Hello, its a pleasure to meet my fellow sand members, my name is Abisumaru Fenikkusu. Why I'm here is a simple reason, however, this is not meant to be a simple advertisement, but a sign. As affiliates, our site has made it our responsibility just as much as yours and in order to help you out in your time of need. However, as we see your site grow our primary site is weaking and as the very desert that consumes all life within the sand so will the site itself. This is not a cry for pity, but rather an prayer or an offer to your roleplayers to join The Red Sand Village. Keep in mind this is not a simply advertisement, but rather an attempt to increase our activity and yours as well.

We'll do anything in our power to help, but for now, we invite you to continue the lives you lived here over in Senagakure. This will benefit both of us of course. We currently have enough activity to be considered on a daily routine. We'd like to keep any inactive members you may have here over at Senagakure as honored staff members, while we help you sort out this site.

The reason we are stating this offer, is because we understand that your staff may be temporarily busy to deal with the site first hand, but we have mods at our site as well. We hope you'll accept this offer.

~Note: "All members that decide to transfer to Senagakure have the right to become staff as honored guests, and will be returned to this site prior to its activation. We will allow any stats, bonuses or positions to be transfered to our site if the position isn't already taken." by Xhin, Kazekage of the Red Sand

In addition to the note I, Abisumaru, will try to the extent of my powers to have those who join to keep their status and power, but it'll be up to the Kazekage to decide.

P.S I do apologize for posting it here... Its my first time being in Gaia and I'll make sure not to do the same mistake twice. For the mean time please hear out my message.