Good evening, my loves. This is a message brought to you by the letter I and the num- Oh, wait. Wrong site.

In any case, this is a guild message on the topic of Eggspam. As you may have noticed, there is an entire subforum dedicated to eggspam. In most cases, I would prefer for you to spam your heart out there. However, I recently talked to someone about the eggs and I do understand about having your eggs in your posting style.

While in the discussion forum, you are allowed to have no more than 3 dragcave dragons written into your post itself. You may place what you'd like in your signature, obviously. You also have the choice of including a small link to your scroll instead.

If you have another type of pet written into your post, then you are allowed no more than one. You can still have two other dragons, if you wish, but no more than one other type per post. This is because Dragcave dragons are smaller, not because I'm discriminating against the others.

As I have said, you are allowed to write these into your posts because I understand having a posting style that you don't want to tear apart for a single guild. I also understand the need for emergency eggs.

I am also issuing an apology to a certain member who I told was able to have 5 pets in their post. I didn't realize it would cause a problem at the time. Admittedly, I wasn't thinking much at all, haha.