Which was better? |
That Which Binds Us |
53% |
[ 8 ] |
Our Binding Legacy: The Celestial Kingdom |
46% |
[ 7 ] |
Total Votes : 15 |
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 3:13 pm
The Four Nations, Kilitia, Tenshu, L'eausis and Shale were at war with one another ten years ago. Ten years have passed since the acension of power and the transition of balance occured and the warring nations have calmed down. Although some relish the truth behind truths and the serenity of life anew amongst states and nations that no longer feud, some can only remember the glory days and reminisce over what they used to have and belong to.
Power, greed, hatred and death. Jean, Mitsuki Tenshu, Lillum Evermore and Marcove Shale left the Earth for the sake of mankind, but left behind the grief and sorrows of there physical life. Trifles that cannot be undone unless they return. There kids who have survived them are running out of patience as Earthly supplies such as fuel, glass, textiles and most importantly water runs low. A new war is brewing with nations that once strived together in harmony and peace and only.
One man has stepped up to quell the war. Alastor Aurnon. Alledgedly gifted with the ability to perform universal miracles, he has nearly restored the world to what it used to be. But now, from nowhere, he speaks of Universal Residue to be used for ressurection. The Residues of Electromagnetism, Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force and Gravity are known to be located in four of the eight locations. The Sand Kingdom of Shale, The Fire Kingom of Kilitia, The Wind Kingdom of Tenshu, The Water Kingdom of L'eausis, The Wood Kingdom of Herbacea, The Glass Kingdom of Silicia, The Sky Kingdom of Noroa and The Dreaded Steel Kingdom of Alloy. What is Alastor's real plan? Why does he require the kids of the past for the task? And if he gets his way....what will he ressurect? All these questions will be answered in the newest installment of the Binding Saga, Our Binding Legacy: The Celestial Kingdom!!!
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:43 pm
The Sand Kingdom of Shale The Terrions, the most defensive of the group. These people are consequentionalists, meaning if they have to do something they;ll do what ever it takes to get it. This philosophy stems from them having the ultimate defense under their leader. Kind, generous almost to a fault these people will not harm or attack unless told to or unless it is of the absolute importance. The terrain is almost redolent of that of the flagron, but less ashy. The air is a good mixture...breatheable, but the desert is unbearable. It's less hot than the Flagron Desert but alot more restricting due to the sand. If one gets into the desert, death is nearly inevitable. The leader, whose ability has been honed, can sense anything touching sand in his desert. If he senses you, he attacks with no remorse. The town, is relatively small, but still bustles like a city. A large sphericle center known as The Bulb rests in the center and beneath it is the chamber of Weak Nuclear Force.
The Fire Kingdom of Kilitia The Flagrons are a brutal team of people who have just wandered there dodging persecution by a nominal margin. Only 45% of the population are native to the place. A volcano is constantly shooting soot and ashes into the air, giving the sky a blood red tinge and the ground a parched wasteland of ash. There is no water in sight in the this hellish nightmare. The civilization is actually civilized. Their barter system is booming due to an increase in diamond as the leader compacts it at over 200,000 pounds per square inch. An attacking force would have to struggle to reach this place due to it's immense heat, pressure and air which is nearly unbreatheable. If they get past that, the wild attack force will almost undoubtedly hault the advance and if not, the leader will. The volcano, Ducerion, contains is the cave of Gravity.
The Wind Kingdom of Tenshu The Zephyon are extremely gnostic people who thrive not on animals or meat, but rather vegetables and fruit. Temples line the mountains on which they live and the weather is always right. If not, the leader will make it so. Their army of massively skilled fighters are always in meditation and when they aren't they're honing there craft on soft-style martial arts. Due to the moutainous terrain and complex hallways, an attacking force would not only have to scale them to reach them, but find a way to retain force once there. Even if they did, they'd have to face their arsenal of trained fighters who specialize in pressure point paralyzation, angled shots and bone shatter thrusts. The Monastery of Strong Nuclear Force resides at the mountain's summit.
The Water Nation of L'eausis The Hydron, a relatively peaceful kind of people run their water-based civilization on what seems to be hydroelectric plants. Tall buildings line every beach on the coast and the view at sunset is almost as quiescent as anything imaginable. The city (which I won't name but you will) is known as the city of nostalgia due to it's atmosphere and serene location. The air is pure oxygen and the terrain is immensely sandy renedering any foot soldiers who might want to attack a tad slower than normal.
The Wood Nation of Herbacea The Pines, Herbacean residents, live atop trees so high, falling off of one would mean almost certain death. Each tree has on the inside, an elevator like machine that ferries people up and down the trunks from the top to the base. Charged with aura themselves, the trees have grown far beyond their limit and tower taller than any building anywhere on Earth. The Pines are conscious about nature and will put there life on the line to protect it. These people fear fire almost like death for one spark could excitet the energy in the trees sending a catastrophic wildfire streaming through the treetops. Alastor has reason to believe the residue of Weak Nuclear Force his hidden somewhere within the kingdom's capital. The new leader, Tezukya Vanda, is not about to let it fall into the wrong hands...
The Glass Kingdom of Silicia The Silicas, residents of Silicia, are artistic people. Connoisseurs of the fine arts and strictly against war. Although the city is not made of glass, it became known as the glass kingdom after Kilitia traded glass sculptures with them. The Silicas took to the idea and ran with it from there. Every since, they've been in friendly competition selling anything glass-made with any nation they could find. So far, Noroa, the Sky Kingdom, has purchased the most. This city is well barred from outside intruders because of it's location. There is a large river separating the city from Shale, Herbacea and Tenshu, but not Noroa, Kilitia and Alloy. Noids from Alloy, though, are not allowed in. The cleanliness of the people of Silicia will not allow the dusty, dirty, soot carrying people of Alloy to enter. These two cities are and have been rivals in technological advancements since inception almost 500 years ago.
The Sky Kingdom of Noroa The Sky Kingdom, a kingdom truly blessed by the gods is exactly as the name implies. A massive city that is somehow floating in the sky untouched by anything in the past 400 years. A vast bank of knowledge resides in it's massive library. More than one million books both fiction and non reside within it's immaculate chambers. If there is ever anything one wants to know, it's there, but getting there is a true task. There are only two ways to reach this place. There is a stream out in the ocean that, unlike any waterfall, is suspended by air alone and flows upward into the bottom of the city. The other, more safer way, is to master one of their gliding machines and fly to Noroa. Most seafearing challengers have tested the Noro Stream, but 91% of them have died. There have been well over one-hundred thousand challengers....do the math. Should one reach this place though, a party will be held. Not many people visit, so these people are secluded.
