The How-To of Lyndria, Interactive!

Lyndria, Interactive! is the thread in which the proverbial keys of the Guild are placed in your completely trustworthy hands! However, there is a catch: You have to earn 'em!

How, you ask? Well, by posting a thread with your idea!

If there's maybe a Terrain or an idea which you'd like to add to Lyndria's back story (so that it will be displayed for all to see in the Lyndrian Athenaeum, along with all of the history which I've posted thus far), write it up in the thread which you've created, along with a Poll so that other Lyndrians, like yourself, can vote on whether or not they think the Guild should encorporate your idea somehow!


1.) Whichever Terrain you post which is voted into the Guild gets written on the map, so think carefully about what you really want us to add before posting it in your thread {There's only so much room on the Map}!

2.) Whichever idea you post for Lyndria's back story that is accepted by popular vote will be added to the Lyndrian Athenaeum {as written above} so feel completely free to encorporate your character's historical struggles into Lyndria's story! This is your world more than ours, so please, make it your home! Just make sure that it's appropriate and that it doesn't clash with anyone else's stories!

And Concerning the Guild, Itself:

Would you like to change something within Guild, such as the way in which it or a part of it is run?

Or perhaps, you have a suggestion on something the Guild should have or should work on in the future!

Maybe something here that you just--Well, you just plain hate it and wish it was dead.

Please, let us know by creating a thread here with your suggestion/comment! Lyndrian Mods always welcome good ol' constructive criticism or suggestions because they let us know how we may improve, and if you think we're doing a good (or not doing a very good) job running the Guild! Remember: we strive to make our members as satisfied as possible! Just make sure that it's not just bashing, and that it actually is constructive criticism. {Otherwise, it's just gonna get deleted. Sorreh!}

P.S. If there is a comment or suggestion that you would like to make anonymously, please PM me or another Moderator of the Guild, concerning this subject and let us know how you feel!