This is Wize's dojo, deep within the misty forest that few know about (usually high level genin) and even fewer know how to get past the many traps (usually high level chunnin), the entrance looks like a tree on the edge of a large lake that leads to a cave with many corridors and are guarded by wize's "pets". which include 1 andean condor (the second largest bird in the world, to give you an idea of how big it can lift a 150 pound man off the ground with ease using its huge wingspan of 10 feet), 2 panthers, 8 bears, and 9 wolf-dogs. Wize's dojo also serves as the seven swordsmen head quarters.

(the trip takes about 5 post unless your one of the permitted people that know of the secret corridor which takes 1 post. in each post you must roll a six sided dice, if you roll a one or two you pass safely, a three or four means you triggered a trap a three being a low level trap [chunnin level] a four being a high level trap [Jounin level], five or six means you ran into some of wize's "pets" which are extremely dangerous, a five being two or three of wize's "pets" [your choice] and a six being the condor.)

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People that know of the secret corridor

    Wize (obviously)
    Katsuo Kaito

(PM me to get updated)