The Steel Nation of Alloy
The Noids...hmmm. A hard working group of people that have advanced technology further than any kingdom ever has. This nation is honestly a commute nation. Nobody leaves here except the leader and those committed to work. Each nation has more than 20,000 people. Without workers during the day, this city has at least 7,000. Even though they should be met with respect and the utmost care, they are instead met with animosity, grief and near hatred. They love to meld steel into other things, but it comes at a bleak cost. The mills that are so plentiful in Alloy give off smog and smoke that do two things. They trap greenhouse gasses making the surrounding areas, namely Shale and Tenshu, heat up two fold. Also, it just pollutes the air and water system for a few cities. Their technological advancements include the assembly line, the air conditioner, the subway system and most importantly the Locomotion and the Boat and Battleship. This city plays the rival of both Shale and Silicia. Shale because, Alyss, the leader, is a weapons manufacturer but mostly in the defensive side. The Noids have made guns, cannons and things far stronger than any nation. This nation is by far the strongest in fire power, but lack in arm strength. Without bullets, this working nation is just another sitting duck.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:51 pm
PLEASE READ OR DISAPPOINTMENT MAY FOLLOW!!! The Residue, The Caves, The Leaders and the Rules. The Residue The Residue (Dust) of-Gravity, Strong Nuclear Force, Weak Nuclear Force and Electromagnetism- all contain the essence of a fundamental force of the universe. This time around, the only thing they need is just to be mixed with water and drunk. The Powers They Give Electromagnetism- Electricity, Magnetism and super speed. Strong Nuclear Force- Accelerates particles with a touch as well as reflection of all things but physical attacks. Can use a massive charged particle beam or small finger-tip/eye/mouth ones. Weak Nuclear Force- The power to rip/slice/pick things apart atom by atom or decay it by vicinity. Can use a narrow heated particle pulses or small finger-tip/eye/mouth ones. Gravity- The ability of gravity. (Black Hole creation, mass control, Density control, crushing things.) The Caves of each fundamental force exhibits an effect on the human body except for the those in the civilization in which the cave resides. The Caves: Electromagnetism- Displaces iron in the system and makes one weak. Strong Nuclear Force- Makes one Extremely sick and dizzy, but increases hearing. Weak Nuclear Force- Makes one mildly sick, but prolonged exposure can cause cardiac arrest. Gravity- Rids one of equilibrium and shifts the weight constantly. The Leaders The leaders, sadly, have to have specialized powers, but I will dampen my part in choosing it. Basically, the leader will have complete control of the element he/she controls. But there are limits. Water isn't the same thing as ice or vapor, but you can control anything with water in it. Fire and pressure can be used. Sand and dryness can be used, but that's me. The followers must have another power, but a power not pertaining to the leader's element. If you have Q's, I have A's. One more thing, the leader of the Celestial Civilization won't have specialized powers and neither will his/her group, but i'll deal with that after I get the other teams filled up. The Rules are as follows: 1. Curse all you want. Really, I curse alot so, go ahead. 2. No Godmodding and stuff. 3. Something I noticed alot in the old RP. Please...if it's possible, remain ignorant to information unless it's told to you. Like if someone is on the other side of the planet planning an attack, you can't possibly be aware of it unless you have a spy or something. Basically...no SUPER AWARENESS!4. You can use things other than "" To signify your text, but for a thought, ONLY italicize the word. 5. Not really a rule, but from time to time, I'll PM you with a specific task. If you don't like the task, we can discuss another way to go about doing it. And same goes for me. If you want me to do something, or you have mean twist, then PM me. I'll set it up for you...we all like twists. twisted 6. Please write good and with description and no one liners. Can't stress that enough. 7. Once your weakness has been met, your power is nullified until you are away from it, or it's not in contact with you. 8.Keep it PG-17. I don't mind fondling, but keep it above the waist okay? A quick question though, but don't do it. If there were an explicit scene, who would really know besides us? Really? But still don't do it. 9. That's it basically. Oh yeah, I need pics. No descriptions for photos.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:55 pm
The Basic Char. Layout Creator Name: Character Name: Age: (Will change by adding 5 first then 3 due to time two skips.) Alliance: (Shale, L'eausis, Kilitia, Tenshu, Noroa, Alloy, Silicia and Herbacea) Position sad Soldier, Commander...the prime leader spots are filled. All of them.) Fighting Style: (Self-Explanatory) Skill: (Genetic Trait, but CANNOT be an element. Can be things like....telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy, flight....things like that.) Control: (Any Element/control except for Gravity and Electricity) Weakness: (Duh. And when you're near it, in it or around it, your powers stop.) Appearance: (This will change at some point. Each timeskip will be an interval of five years. Have fun old characters!) Bio: (More than three lines.) Extra sad Do drugs? Rock, meth, coke, PCP, pot? Nah...just other things about your creation.) Voice Actor: (You know when you hear a voice on an anime or cartoon and you wish you had a character he/she would voice? When you pick a voice, pick an anime they're WELL KNOWN from.) ~~~ The Kids (The Main Characters) Creator Name: Desert Nightsand Character Name: Kessaris Shale Age: 10-15-18 Alliance: Shale Position: Prince, then General Fighting Style: Capoeira, Savate, Tan Tui, Baguazhang. Absorbed styles include Wushu, Southern Fist, Dragon Kenpo and Silent Kill. Skill: Space Manipulation, Eidetic Memory, Telepathy and Power Mimicry resulting in Flight, Power Negation by vicinity, Shapeshifting, Aura absorbtion/manipulation, Barriers that can not be penetrated, Advanced Teleportation, Liquification, Forsight, Dark Force, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Healing, Heightened Senses and strength (Powered by others fear), Phasing, Liquifaction, Elasticity, Intuitive Aptitude, Astral Projection, Thought/Dream Manipulation, Energy Movement, Healing of others at a cost and External Merging. Control: Darkness, Light, Terrakinesis, Celestial Aura, Paper, Insects, Light, Darkness, Sound, Wood, Plant-life, Ice and Chronokinesis and Reality when around Keliah. Weakness: The Past and large bugs like the Desert Spider Appearance: Age 10:  Age 15:  Age 18:  Bio: All his young life, he’d wondered only two things. If the people of Shale knew his father so well, and loved him so much, then where was he? His mother was the leader of Kilitia ten years ago before she had to assume a higher status. Where she is, no one knows. After his incident