Originally I had planned to list alphabetically the links to members' off-Gaia sites where their work is displayed. But thanks to a suggestion from Doom, I decided that having each member make their own thread to house their work would be a much better solution. Why?

-It keeps the forums organized and easy to navigate.
-Artists can be easily browse and update.
-Threads can be personalized and allow creative freedom.
-Users can easily comment on other members' threads.

Members are not required to make their own thread, nor are they required to personalize them. If you want, just a few links would suffice. Also, having gallery threads does not mean that artists are prohibited from posting their work outside of their gallery. In fact, artists are encouraged to post for critique outside of their thread (within the main forum). This promotes interest for people browsing the guild and also generates traffic to other areas of the guild. And most importantly, it encourages discussion!

Saying that, posting for critique outside of your gallery is fine, but do so in moderation! Please don't clutter up the forums with a million billion separate threads advertising your work. Use discretion and we'll all be just fine.

There are no guidelines for setting up your personal thread, only that it must be posted within this subforum.