READ, DUMMY! Failing to be aware of the rules is no excuse. So don't be that guy.

1.) No God modding or Meta Gaming.

2.) No spamming, bumping, or advertising unless given permission.

3.) Be creative and expressive.

4.) Write like a writer, not like a texter. Don't know how? Read a book.

5.) Post all applications for Role Plays in the OOC thread for that role play. Do NOT post applications in the story thread.

6.) Be sure to put all OOC in (( )) if not in the role plays OOC thread, and separate paragraphs with a blank line.

7.) You are free to write from whatever perspective you like, whether it be third or first person.

8.) Do NOT double post. There's an edit button for a reason.

9.) OBEY THE GAIA ToS! That means keep it PG-13 with no rude comments about sexuality, race, beliefs, etc.