in school, the only thing he wants to do is find out who his father really was, why the Hydrons call him a demon, why the Avions call him a God and what did he do with his life before giving it up? Extra: Also, he has his father’s black crystal sword and looks up to Alyss, Nephilis, Samara, Tezukya and always asks them questions about his parents. He secretly likes Alyss’ accomplice, but don’t tell anyone I told you. Hehehe... Voice Actor: Vic Mignogna...Edward Elric from FMA and Broly from DBZ. Creator Name: Rayne_Diamond Character Name: Keliah Shale Age: 10-15-18 Alliance: Flagron Position: Princess Fighting Style: Capoeria, Mui Thai, Kung Fu, and a whole aresnal of fighting forms. Abilities: Shapeshifting, psychometry, healing, heightened senses and strength, teleportation, energy movement, phasing, corrosive projectiles(acid), liquifaction, elasticity, intuitive aptitude and astral projection. Aura absorbtion and manipulation, flight, barriers(unpentrable), alternate dimensions, paralysis touch, hex bolts, posseion (spirit steppping) existence speaking, omnilocation, body alteration, molecular displation. Control: Fire, magnetism, aura, time, paper, insects, light, darkness,sound,wood,plant-life, magma,pressur, star heat/fire, all elements. Weakness: Water, the mentioning of her parents, and a fear of spiders for some reason, as well as the Celesti stone. Appearance at age 10:  Appearance at age 15:  Appearance at age 18:  Bio: Keliah is the twin sister of Kessaris. She takes more after her mother, Jean. Keliah was exposed to the Celesti stone when she was just in the womb, giving her goddess like power that she has yet to tap into. Though, having such immense psychic power, at times, dark energies that collect inside of her will manifest itself as physical being. Keliah is the heir to the Flagron nation of Kilitia and plans to rule as proudly as her mother did, and surpassing both her and her father in power. Extra: Voice Actor: Kath Soucie Creator Name: Alyss Sureea Character Name: Riko Sinoa Age: 10-15-18 Alliance: Shale Position: A lady in the bulb of shale, when 13 will be commander Fighting Style: Tie Chi Skill: Flight and power sensing(can tell easily what people control) Control: Earth (Only sand and diamonds) Weakness: Around high levels of heat Appearance: 10-

Bio: Riko lost her brother in the war ten years ago, being sent to Alyss while her brother was still king. She is almost like Alyss' daughter and tries to be friends with Jean's son but at times she can't just help but stare at him in annoyance. She sometimes doesn't speak and thats usually when people need her most. Extra: Has a small liking for Jean's son but never seems to notice him a lot. Voice Actor: Risa Mizuno - Seiren from Vampire Knight Creator Name: Masta Pheonix Character Name: Richard (goes by Ricky) (Doesn't know his last name but goes by ShadowHeart) Age: 9 - 14 - 17 Alliance: Alloy Position: He is a kid so none Fighting Style: Working on weilding various forms of swords so far Rapier Skill: Weather manipulation and can manipulate technology (But only can blow them up at the moment) Control: Temperature Control (Which can cause things to explode if too hot or freeze if too cold) Weakness: Can't stand heights (causes him to change the weather uncontrolably), powers aren't always in control, hates bugs Appearance: Age 9:  Age 14:  Age 17: Bio: Ricky was abandoned as a small child and was raised primarily by Kendal who he veiws as his father and often calls him dad. Although he was raised Kendal he also has spent a lot of time in Shale helping out, and views Alyss as a mother figure and has occasionaly slipped up and called her mom. He tries his best to make Kendal and Alyss proud of him. He is very dedicated to working his hardest. He longs to have a real family and Kendal has proved to try and be the best family he could. Extra: Voice Actor: Iceman from Xmen Creator Name:Tessen Ishiyumi Character Name:Tenshi Tenshu Age: 10-15-18 Alliance: Tenshu Position: Son of both Mitsuki and Samara Tenshu, soon to be General. Fighting Style: Capoiera, Muay Thai, Jujitsu, Xingyiquan , Kendo, and Han sword style. Skill: High levels of strenght and speeds and Psionic mastery. Control: Everything about the weather (Including the wind), Darkness, and sound(but knows nuthing about it or even that he has it at the age of 10) Weakness: Gets irritated alot and pretty fast, he is a little afraid of the his darkness element due to not being able to control it very well at his age. Appearance: 10Years old:  (white hair) Tenshi at 15:  (with white hair and light blue eyes) Tenshi at 18:  Bio: Tenshi lives with his mother in the Temple of Tenshu, he has the potential to be one of the greatest warriors just like his father was and often wants to show that. Tenshi has been told of his father by many people including his mother and often likes to hear about him, he also dreams of seeing his father and believes that one day he would be able to meet his father in person all though most if not all think he will not, he doesn't care what others think and often points that out but as he ages he studies hard and train hard, but he also likes to play around alot as his 'I dont care' attitude often gets him in trouble with his pranks and such. Extra:Even though he is a kid, he learns quickly and has potential, he has an unknown ability locked within him that has to do with Neko that no one knows about but his father. He also comunicates with Mitsuki through dreams and sometimes hears his voice in his head as if it was guidence. Voice Actor: Brad Swaile( Plays Light Yagami voice from death note) Creator Name: MewChloe Character Name: Chelan Evermore Age: 10-15-18 Alliance: L'eausis Position: Prime Leader Fighting Style: Like her mother Chelan has many fighting skills. She has mastered all that her mother has as well. Skill: Chelan can go through any object but certain ice and iron and since most things are made out of steel now she rarely has that problem. She can also become invisible. Chelan loves to sing as well, but unlike her mother her voice effects people. She can use it to bend them to her will. Most are drawn in by it. Chelan also has the ability to learn other abilities quickly. She basically can copy most for a short period of time. It takes longer for her to learn it permanently. Control: Water in all three forms/ Weakness: Heat, flame, guys{she gets nervous easily around them} Appearance: 10:  15: Fifteen18: EighteenBio: The first few years of Chelan's life were happy times. She loved her mother and it would seem that her mother loved her. But one day her mother left. She hasn't seen her since. CHelan rose to the position of Prime Leader and has been training to become the greatest ruler Hydron will ever have. She also is looking for the true story of her mothers' past... Extra: Chelan is an awesome dancer and speak many languages. SHe also knows how to play alot of instruments. Voice Actor: Laura Bailey Creator Name: laceyk99 Character Name: Morganna Vanda Age: 10-15-18 Alliance: Flagron Position: None Fighting Style: Black Tiger Kung Fu and Shaolin Quan Skill: Acrobatics, Psionic abilities Control: Fire Appearance: 10-  15-  16-  Bio: