Here is a lyric that i wrote for my band...tell me what you think. ^-^


The morning arises shining in glory
But my mind darkens in bliss
I cannot see past my own ignorance
Beauty has no appeal in these hollow eyes
Joy has no place in this empty smile
No longer does this world have a place for me.

Only regret remains
Caressing the path I tread.

The absence of hope,
Dims the light inside of me
I am blind to the truth
This is the Darkest Dawn.

Forever more my heart weeps
In sorrow of the unforgiving past
I feel only the devastation of my life
I recall only the blood beneath my feet
Catch me in your arms one last time
Bring me up from this misery forever.

At the end of this night
You open my eyes to the rising sun once again

In the loss of hope
Stronger I become through tragedy
I have come to this final moment
Ridding myself of the Darkest Dawn.

Know that hope is never lost
When you still draw breath,
Remember love is eternal
When you chose to embrace it