I am very jealous my dream is to get the opportunity to play some bach on a harpsichord as it was supposed to be played and sound how did you guys get these opportunities harpsichords are so difficult to come by???
I don't know about anyone else here, but we've got three harpsichords at my uni - two general purpose (a smaller, German model that's built like a tank, which we keep in a practice room; and a larger model that was donated and some idiot used glue to keep the board from shifting so it needed a lot of love - it's also a pain to keep in tune) and the harpsichord professor's personal one that's used for recitals.
My Oma has a spinet - it's so tiny and she usually keeps it under a tablecloth, so I assumed it was a weird, triangular side table until she uncovered it for me.
I find it very odd to sing with a harpsichord - it sounds so delicate and small that I end up singing smaller and lighter to match. And it's a bit harder to stay in tune with, but I don't know why. It's easier when it's part of a chamber orchestra, though.