Morganna is just like her mother was when she was her age. Rebellious and outspoken, she feels like her mother smothers her sometimes, and that she never gets to see her father. She desperately wants adventure in her life and will do anything she can do to get it. Extra: Voice Actor: Aya Hirano, Misa in Death Note Creator Name: laceyk99 Character Name: Phillip (Flip) Vanda Age: 5-10-11 Alliance: Herbacea/Kilitia Position: None Fighting Style: None Skill: psionic abilities Control: Fire Appearance: 5-  10-  11-  Bio: Flip is very mischevious and curious. He tends to get himself in trouble that way, but he is one of the sweetest kids-- he'll do anything for anyone. He just tends to be a magnet for trouble. As far as where he lives, he prefers it in Herbacea, but lives both there and in Kilitia Extra: Voice Actor: Jonathan Taylor Thomas (Simba- Lion King) Creator Name: ULXNightmareBlake Character Name: Ku:nel Alberio Age: 13 -15 - 18 Alliance: Silicia Position: Soldier Fighting Style: Fuso style - Cloth spear technique Skill: Flight Control: Earth/Metal Weakness: Has a Mechanism left arm, Effects on his legs, Being Emotionless to people. Appearance: Ku:nel at the age of 10Ku:nel at the age of 15Ku:nel at the age of 18Bio: Ku:nel had a rough childhood when he was young. He was born in Shale but after a few years, his parents sent him to his grandfather in Silicia. Ku:nel at the age of 15 dyed his hair to look more like the people around him. The reason was because there was a simple change of law from his relatives..that no black hair child should live with them.. He was picked on and almost at the brink of death..but even so..it was part of his life. After a few years he became a Soldier of Silicia..to really show his relatives hes no slouch or slacker..its something he really wants to show.. even if it means to die on the battle field. Extra: His side hobby is Inventing silly gadgets..that will help humanity someday? Voice Actor: Crispin Freeman as Kyon from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Creator Name: x SHATTERED x SOUL x Character Name: Lunia Yatomura Age: 10-15-18 Alliance: Noroa Position: None Fighting Style: Kung Fu, Swordplay. Skill: Telekenises, Flight. Control: Air/Wind Weakness: Being in small spaces, Falling. Appearance: 10-  15-  18-  Bio: Lunia grew up wanting to be a fighter, she trains nearly every day and hopes to be accepted one day. She is extremely adventurous and one day hopes to leave her home land, in search of friends and maybe to find her family, who ran away when she was only small. Extra: She is extremly clumsy. Voice Actor: Orihime - Bleach
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:35 pm
The Adults (The Secondary Characters) Main Terrions of Shale Creator Name: Alyss Sureea Character Name: Alyss Sureea Age: 30-35-38 Alliance: Shale Position: Prime Leader Fighting Style: Brazilian Tie Kwon Do and Tie Chi Skill: telekinesis and phasing Control: Metal (In all forms and even the sand in diamond form) Weakness: Powers are genetically synthetic so when she gets stressed or near extreme amounts of electricity, they fail and don't come back for several days. Appearance:

 Bio: Alyss Sureea was the Daughter of Daphne Sureea and Ducerli Shale, sister to Marcove Shale. She was the commander when she was 18 and worked her way up. Alyss knew Kendal before he died and went through hard times before that. She was sent into a coma by her brother because of a shock and was easily depressed. She is now quiet and it extremely loving to her nephew and niece, wanting to preserve anything about Marcove or Jean. Extra: Has a pet panther named Kendal after her best friend. Voice Actor: Eri Kitamura, voice of Rime Touhya on Vampire KnightCreator Name: Nicko1421 Character Name: Plague Age: 31-36-39 Alliance: Shale Position: Assassin Fighting Style: ninjutsu, shaolin kenpo snake style. Skill: Can convert his body into a cloud of dust, minor manipulation of normal people. Control: Shadows Weakness: Intense light, blessed weapons Appearance: 31.  36.  39.  Bio: Plague was always a loner, not because he was shunned or hated, or anything like that he was just a solo person. When he was accepted into an underground assassin’s guild he refused to take a partner on any mission. Often he would be the man to come to when there was a more challenging mission that needed to be complete, because of his ability to turn into dust he could easily slip into almost any home and take out his target like he was never there. But now he left his assassin life mostly behind he quit the guild and became a wandering Mercenary taking jobs from people who had hear d of his unique talents. Extra: None Voice Actor: Crispin Freeman…Alucard from Hellsing. Main Flagrons of Kilitia Creator Name: laceyk99 Character Name: Christiaan Vanda Age: 31-36-39 Alliance: Flagron Position: Prime Commander, until Kessiah comes of age Fighting Style: Black Tiger Kung Fu and Shaolin Quan Skill: Teleportation, Psionic abilities Control: Darkness; pyrokenisis as well, but only thanks to her amulet Appearance: 31-  36-  39-  Bio: Christiaan has always been a woman of her country, and a major devotee to her friends-- Jean especially. When Jean began to have visions of her ascension, she entrusted her coming children to Christiaan's care. She has been the main parent to both of the twins, though others have had influences as well. In addition to the twins, she and her husband have been blessed with two of their own. After having lost a child before, she has found her place as a mother and aunt, loving every minute. Though, should the time arise, she stands ready to defend her country. Extra: Voice Actor: Kiera Knightley Creator Name: Masta Pheonix Character Name: Wyatt Wyvern Age: 18 - 23 - 26 Alliance: Kilitia Position: Comander Fighting Style: Dragoon stly pole arms Skill: Force fields, Illusions, Energy, manipulation and control of energy, Psi manipulation (Psi beams, Psi blasts, mind based attacks) Control: Ice Weakness: Earth, fear of drowning, hates the cold Appearance: Age 18:  Age 23:  Age 26:  Bio: Wyatt has changed alot since his fathers death. He even helped fight against the celestials. Thanks to Marcove and Jean he also is very good at using his force fields as weapons and defence. He still acts like a kid on occasion but he tries to hide it. He swore to do his best to help Christiann with Kiltia. Extra: Voice Actor: Steven Prince...Shino from Naruto Creator Name: Nicko1421 Character Name: Leon Age: 27-32-35 Alliance: Kilita Position: Swordmaster Fighting Style: His style is a unique blend of different swordsmanships that he created using his unique blade. When he doesn’t have his swords it’s Capoeira. Skill: Amazing reflexes and hightened senses, can sense people’s unique energy signatures. Control: He can manipulate metal which is how he created his unique style. Weakness: large amounts of water, ice Appearance: 27.  32.  35.  