I want to be a Cyber Ninja thing.

Can you guys help me out.

Black Holographic Eyepiece
2040 Gold

Black Bio-Mask
900 Gold

Diamond Galaxy Jet Wings
4500 Gold

High Tech Receivers
2100 Gold

White Heartbreaker Jacket
5640 Gold

Ivory Ookami Armor
5100 Gold

White Cross Belts
3000 Gold

Diamond Galaxy Belt
1500 Gold

White Glamrock Jeans
2899 Gold

Wind Platform Shoes
2100 Gold

(Other Quest)

Tsunami KO Classic Coat
9540 Gold

Fai Coat
1300 Gold

And sadly I'm at 607 / 32,640 Gold
607 / 43,480 Gold Counting the two coats

Super Thanks To:
Gentle Awake 10,000 Gold