to think I would find you.” Crissie looked up at him nervously; He laughed. “No, not like that… that’s not what I meant…” James chuckled. “I have been watching many men loose your hand on the dance floor tonight… and I wondered… why?” Crissie could hear the frown in his voice.
“My father thinks he can rush love, and force me into marriage after one night of dancing around foolishly.”
“Well what’s wrong with dancing around foolishly?” He said, and stood up, taking her by the hand.
“Nothing, if you do it properly.” She replied, tears starting to dry, and she looked up at him. He had dark brown hair that fell into his face, and amazingly kind brown eyes. He looked nothing like a gentleman, but he had an atmosphere of a warm and forgiving person.
“Well then.” He swung her into his arms, backwards, and turned her head so that she looked into his beaming face. “So tell me, will you, what it is about your father that makes him think he can sell this beautiful young girl into marriage so quickly?” They danced slowly in the fading sunlight.
“I’m not so sure… Can we not talk about… these… bad thoughts, and move to happier ones? I’m sure you don’t want to see me in tears again…”
“Yes miss, indeed. I do believe that we should think happier thoughts.” He straightened himself up so that he was supposedly mocking an older gentleman. It looked quite comical, and Crissie couldn’t help herself, so she burst out laughing.
James laughed too.
The two spent the next few hours laughing and swaying to the non-existent music. But by midnight, James took Crissie’s hand and walked her slowly to a tree in a near-by grove.
“Love?” He asked as they were walking, not bothering to look her in the eyes. “Have you ever been in a situation that you couldn’t resist?”
She glanced at him, not sure what he meant; he peered at her but kept his face forward.
“Well, by that I mean… well why don’t I show you.”
James swept her up in his arms and cradled her against his chest.  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:22 pm
By morning, they lay under an apple tree, still talking, and wide awake. Crissie still lay on James’s chest, who had his back propped up against the tree trunk.
“James, I will see you again… Right?”
“Of coarse love. Why do you ask that?”
“Because my dad will murder me when I come home… See you in heaven!” She said sarcastically, and James wrapped his arms around her more tightly. She sighed. “I really do have to leave now. I wasn’t kidding about that part…”
“Miss Crissie? Are you out there?” Came the sweet ringing voice of the servant girl. “…Oh, Missy!” She said terrified, as soon as she found her Mistress. The servant’s arms slumped down and she looked up at the sky in an annoyed way. “You’re father was going to let you off, in case you found a suitable man… But this,” She let her hands rise so that it seemed like she were introducing them. “This might be a little far… Don’t you think?”
“Oh come on Bee. We didn’t do anything… He is just suffering from the, horrible, lack-of-shirt disease.” Joked Crissie, and she looked up at James worried, but still with eyes of laughter.
“Well cure him of his illness and let’s go.” The servant joked back. “Please Mistress; your father can’t wait to see you.” She added and tugged at the rim of Crissie’s dress. “So what did you do all night?” Bee asked as she helped Crissie stand up.
“She tells the truth. We talked and danced the whole night.” James announced at last. Bee looked questioningly at his shirt, which was hanging on a low limb of the apple tree. James sighed in return.
“Never mind that. James, please do come by too see me sometime.”
“Certainly Crissie. As often as I can.” He beamed, and watched as Crissie glanced over her shoulder to get one last look at him.