Bio: Leon was always a gifted sword fighter, growing up in Kilita you had to be good at something to survive, he started with strong wooden sticks when he was a small child and slowly making his way up to daggers, and short swords. When he was older he asked a legendary blacksmith to forge him a blade like no other, one that he had a strong connection with. By using Leon’s own blood and burning it into the metal he gained a strong connection with the sword letting him control the blade at will. Now he has become a legendary swordsman serving Kilita of course Extra: This is his sword of course.  Voice Actor: The voice actor that played Sasuke from Naruto. Main Zephyons of the Tenchu Temple Creator name: DesertStorm16 Character name: Nephilis Evermore (Killed By Alastor Aurnon) Age: 35-40-43 Alliance: Tenshu Position: Prime Leader, then Secretary Fighting Style: Capoiera, Savate, Muay Thai, Tai Chi, Baguazhang, Jujitsu, Kendo, Kung Fu, Wu Shu, Silat and Jeet Kun Do. Skill: Shape Shifting, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Healing, Heightened Senses and strength (Powered by others fear), Teleportation, Energy movement, Phasing, Liquifaction, Elasticity, Intuitive Aptitude and Astral Projection. Control: Aura, Paper, Insects, Light, Darkness, Sound, Wood, Plant-life and Ice. Weakness: Any Residue Appearance at age 35:  Apearance at age 40:  Appearance at age 43:  Bio: His two daughters, one extremely prosperous and the other extremely constricted have risen to power through the years swashing their way through opposing armies. Extra: Used to be a Celestion and has all knowledge of them. His powers have been taken by Serenity. Voice Actor: Steve Staley...that ice guy from Bleach Creator Name: laceyk99 Character Name: Samara Tenshu Age: 31-36-39 Alliance: Tenshu Position: First Commander/General Fighting Style: Jujutso and Kendo Skill: teleportation, high levels of strength and speed Control: Darkness Weakness: Closed Spaces Samara at 31:  Samara at 36--  Samara at 39--  Bio: Samara has endured a lot in her life. Her childhood was easy and peaceful, but once she turned 20 and the wars began to reach the gentle lands of Tenshu, several major events transpired. First, her powers of light and teleportation were brutally stolen from her by a celestial, casing her to nearly die. Then, her powers were restored by a different celestial, though she chose the power that had kept her paralyzed with fear for her entire life-- Darkness. Because of this, she was forced to fight her twin sister to the death. Next, her childhood sweetheart and husband was taken from her to ascend as a Celestial. Now, she works with the Prime Leader, Nephilis, to restore Tenshu to its gentle, peaceful state and she lives for her child...the last remnant of her and Mitsuki's love. Extra: Voice Actor: Anne Hathaway Creator Name: Angelic Agrias Character Name: Silva Tezukya Age: 18 - 23 - 28 Alliance: The Wind Kingdom Tenshu Position: Soldier Fighting Style: Rakansen, Fuso - Style, Gentle Fist Skill: Quick step Control: Air/Sound Appearance: Silva age 18 Silva age 23 Silva Age 28 Bio: Silva is only the age of 18, Alive and kicking thanks to a weird abnormal event. A spirit of light appeared and gave life back, when he was sick and about to die. But with the life he was given he was also given a task. The person who spoke to him asked him a favor. A Favor that a dead father couldn't give back in return. But enough of that. Silva is a Martial arts master of Chinese martial arts. and the famous style Rakansen used by many masters the art of distraction. As well a soldier of The wind kingdom of Tenshu. He values only one purpose upon his duty is to work hard and notice the mistakes. Extra: He holds the spirit of Tezukya Vanda. Voice Actor: J. Michael Tatum From Black Blood Brothers.Main Hydrons of L'eausis Creator Name: MewChloe Character Name: Lilith Evermore Age: 29-34-37 Alliance: L'eausis Position: Wanderer Fighting Style: Lilith fights using many different techniques some she even created herself over time. She also uses pressure points to make of break people. Skill: Lilith an turn invisible. She can also sense and manipulate others' thoughts and emotions. Lilith can make you see and hear thing that aren't there. She also has vectors. Control: Water in all forms Weakness: Heat, Fire, high and low pitched sounds. Appearance: 29:  34: Thirty-FourLilith dyed and now cuts her hair37: She is now leaving it alone letting it back to normal, dark color is fadingThirty-SevenBio: After everything that happened with L'eausis Lilith finally calmed down. The loss of her sister was one that she had mixed feelings about. After being Prime Leader for awhile Lilith had a girl but the father hasn't been discovered not even Chelan knows her father. After Chelan became eleven Lilith disappeared. The reason for why she left is unknown. But she has returned now...why? Extra: Lilith has a lovely voice and loves to sing. Voice Actor: Melissa Fahn-Rika Nonaka from Digimon Main Pines of Herbacea Creator Name: Night Rosario Character Name: Tezukya Vanda Age: 27-32-35 Alliance: Herbacea Position: Prime Leader Fighting Style: Chinese Martial arts/Shinmei Ryu Skill: Astral Aura Control: Sound/Air Weakness: Muscle pain, Blind in the left eye, Emotionless Appearance: The age of 27  The age of 32  The age of 35  Bio: After the war between, Zephyon, Shale, Kilitia and Hydron Tezukya left about after he received a grave news about his brother.. Deciding that his little brother Tezukya should lead Herbacea. Tezukya heard about Herbacea and gave it a try.. But for several years later. Christian his wife had a child.. And Tezukya became a father once more.. Great responsibility was on the road.. But with also great mind and wisdom. Tezukya found out about his illness with Author. Before he left on a journey, that his left eye will go blind forever. Even with the Astral Aura. The power can not heal what has been lost. So Tezukya trains his senses without the use of his eyes. And begins his leadership in Herbacea. Extra: He dyed his hair back to its original color Voice Actor: The Older Hatori SohmaCreator Name: Night Rosario Character Name: Tori Mango Age: 19 - 24 - 27 Alliance: Herbacea Position: Doctor Fighting Style: The Art of Ki, The Art of Chi Skill: telekinesis Control: Light Weakness: Scorching Past, Spiders, Sharks Appearance: The age of 19The age of 24The age of 27Bio: Tori Mango is a newly Warrior in Herbacea, shes strong will as well kind. but differs from a Hero or a Villian. In her past life she used to live in Shale at the age of 9... after 10 years of that horrid war Tezu found Tori fainted on the cold ground and took her to Herbacea where she may live happy and free. But after 10 years at the age of 19. She asked Tezu if she should be a Doctor/warrior to prove her statures more.. Tezu agreed to her statement and allowed her to do this multi tasked..but what wanders in Tori's mind is something more..then the eye can see. Extra: Likes to Train every 10 hours a day.. then works as a doctor on the weekends. Voice Actor: Izuzu Sohma (The Horse) Main Silicas of Silicia Creator Name: Rayne_Diamond Character Name: Lorna Dane Age: 18-23-26 Alliance: Silicia Position razz rime Leader Fighting Style: Silician form(fighting styled developed by Silicia), Hidden Lotus form, Jujitsu, Mui Thai. Skill: Can charge anything with kinetic energy, able to trigger certain events using "Hex bolts" making bad luck insue, Flight, Super strength(In