Welcome to the Bulletin Board Subforum!

Here, you can post any D. Gray-man related fan art, Fan Fictions and pictures!

- When posting pictures and artwork, it must be D. Gray-man related.
- Pictures are not limited to 2D. You can post cosplay pictures, crafts and more!
- Pictures may NOT contain inappropriate pornographic material.
- If posting Yuri, Yaoi, Shoji Ai or Shonen Ai, Please indicate in your topic's title. Ex. [Yuri], [Yaoi], ect...
- When posting fan art that was not created by you, please try to give credit if you know the original artist. If you do not know there name, it's alright. Just post "Unknown" below it.
- If Posting a Fan Fiction, please give credit to the author if it is not yourself.
- No posting of Lemons. e_e PLEASE. If you want to post one, link it on the thread and indicate that it's a lemon or email/PM it to members who are interested.
- When posting fanfictions, include the rating in the topic title.