User Image

Guild Policy
User Image Treat your fellow members with respect. This is a no brainer.
User Image If asking for critique, accept advice and comments with grace, even if it isn't what you want to hear.
User Image If offering serious critique, be specific about your impressions and offer helpful advice in relation to flaws or changes.
User Image Please don't post any images larger than 600x400. If your image is larger, providing a link would be much preferred.
User Image When posting resources, pay attention to the royalty type. Only free-source and royalty free resources should be shared. Do not violate copyright or intellectual property.

Guild Information
Graphic Content is more than just a place to share our interest. It is also a place to learn and develop new skills, keep on top of constantly updating technologies, showcase our work, and discuss significant topics relating to the graphics industry.

Mission Statement
To educate, to discuss, to create.