Diamond form),Can manipulate her body into pure diamond,transmutation, and has a supersonic scream. Control: Crystaline Minerals and energy Weakness: Weak against earth,well mainly rock. She hates the steel kingdom as well, so she pretty much has an axiety attack in the presence of anyone from that Kingdom, and she has a low tolerance for ignorance. Appearance: 18:  23:  26:  Bio: Lorna was a young girl when the war was going on with the four major nations. She was born in Kilitia and raised there until the acension of Jean. She remembered more than anything the courageousness of the fearless leader of Kilitia. She vowed to herself that one day, she would be just like her. At the time, Lorna didnt posses any special abilities, until her parents forced her to move to Silicia, where it seems that her powers awakened. Seeing such huge potential in the young woman the prime leader who was an older gentleman,took her in so she could train under him. Once he died, she inherited Silicia. She now rules a lavish Kingdom. Extra:She has a huge crush on Wyatt. As well,she loves to cut and dye her hair often. Voice Actor: Wendee Lee Main Avions of Noroa Creator Name: Desert Nightsand Character Name: Nas Noroa Age: 34-37-40 Alliance: Noroa Position: Prime Leader Fighting Style: Specialized Noroan Style Skill: Flight, Unity with Avions, Superspeed Control: Weather and Properties of Air Weakness: Vacuums and being alone Appearance at 34:  Appearance at 37:
Appearance at 40:
Bio: Nas Noroa, the Prime Leader of Noroa and the Avions lived safely through The Great War almost without knowledge of it happening. He knew Marcove Shale and loved him like a brother, but when he got news of his death, resources began to plummet and he turned to other means of getting things done. Both he and Lorna of Silicia have turned to these means. Suspicion weighs down upon him and his loving wife Monet and Nephilis, his worst enemy, is breathing down his throat. How long can he keep the lie up? Extra: Nothing Voice Actor: Kirk Thornton...Kisame Hoshigaki from Naruto.
Creator Name: Rayne_Diamond Character Name: Monet Noroa Age: 32-37-40 Alliance: Noroa Position:General/Queen Fighting Style: Kung Fu,Capoeira Skill: Can cause explosions from the air and has retractable metal finger nails. Duplication,and paralyzing glare(If she makes eye contact too long, the person neurons will shut down,causing paralysis.) Control: Cosmic Energy Weakness: She's afraid of enclosed spaces and not being able to "feel" a connection to the sky. She also has a fear of losing her husband or daughter. Appearance at Age 32:
 Age 37:
 Age 40:
 Bio: Monet is the wife of the chief of Noroa. She is a housewife, but is a very strong being. Little is known about Monet, but she has great power. Monet actually is a being not from this world and was found when she appeared to be 5yrs by mercenaries. She was trained and was then a full fledged mercenary by the time she was 17. She met her husband and has been happily married to him ever since. Extra: Her and her daughter share some similarities. Voice Actor: Meredith Gordon...Android #18 from Dragonball Z
Creator Name: Rayne_Diamond Character Name: Amara Noroa Age: 16-21-24 Alliance: Noroa Position:Commander/princess Fighting Style: (Self-Explanatory) Skill: Can leave any man that hears her voice paralyzed for at least an hour,retractable metal finger nails,Duplication,Can generate a pulsating glare(knocking out electricity,disrupting others powers,and disrupting psychic energy) Control: Lava/Magma Weakness: Women(as far as paralying voice), fear of killing those she loves, and cages. Appearance: Age 16:
 Age 21:
 Age 24:
 Bio: Amara is the daughter of Monet and Chief Noroa. At a young age,it was seen that she had unique qualities. Being of the sky kingdom,she had the ability of controling Lava/Magma. Her skills are derivations of her mothers, but she has one unique one only available to her and that her pulsating glare. Amara is not afraid of standing in the midst of danger for she knows its her sole duty to defend the air kingdom. Extra: Amara, may be able to take on a magmatic form. Voice Actor: Kari Whalgren...Fuu from Samurai Champloo
Main Noids of Alloy
Creator Name: Masta Pheonix Character Name: Kendal Shadowheart Age: 22-27-32 Alliance: Alloy Position: Prime Leader Fighting Style: Dark knight swordsmanship Skill: Telekinysis, Cosmic manipulation (Meteors, vortexes, ect), can cause explosions with his mind, Telepathy Control: Darkness Weakness: Light, fear of heights, memories he doesn't like to remember. Appearance: Age 22:  Age 27:  Age 30:  Bio: Kendal has had his probelms in the past such as his mothers death that lead to him meeting and becoming friends with Alyss and Marcove. He eventualy became a general but due to certain events he was demoted. He had also been controled by the celestial Daphne which eventualy led to his death. Thankfully Marcove and the others brought him back to life. He still serves in shale and regrets the mistakes he has made over the past. Extra: He has a slight split personality on occasion only known as "Chaos" Voice Actor: Brian Beacock
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:53 pm
Those Who Are Searching... Creator Name: Desert Nightsand Character Name: Sirasek Age: ??? Alliance: None Position: None Fighting Style: Specialized Skill: Space Manipulation, Power Negation by vicinity, Shapeshifting, Aura absorbtion/manipulation, Flight, Barriers that can not be penetrated, Advanced Teleportation, Liquification, Forsight, Dark Force, create alternate dimensions, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Healing, Heightened Senses and strength (Powered by others fear), Energy movement, Phasing, Liquifaction, Elasticity, Intuitive Aptitude, Astral Projection Thought/Dream Manipulation and Energy Movement. Control: Darkness, Light, Terrakinesis, Celestial Aura, Paper, Insects, Light, Darkness, Sound, Wood, Plant-life, Ice and Chronokinesis and Reality. Weakness: ??? Appearance:  Bio: A physical manifestation of his dark aura that has accumulated over time. Extra: Voice Actor: Vic MignognaCreator Name: Rayne_Diamond Character Name: Serinity Age: ??? Alliance: None Position: Nones Fighting Style: Shaolin Fist, Dragonic Arts, Tae Kwon Doe Skill: Shapeshifting, Aura absorbtion/manipulation, Flight, Barriers that can not be penetrated, Advanced Teleportation, Liquification, Forsight, Dark Force, create alternate dimensions, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Healing, Heightened Senses and strength (Powered by others fear), Teleportation, Energy movement, Phasing, Liquifaction, Elasticity, Intuitive Aptitude and Astral Projection. Control: Fire,Magma,Magnetism,Pressure, Star heat, Aura, Paper, Insects, Light, Darkness, Sound, Wood, Plant-life and Ice. Weakness: ??? Appearance:  Bio: She is the psychic incarnation of Keliah. The night Keliah was knocked out was when the pychic energy left her and was now an incarnate of her. Serenity is far from serene,she is one of the most powerful beings to come to existence and will not stop until she rules the world with all power she can handle. Extra: She manipulates anyone and CANNOT BE DETECTED BY OTHERS OF BEING