Okay, well, I've got my lobes up to 1/2" right now, and they're great, I love them, but they're starting to be a bit weird.

It's mostly around where the lob attaches to my head, near the bottom, it almost feels like it's just skin there. And whenever I take out my plugs they tend to squish down in one direction pretty harshly.

I know almost no one with stretching experience that I know well enough to ask, and all the piercers in the shops are jerks unless you're buying something.

Anyway, here's with plug;
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And without;
wahmbulance I apologize for the cheesiness, this was taken in a hurry.
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Also, while I'm on about this, how long is good to wait after stretching before going without plugs/taper/etc? When I got to 00, I wanted to sleep without them, and the next morning I had shrunk down to a 02. That was about a month and a half after stretching, it's now been about four months since I got to 1/2", but I'm wary of taking them out in case I end up needing to stretch again.

I might just be worrying about nothing, but any help is awesome. xd