Crissie had been locked in her room for days now. It had gotten boring fast.
She dreamt about James frequently now, and his face had started to haunt her. She wanted to see him so bad it was ripping her apart.
Suddenly she heard a tap on the window.
Filled with curiosity, she slipped out of bed and floated silently toward the glass hidden behind curtains. Crissie swept them back slowly, and heard another tap, but this time she saw it was a small pebble. She lifted the latch and opened the window.
A cool breeze swept through her waist long hair. A stray wisp of wind blew in her face with a hint of rain.
She dismissed that, and tilted her head downward. Her room was two stories up from the ground, which looked pale in the moonlight.
A tall shadow stiffened and muttered something Crissie could not hear, and then it whispered loud enough for her to perceive: “I’ve been waiting.”
Recognizing the voice immediately, she blushed and disappeared into her room, only to return with an ankle long cloak covering her night dress. She unhooked the curtains, and tied one end too a bed post. She let the other end spill over her window ledge.
In less than a minute, James’ glowing figure was slung flawlessly inside her open window. Another swift wind blew from behind him, ruffling his wavy golden hair. Moonlight bathed him with silvery goodness, only making him slightly more irresistible. A black cape hung at his shoulders, and he had on a pair of tan slacks.
“Good evening, madam.” He breathed, carful not to wake anyone in neighboring rooms.
“Hello.” Crissie said quietly, “I was starting to think that you’d… forgotten me…”
“How,” James whispered harshly, “is it possible, to forget you, my dear?” Crissie smiled briefly. “Now then, would you mind if I came in?”
She blushed again. “Oh, just come here.” She said flatly. “Now.” Crissie added more impatiently.
He chuckled floated forward.
James twined his fingers with hers and bent lower with his lips on her forehead, “No servants around miss?” her turn to laugh, but she kept very still.
“No sir. We’re…alone…”
He let go of her hands and tilted her chin upwards, lips brushing her own. “Good…”
James kissed her softly, and slowly at first. Fingers slid down her sides, and wrapped themselves around her waist. He pulled her close as possible, shaping his body too fit her own. “James…” Crissie choked.
“Shh…” he kissed her once more and let go. His eyes swept sweetly down her front, his hands fluttered up to her shoulders and held her firmly. “What do I need to do? Tell me. I’ll do anything for you.” His jaw tightened and she felt his grip loosening.
“You can have me.” She shrugged off the cloak and let it fall to the floor.
He stood there, unmoving. “There’s gotta be some kind of catch.”
“Oh…well if you want me too make one up-”
He yanked her forward, his kiss long and hungry. James gave her no time to react. He hooked her feet out from beneath her and she fell lightly into his arms. He cradled her against his chest.
At last, he let her breath, and he looked deeply into her wide eyes. A dark sneer spread across his face as he stumbled and fell purposefully on the bed with Crissie on top of him.
No longer surprised, Crissie loosened the straps to her dress, slipping it off the top of her body. Warm hands stopped her, and she raised an eyebrow in question.
James stopped smiling, but his gaze was still as though he had won the ownership of the sun, moon, and stars. Fingertips slid un noticed down her back, and gathered the satin at the bottom of her dress. He pulled it slowly off of her, and let it sink to the floor.
There was a knock at the door.
Eyes flew open, and they froze.
“Crissie?” came the muffled sound through the door, “I know your in there, and I know you can hear me… Please, I need to talk to you…” It pleaded.
Crissie sighed with relief, but looked directly at James. “Go... if you ever want to see me again.” Then she spoke a little louder, addressing the one outside her door, “I’ll be right out, Muffin.”
“Muffin?” James asked and paused already half-way out the window.
“Criss…I’m sorry to wake you,” the door opened enough for Crissie to peak her head through.
“John, it’s ok. I can’t sleep anyways.” She said in a honeyed voice that distracted Muffin enough for him not to notice that she was frantically slipping on her night dress.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:23 pm
“So, why’d you drag me out this late for?” Crissie asked later, as she and Muffin walked outside in her father’s garden, which was washed silver by the stars.
“Criss…well, after you did that whole party thing…and never found your man…I was wandering…”
“Go on.” A smile crept across her face as she stared sideways at his bright red cheeks.
“Wondering if…well, maybe you’d give me a chance?”
Crissie sighed, “Muffin…John… I gust don’t know…I love you,” he beamed. “but it’s kinda the love a brother and sister share…”
Muffin’s eyes shaded and fell to the ground. He shuffled his feet, “Oh…Crissie, is something wrong with me? Your dad would hate me if he knew about tonight and all…but, umm…look, I don’t know what to say. One night? Give me one night to be yours?” a tree shivered beside them and a few leaves fell.
Crissie glared at it flatly, knowing what, or rather who was in the tree. “Give me a sec…” she took his hand and lead him to the fountain. “stay. Be here when I come back, and don’t follow me.” He looked a little puzzled.
She found the tree again, and cleared her throat. He slipped through the branches, in much the way a leopard would do.
“Ohh… Muffin…” he said trying horribly to imitate her voice, he looked dreamily at the stars. “I love you, my beautiful Muffin. Mmm…” James made kissy noises.
“Go away.”
“So, you do love this Muffin guy. How pathetic he is.”
“Jealous much?” He rolled his eyes, “Can I have one night with him? Just one? I promise I’ll save my virginity for you, my love, but I want to see how he does things. He’s been here every time I’ve ever needed him, and your right. I do love him, and I have since I was five.”
He narrowed his eyes. “One night. That’s all.”
Crissie skipped away, back too the fountain. “Johnny?”
“Hmm?” A shadow at the base of the fountain moved, and slowly stood up, shaking dust away.
Muffin’s eyes grew twice there normal size, with disbelief. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“Say it again.”
“Make me.” She paused. “I love you, my beautiful Muffin.” She said, reciting the exact words James had. A bush snarled, and she giggled.
“Wow.” He blushed, “I have to give it to you, you never cease to surprise me.”
“Your night has started. Don’t waste it.”
Muffin suddenly seemed to remember himself. “Right…” Silence. “Umm?”
Crissie smiled. “so… will you come over here? Or do I have to make you move?”
“I’d prefer the second one myself, but what ever makes you happy, I’ll live through.” He stiffened and stepped forward cautiously.
“Muffin, lets walk… I need to ask you…some things.”
“Ok, but first, can you call me something besides that of a breakfast goodie?”
“Lunch or dinner count?”
He sighed and shook his head. Rocking his head back, he whispered, “Do I ever win with this girl?”
“In most cases, no.” Crissie kept a straight face, but her mouth twitched, grinned, and she burst out laughing.  



PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:28 pm
oh! and what am i doing now? drinking ginger beer (like ginger ale) and fixing my story because it sux! blaugh woo! o, and i finished breaking dawn. 2 and 1/2 days. because i had lots uv stuff 2 du, and ,um kept taking us 2 the pool..... grr her.... trying 2 steal MY jasper....OMQ! u no wot i just realized?! i named my peep james! i totally spaced on that... i've been working on the story all day! DUH!  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:46 am
-woo, skip it! im still working on this part!-

climax thingy-

Crissie stared in horror at the sight in front of her. The room was scorching, the fire spread violently around him, leaving him untouched. His hands and arms dangled from chains that cut deeply into his blood-stained wrists. His head drooped between his bare shoulders that glistened with sweat, and his golden hair shadowed his face. Her eyes gazed down his naked body. He was slouched so that only half of his back was pressed feebly against the dark stone wall, and his legs twisted painfully out in front of him.
The horrible sight made her want to scream, but she only trembled in the door way to his cell.
The key swung from her neck as she ripped through the flames and toward her James.
She reached him and reached out carefully, as if one touch would be enough to finish him off for good. Her hand gently brushed back his hair and cradled his burning cheek. He stiffened, and she pulled back her hand instinctively.
It suddenly came over her, she was crying. Tears dripped from her eyelashes, and spilt onto his chest.
“Sweety… don’t cry…” he breathed. Eyes still closed.
He rocked his head back slowly, and Crissie caught the back of his neck before it hit the wall. She whipped a drop of blood off his arm, and ripped the key from her neck.
With shaky fingers, she managed to unlock him, and grip his clammy palms. She looked at him with eyes that could break a heart that no longer beat.
James panted loudly, closer to death by the second. He tried weakly to prop himself up, but failed almost instantly.
“No…Jaimy…you can’t die…not now…” Crissie cried, laying her head down on James’s chest, listening to his heart fade.
“Criss. I’m not, I won’t die.” He opened his eyes fully and pulled her head back, gazing seriously in her eyes.
“Your going too…I can’t stop you from,” She caught herself.
Of coarse I can stop him.
“James. I want you to answer this, with your own free will. Do you, or do you not want to live?”
“I want to live…I want to always be here for you…” he rasped.
“I wouldn’t let you change me into a werewolf. It’s not a path that my soul can possibly follow. Even if it let me be with you. James, if I asked you to be a vampire, would you say yes?”
He nodded his head slowly. “For you.”
Crissie sobbed, letting a shinning tear slip down her cheek, and drip onto his quivering lips. She closed her eyes and bent carefully too kiss his cheek.
Shaking slightly, Crissie lightly kissed along his jaw line and down his throat. He moaned.
“Crissie…bite me…I want you to bite me…”
She quivered. “I don’t know if I can…Oh James!” the smell overwhelmed her, she opened her mouth, brushing her teeth against his skin. Despite the flames around them, they both shivered.
Crissie couldn’t hold back any longer. She sank her fangs into his soft flesh.
James gasped, “Oww!”
She licked slowly at the remaining blood trailing down his skin. Cradling his head, she collapsed on him. She had no idea if she could ever move from him. His fingers glided through her hair.
It felt suddenly cold, and pitch black.
“Where are we-”
“Shh! Don’t strain yourself. You have to let the venom settle.”
“Venom?! You didn’t say anything about-”
“James!” Crissie touched a fingertip to his lips, “you’re lucky I’m here to help you… I was all alone when I changed…”
“Darling, you’re never alone…”
“Am I? Remind me one time that,” Her eyes glazed over, Crissie’s body went limp. James howled.
Suddenly she jolted in his arms, “James don’t!” leaping out of his grip, she turned and walked slowly away, “Stay, there. I mean it. There’s something out there, something that can hurt you. I’m going to kill it.”