A FRAUD Voice Actor: Creator Name: Nicko1421 Character Name: Guildmaster Age: Unknown Alliance: None Position:Assassin's Guildmaster Fighting Style: The Silent Kill style, and Dragon Kenpo Skill: Force Push, invisibility, Shadow Step Control: Darkness Weakness: Blessed weapons, spiritual power Appearance:  Bio: The terror of the night, that has cast his shadow through the different regions of the world, moost know nothing of him but the royal families do, he is the Guildmaster. He hides his face behind a dark mask and has never been seen without it, his true identity has been lost to the tomes of time. For several hundred years rumors of his kills have spread throughout the land he isn't just a killer he is the one who outplayed even Death. His skill with a sword are so far unmatched his age is also unknown but because of the rumors it is probable that he has been living for hundreds of years watching from the shadows. Eventually he started the Assassin's Guild and as the name implies it was a guild dedicated to fullfilling the contracts given to the assassin. He has been challenged for his position before by the young and hotblooded assassins and before they even had a chance to complete their sentence for a challenge they would already be dead he isn't a man with patience for people who defy him nor will he tolerate anyone defying his word. For now he has staed out of political affairs it meant nothing to him either way assassin's would always be needed. He isn't about taking over the world either he prefers his current life style. Extra:None Voice Actor: The voice actor for Jack of Blades from Fable Creator Name: Desert Nightsand Character Name: Alastor Aurnon Age: 15-20-23 Alliance: Shale Position: Trader turned ‘Candidate’ Fighting Style: Capoeira, Savate, Tan Tui, Baguazhang. Absorbed styles include Wushu, Southern Fist, Dragon Kenpo and Silent Kill. Skill: Space Manipulation, Eidetic Memory, Telepathy and Power Mimicry resulting in Flight, Power Negation by vicinity, Shapeshifting, Aura absorbtion/manipulation, Barriers that can not be penetrated, Advanced Teleportation, Liquification, Forsight, Dark Force, Telekinesis, Psychometry, Healing, Heightened Senses and strength (Powered by others fear), Phasing, Liquifaction, Elasticity, Intuitive Aptitude, Astral Projection, Thought/Dream Manipulation, Energy Movement, Healing of others at a cost and External Merging. Control: Darkness, Light, Terrakinesis, Celestial Aura, Paper, Insects, Light, Darkness, Sound, Wood, Plant-life and Ice. Weakness: ??? Appearance at 15:
Appearance at 20:
 Appearance at 23:
Bio: As a child, he witnessed the destruction of Shale due to a meteor shower. Marcove, the leader at the time, helped him find his mother all at no cost. From that day, he looked up to him like a son, but after learning of his death, he flew into near insanity wondering why he had to power to help, but he himself didn’t. It was then he received the Eyes of After. With these eyes, nothing has stood in his way for anything and if he wishes something to be, it will be so. He’s set his sight on the only thing stopping him from gaining right and that’s the residues. Extra: Not as he seems. Voice Actor: Henry Dittman - Kabuto from NarutoCreator Name: Rayne_Diamond Character Name: Rydia Evermore Age: 18-19 Alliance: Nobody Position:Civilian Fighting Style: Mui Thai, Eagle Claw, and Tiger Claw Skill: Flight, Invulnarability, Super Strength, Stone touch,Claravoyant(can tell the future) and telepathy Control:Weather and Ice Weakness: Seeing Nephilis Hurt, Clostraphobic Appearance:  Bio: Rydia is in fact Amiea Evermore, the older sister of Nephilis Evermore. When Keliah and Kessaris went back into the past, she forsaw this. She had trained Keliah for the final outcome at the end for them, not the things she would do before. She died the day of the meteor shower, killing her, but her spirit did not die. One thing saved her and that was her kindness, the forces of the world created a new body for her, which took many many years, as finally she had a superiour body, than her own flimsy body. Her spirit was put into this body, reincarnated to help the planet once more. Extra: She's very level headed. Voice Actor: Those Who Are Bound... Creator name: DesertStorm16 Character name: Marcove Shale Alliance: Celestials Position: First Seat of the Four Thrones Skill: All Fighting Style: Capoeira and Savate Weapon: Skills and Controls. Control: Complete Terrakinesis, Electromagnetism, Gravity, Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force Weakness: Haven't been found yet. Age: 20 Appearance:
 Bio: His father Dulceri Shale was a supreme expert in the terrakinetic arts and his mother had the power to pull the very life force from someone. When he was only nine, he learned that he too had inherited both powers, one differing a bit from the other. At ten, he fought in the world war that tore the continents asunder. His parents died tragically and he rose to power and has been ruiling every since. Ten years ago, he found what he sought at a price. The power consumed him, threatening to morph him into his father. After killing his best friend and having his two kids, he figured it was time to finish what he started. He gave up his power to his mother, fought his father and became a god. He no longer wants it, but is forced to keep it. Extra: He hates his job, but does it for his son. Voice Actor: Kirk ThorntonCreator name: Rayne_Diamond Character name: Jean Alliance: Celestials Position: Second Seat of the Four Thrones Skill: All Fighting Style: All Weapon: Skills and Controls. Control: Fire, Electromagnetism, Gravity, Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force Weakness: Haven't been found yet. Age: 20 Appearance:  Bio: Jean is the leader of the Flagrons. It is rumored that she is the youngest one in years. Before the divide her parents were skilled at the different elements. That is how she has her special skill of the power switch. She is a hard working leader who doesnt take well to outside oppinions. Extra: Voice Actor: Tiffany Grant Creator Name: MewChloe Character Name: Lilium Evermore Age: 19 Alliance: Celestials Position: Third Seat of the Four Thrones Fighting Style: All Skill: All Control: Water in all three forms and in any form, Electromagnetism, Gravity, Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force Weakness: Undiscovered Appearance:
