Eris! Finally get to do something for you! Even though it's pretty small and probably unimportant to most people... I believe it signifies a great relation we all have with you. So I guess I'll start my little message now.

Dear Eris,

You joined awhile ago and I could still remember your newbie days. It was quite a sight to see. I wouldn't say you were amazing or literate at first. I barely knew you very well. But when you did, you got done to business. We use to have super long chains of PMs and write things in the midst of the darkness, before the crack of dawn. Those Summer days... Fun I would say so myself. Though it wasn't the greatest thing for my poor body. You were rising up in the ranks quite quickly if I must say so myself. And when it was time for my training and such, somehow you managed to become Raikage. I was wondering where the little girl with the goddess went!!! Jeez! What a person. LoL. You went way beyond my expectation for the tests as well. Watching you do the things I use to made me feel a little green with envy. My abilities can only go so high and you've reach them in the decent amount of time you were here.

While the guild craze was going on, I thought to myself... This is going to be the end of NUR? -- To be honest, I didn't really care what happened to NUR a year ago this time. I was happily working in Silk's other guild before it was changed. I only went back to check things out and I didn't like all the inexperience and crap I saw. I wanted to help out. Well now you all know a little something about my past -- I was really sad. Everyone's efforts and work... It was on the verge of plummeting. I was 99% close to buying Gaia cash to buy back the guild. I didn't expect anything to happen. Bon Supris~ You did it again. Took the guild back. LoL. I know we, well I, tend to emphasize that. But it's something I really appreciate.

TADA! We're here now xD After a bunch of organizing and sorting out sitches....Everything is pretty kool now I suppose. We'll face more problems but I think we can get through them. So just right now, sit back and have fun.