Silence, blackness, pain, and longing ate the atmosphere James was surrounded by. There had been a scream, filled with agony, and terror. Crissie was hurt, but he couldn’t move. His insides were frozen, and the bite on his neck throbbed with every passing second.
“Criss,” He chocked, trying violently not to cry. Never in his existence, had he ever felt so much pain. “Don’t leave me now!” James gasped, and his eyes sparkled with water, “Not after I’ve given up,” he felt stupid talking to the dark, to himself, but at this point that didn’t seem to matter.
“Not after I’ve given up everything. Given up everything for you.”
Minutes ticked by.
“I…love you Crissie. I’ve never met anyone like you. Pain is nothing until you feel what it’s like…what it’s like to loose the other half of your soul…”
A tear shivered down his face, followed by another, and several more. His breathing came in gasps now, his body shuttered as he even thought of her, hurt, bleeding, her pain…Crissie, dead…
James curled up at the thought. NO! this isn’t happening!
Tears blurred his eyes, but it seemed as though he was stuck in darkness forever, so he didn’t bother to clear them.
“Go away!” he screamed, not knowing who, or what he was talking to.
How could you?! Betray your kind! You fell in love with that…thing!
How dare, it call Crissie a thing! Anger flowed through him. Coursing through his veins. Ripping at his head, suddenly he exploded, fire shot from his fingertips, and his surroundings lighted with inferno. Cool. Now you will die.
James tilted his head to look over his shoulder, and he gave a crooked smile, new fangs glinting in the flame. His eyes, deep crimson and deranged, flared at his opponent.
He already knew who it was.
“Muffin.” He growled. The lean figure stiffened. “Nice of you to join me in my damnation.” James turned the rest of his body slowly. “WHAT A SHAME CRISSIE COULDN’T JOIN US!!!”
Explosions of red, orange, yellow and blue consumed John. James laughed with total loss of control. He showed no sign of weakness.
A slow and menacing laughter rose from the flame. “Yes, what a shame my beautiful Crissie got stuck with the likes of you! Werewolf!” John snarled, emerging as a dark shadow through the brilliant light.  



PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:22 am
*song starts*
james and the one called muffin fly @ eachother and startkicking a***
jessie: mwahaha now that i hav this AWSUM koolio pokemon called *thinks* uhh...
james: HEY! SINCE WHEN AM I HOT AND AM A VAMPIRE?! hmm? and since when can i kick a**?
vamp james: since i eat muffins 4 breakfast.
muffin: can we stop wit dis corny s**t? i mean really- *gets attaked* AHH
jaws: nomnomnom
jaws: NOMNOM ME SHARKIE!! I EAT U!!! *falls over and wiggles on floor* ehh..

PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:12 pm
i'm diggin the shark stuff.  

Morbius Doom Occulta


PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:13 am
they eat soul man. cool  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:48 pm
I could really go for some soul right now. *whips out spoon*  

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:20 am
sorry. sold mine to payton. WAIT A MIN! PAYTON THE QUAIL, WHAT HAV U DONE!?  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:07 pm

Metal dragondude

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:21 pm
i eat him. Lol. Sorry, but Murdoc got beat-up by Russel for strangling 2D (actually..... he sucseaded in cuting off his air. poor 2D). I almost cryed today wile reading it to. *throws book at you*  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:54 am
murdoc u naughty boi twisted
lol yeah they both deserved it. and 2D cant die!!!  


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 8:00 pm
but.. bu-... you can still kill zombies emo  
Darkness- Vampire/Werewolf/Immortal RP

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