 Bio: Lilium Evermore is the twin of Lilith. It seems she has been lost in the history books of Hydron. Before ascending to the Four Thrones Lilium ruled Hydron after he parents were killed in the war. Her sister had witnesses the deaths and disappeared. After ruling for some time Lilium went looking for her sisiter. Lilith returned but Lilium wasn't heard from since that time. It was discovered later on that Lilium had been capture and looked away in a tower in Flagron. Lilium was rescued by Marcove, her love before she was abducted, and defeated the crazed Lilith whose mind had been polluted by her stone. After this happened she ascended with the other three. Now it seems that something new hs arisen that is in need of the Four's intervention... Extra: Lilium has wings that appear at will. She also still has feelings for Marcove. Voice Actor: Creator name: Tessen Ishiyumi Character name: Mitsuki "Tsuki" Tenshu Alliance: Zephyons Position: Prime Leader Skill: All Fighting Style: All Weapon: Skills and Controls. Control: Fire, Electromagnetism, Gravity, Weak Nuclear Force, Strong Nuclear Force Age: 21 Appearance before the 7 month skip: Bio: Mitsuki grew up studying the ways of martial arts ever since he was 6, as he grew up he became one of the best martial artist there was, at the age of 12 he was just as skilled as someone twice his age, he fought in the world war that had taken place. His Sensei was killed and he soon after rose up to power for he had the skills and knowledge to do so, his teacher had already taught him everything he knew and from there he grew on his own in knowledge and skills. Mitsuki never once let the thought of the Weak Nuclear Force escape his mind. Creator Name: Desert Nightsand Character Name: The Entity #1 Age: ??? Alliance: None Position: None Fighting Style: All Skill: All Control: All Weakness: ??? Appearance:  Bio: A new to kill. Extra: Can be used by anyone at anytime. Voice Actor: Probably a synthesizer. Creator Name: Desert Nightsand Character Name: The Entity #2 Age: ??? Alliance: None Position: None Fighting Style: All Skill: All Control: All Weakness: ??? Appearance:  Bio: A new to kill. Extra: Can be used by anyone at anytime. Voice Actor: Probably a synthesizer. Creator Name: Desert Nightsand Character Name: The Entity #3 Age: ??? Alliance: None Position: None Fighting Style: All Skill: All Control: All Weakness: ??? Appearance:  Bio: A new to kill. Extra: Can be used by anyone at anytime. Voice Actor: Probably a synthesizer. Creator Name: Desert Nightsand Character Name: The Entity #4 Age: ??? Alliance: None Position: None Fighting Style: All Skill: All Control: All Weakness: ??? Appearance:  Bio: A new to kill. Extra: Can be used by anyone at anytime. Voice Actor: Probably a synthesizer.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:56 pm
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:00 pm
I'm going to start a five advance Saturday. So I'll let people post until the fifth page.
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:07 pm
cool, so what will happen now?
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:11 pm
Nothing much. We'll just finish up the other RP and then after that, we'll pick up where we left off on the advance.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:10 am
(Time for that preview.) It is 7:54 p.m. the precipice of night in Alloy and the workers have all left home to their families. All but one that is. The manager of the major steel mill is just locking up, using his specialized key. He has the power to meld metal to any shape he chooses. The key is made of stainless steel. "I guess that's it." Plats said with a relived sigh. He dark-toothed smile shines brighter than the twilit moon while he slides the key into his pocket. A man in his mid twenties...married with two kids on the way. His hair is black, but is naturally blonde. Working in Alloy his laced many lungs as well as hair, eyes and any unprotected body with massive amounts of soot giving a Noid a dusty, darkened, zombie like appeareance. Plats turns to the long concrete road and begins to walk with thoughts of a warm plate and a good sleep, but as he does, he hears a clang inside of the steel mill. With a nonchalant grimace and weary legs, he reenters the building. It's dark and he fumbles to find the lightswtich. He manages though. He looks around with mahoghany eyes and finds nothing but a maze of girders and silver pipes. "Goddamn it." He laments. Plats walks out and is face to face with something far beyond his comprehension. It was a girl, but not of Earth. Her body was black, almost crystalline as it shined in the moonlight. He is motionless in her gaze as if he was looking at the gorgon Medusa herself. Plats looks at her up and down, panicking. As he does, choice words come to mind. "You Avions again. I've told you sons of bitches never to attack this place again!" He's spitting now. "If I had the powers of our Prime Leader....i'd....I'D!!!" He throws a punch, but it's caught in the women's twilight hand. She squeezes, crushing his hand beyond reparation and throws him into a nearby silo filled with rivets. Plats falls to the ground with a thump and smiles. "I'd do that..." He quips. Before he blanks out, he etches something into the soot beneath him. "Noroa." He loses consciousness and the mysterious women made of midnight lays waste to the east sector of Alloy, taking out it's main power source. ~~~ "Great. More School...." The time is now 7:54 a.m. the precipice of morning in Shale. A silver pallet of hair lifts from a pillow. Silver eyes, about as listless as paper, opens to a bright light across the hallway. "Awaken Sir Shale." A headmistress calls. "I believe it is time for school."
"I bet my dad didn't have to put up with this." He groans almost silently.
"You're dad was great man, and I'll have you know, he graduated top of his class next only to--"
"Lady Sureea. I know. Geez Decia. Do we have to go through this every morning?"
"Do you have to intiate the conversation is the real question, Sir Shale."
"Just call me Kessaris, or Kess. Okay Decia?"
"Yes....Sir Shale."
"....I'll be up in a few...."
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:27 am
It was in mid afternoon as the birds and animals were just awaken by the suns clock. The trees sparkled across the dew drops on the grass as they sparkled by the suns reflection. A man was standing there as the wind blew across his hair, The man was Tezukya Vanda the Head Chief of his home Herbacea. It was not too long ago that his brother Tezuka gave his position to his little brother Tezukya to rule and prosper Herbacea. Tezukya accepted leaving His memories behind, But sometimes would visit his wife and his child Morganna Vanda. But for now Tezukya had something on his mind. As he headed for the waterfall near the fields. He sat down and did a self meditation under the water fall to focus and relieve his mind and past. "Focus, Spiritual essence, Focus Mind and Body" as Tezukya felt calm and resistant to the pressure.
Tori Mango was in the Training hall taking up practices with the Herbacean soldiers. She started to charge with her inner being, as a blow of Ki sent 5 men to the ground, and then sliding her bare feet on the grass she grappled with Chi and pounding the men to the floor. Tori Mango has a past that one only should know and thats her master Tezukya.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:45 am
Nephilis meditates quietly in his quarters that seemed to be devoid of any light. Although ten years ago he had his celestial status taken from him and became human, he was allowed to keep his powers besides that of aura absorbtion. Fearing death, he wonders constantly if being able to heal grants immortality. "..." his mind wanders to the far reaches of the world and instantly he notices the disaster in Alloy. His first thought is to contact Tezukya, but knowing he has kids, he ignores the though. "Fine." He murmurs. "I'll deal with it later."